RMJ's "Lord Knight" Dragoon
Created by Red Mage Joe on Nov 20th 2016 (Last Updated: Mar 11th 2018).
This is a public build.
This guide is a comprehensive rewriting of Rugal's popular "Lord Knight" Dragoon build, which he took down citing negative feedback and pressure. It is a work in progress that is constantly being updated, rewritten, and improved, but Rugal's original guide (which I had the good sense to save before deletion) always serves as its foundation. It is a well-researched, solid, tried and true Swordsman build that uses a fluid play-style to yield a particularly satisfying set of strengths (boss damage, mob control, survivability, and rotation rhythm).
Status Update: 12/14/17 - Came back to run some theorycraft for those people begging for an update. Found that even with the 50% bonus from Spear Lunge, Dragontooth and Serpentine cannot compete with Dragon Soar 11's new attribute. Furthermore, the damage gap increases significantly the more points taken out of Dragontooth and put into Dragon Soar. Therefore I have reworked Dragoon skills accordingly.
An alternative build to the "run 'n' gun" focused Cataphract build, this Dragoon build instead focuses on heavy damage output (on par or exceeding that of Cataphract post-December2016-patch) while boasting sturdiness and survivability while tanking. This build takes advantage of your ability to Weapon Swap and cycles between 2-Handed Spear and 1-Handed Spear + Shield on the fly. Good judgement and quick-swapping depending on the situation is vital to getting the most out of this build's potential. Your skill and mental acuity alone will determine the perfect balance between Berserker Burst and Sturdy Point Man.
* A balanced warrior build for the Swordsman class *
* A robust arsenal of damage abilities and tankiness *
* Strong buffs that drastically increase your damage *
* Both extremely solo-friendly and beneficial to parties *
Fellow Rugal Knights and contributors to this guide! Leave your Team Name in comments, contact me in-game or add it to your tosbase profile if you wish to be added to the list of build champions.
Build demonstration (Rank 6) by Zokito youtube
Dragoon vs Boss by Zokito youtube
Build demostration by Rawporing youtube
Updated link for current method of applying addons: ToS Addon Manager
Q: Doesn't Dragoon suck now post-patch? Blah Blah said the damage wasn't as good as other classes and Yadda Yadda said it depends too much on debuffs and Etc Etc said the damage isn't as good as it used to be.
A: I would just like to take some time to clarify this, as there are way too many people who don't understand the new mechanics, or even the Dragoon, and continue to suggest that it is underwhelming. Dragoon is a COMBO class. Think of it like playing a good Rogue in World of Warcraft (Vanilla and on) where you had to refine your rotation in order to get the class's maximum potential. Dragoon is the same way, especially this build. It will not perform well in the hands of an unskilled player, but if you dedicate yourself to improving, to refining your rotation, your reflexes, your timing, your damage will dwarf that of other characters and you may even impress your party with your skill. A Dragoon is an excellent class for a player who wants to be better at play in general. Also while we're on the subject, stop comparing your damage to "pre-patch damage." The entire system has changed. You are doing the same ratio of damage in the new context as you did in the old context. Enemies no longer have OVER 9000 HP pools, but instead have higher defense, and player damage numbers have been rebalanced to reflect this. Don't believe me? It takes exactly as long to kill Cerberus (my testing punching bag) in the 200 dungeon now as it did before, even though the numbers I'm throwing are different.
Q: Why did you take Swordsman C2 over Peltasta C1?
A: There really is very little benefit to wasting a rank in Peltasta if you're not planning to go for a tanking build. I staunchly believe (and people will argue me on this point) that Peltasta should never be in a Swordsman build unless you take AT LEAST 2 circles of it, and are planning to be primarily a tank or at least a Murmillo. Not a single one of your skills other than Swashbuckling will ever be used past Rank 4, and even Swashbuckling is easily replaced and not wholly necessary. On the other hand, Swordsman C2 might not seem like a huge boon, but Pain Barrier 10 almost alone makes it worth it. Couple that with getting Restrain for CC and PvP, as well as a more potent Concentrate (now buffed!), and it's hard to pass up the offensive advantages. Yes, Swashbuckling is the only taunt in the game, but with good mob control and the Provoke 10 attribute on, you can still tank effectively, albeit with more effort. Please don't fall for the Circle 1 Peltasta meme; that's all it is, some meme developed by some self-proclaimed meta authorities. Also, fun fact, Punish is technically a (more spammable) taunt, as you can use it even when nothing is knocked down and, while it won't do damage in this case, everything around where you use it will aggro.
Q: Which Swordsman buff should I give more levels to? Gung Ho or Concentrate?
A: The short answer? For this build, Concentrate. The why? Gung Ho scales only off of STR and adds Physical Attack Power, which allows it to scale with Deeds of Valor, Glass Mole proc, Crits, and of course skill scaling. However, Concentrate will still outshine Gung Ho unless the skill modifier is high enough. Yes, even with Deeds, Glass Mole, and crits, Gung Ho will still rely on a high skill modifier to out-damage Concentrate. For this reason, builds that emphasize multi-hit skills with low modifiers per-hit will benefit more from Concentrate, which only loses 1 hit from its hit counter per skill, while Gung Ho will benefit builds that use single hit skills with high modifiers. This build in particular relies on skills that do not modify your damage enough to make Gung Ho the better option -- Stabbing, Cyclone, Serpentine, Dragontooth, Dragon Soar, Spear Throw, Pierce -- than Concentrate. Yes, Mordschlag and Dethrone have high enough modifiers to make Gung Ho better, but most of your damage in this build does not come from these 2 skills. Use Gung Ho in builds like Rodelero/Murmillo which rely on heavy-hitting single-hit skills.
Q: Why is Doppel C1 taken instead of something like, say, Cataphract C1?
A: There's a few responses to this, but let's first take a look at the circumstances. You will only be able to afford 1 Rank of Cata since the rest of your ranks are absolutely contingent upon one another. Yes, Lord Knights that this build seeks to emulate were mounted. Cata C1 at Rank 4 would give you your mount, but to what end? You'd have some low base damage Strike abilities, but you'd set back your entire build by roughly 50 levels. That's too long to go without Spear Throw, Finestra, Synchro Thrust... which are all better damage than Cata skills anyway. Okay, so take Cata at Rank 6 instead of Doppel. Well this clearly loses the damage potential fight, as is usually the case when you take a downrank circle 2+ ranks apart from when it's first available. In short, if you really want a mount, just buy one from the TP Shop. It's not worth gimping your build for mobility. Doppel gives a lot of burst damage and one of the strongest Swordsman buffs in the game, which is what this class is all about. You are, of course, free to swap this rank out if you feel that another class would fit in better, but going by the damage-focused, spear-using build, your only options appear to be Cata or Rodelero. Choices condemning you to future regret, in my opinion.
Q: Does this build rely on 1-Handed Spears or 2-Handed Spears?
A: The short answer? Both. This is a Hoplite-foundation Dragoon build, which means that there are many benefits to using a shield. For starters, outside of Peltasta, you get the most solid Block buff in the Swordsman tree. With Weapon Swap, you have the ability to quickly switch between an offensive (2-Handed Spear) and defensive (1-Handed Spear + Shield) play-style as the situation demands. You won't be able to use 2-Handed spears until Rank 7 with the attribute from Dragoon C1, meaning you'll grow quite attached to your Spear and Shield. Don't retire them though, as you'll still be using them well into Rank 8 for situations that demand survivability. In fact, if you get Geras Spear, you'll be wearing your Spear and Shield more often than your 2-Hander, for casual trash-killing with Spear Throw spam. Personally, I only switch to my 2-Hander for bosses and when I need to kill something FAST.
Q: Can I dual-wield Spear and Dagger with this build?
A: STRONGLY advise against this. Corsair is a far better option for dual-wielding play-styles, and no dagger you off-hand can make your 1-Handed Spear damage outperform your 2-Handed damage, nor can it compensate for the loss of defense compared to wearing a shield while using the 1-Handed Spear.
Q: Does this build specialize in PvP or PvE?
A: This build is very well-rounded and, while I personally don't have extensive PvP experience, I can say that it effectively quests, grinds, kills trash, tops DPS on World Bosses, Mission Bosses, and Dungeon Bosses. The versatility and high offensive capacity of the build serves to make it a strong contender for all aspects of the game short of "niche roles" in something like, say, Earth Tower? More on this as the guide develops.
With the new Combat Update, you should be building toward an "optimal" amount of stats before gear, using your base values and your invested points to reach a nice multiple of 10. There are hidden quests that give you stat points, which is added to the BASIC part of your stats, rather than INVESTED or OTHER (gear and collections). For this reason, I will also be listing the Swordsman's base stats.
Base Stats for Swordsman:
STR: 7 (+1)
CON: 8
INT: 2 (+1)
SPR: 3 (+1)
DEX: 5 (+1)
Bonus Stat Points (UPDATE: Kalejimas Revelation gives 3 stat points, while Fortress of the Earth does NOT) highlights that there are at least 38 bonus points currently available. This means at Level 330, there are 367 stat points you can invest.
Recommended Stats (Level 330, Rank 8):
STR: 223 (8 +215)
CON: 100 (8 +92)
INT: 3 (3 +0)
SPR: 30 (4 +26)
DEX: 40 (6 +34)
Stat Distribution
1:1:1 STR:CON:DEX - Until your invested points are 34, 34, 0, 0, 34
2:1 STR:CON - Until your invested points are 130, 82, 0, 0, 34
At this point I'm assuming you're Rank 6 and roughly 210, so it's time to prepare for all the SP hogs you'll be getting at Dragoon:
Full SPR for 26 levels to prepare for Dragoon's intense SP costs - 130, 82, 0, 26, 34
2:1 STR:CON - Until your invested points are 150, 92, 0, 26, 34
All future points will be dumped into STR at this point.
The amount of burst you get from Glass Mole proc (+80%) is insane and will increase your burst combo's output by a significant amount every time you activate an item categorized as an "SP Potion" (SP Potions, Kiesta Resto Potions, Varnalesa). You could consider mixing in some Ellaganos Cards if you find that you're lacking Block Penetration in PvP.
Subject to change with updates.
Chest: Solmiki Plate Mail
Legs: Solmiki Plate Leggings
Boots: Solmiki Plate Greaves
Gloves: Solmiki Plate Gauntlets
Shield: Emengard Shield
1H Spear: Solmiki Spear or Wingshard Spear
2H Spear: Regard Horn Pike
Necklace: Solmiki Medal
Bracers: Sissel Bracelet
Gem Chart
Weapons: Green (Crit Rate)
Shield: Blue (Block)
Chest: Yellow (Phy Def) or Stone Orca (Pain Barrier)
Legs: Yellow (Phy Def) or Stone Orca (Pain Barrier)
Gloves: Green or Yellow (Accuracy or Block Pen)
Boots: Blue or Green (MDef or Evasion)
Bear in mind that Monster Gems are MUCH more feasible post-Combat Overhaul, so keep an open-mind regarding those and feel free to use them.
Anyone can level their skills in whatever order they want and eventually be fine, but if you're reading this guide, you probably want the optimal skill progression to get the most bang for your buck right away.
Skill Planning - Swordsman
This isn't really that important, as you have a single attack and some buffs to work with for your first 2 ranks. I would recommend upping Gung Ho and Concentrate to Level 3 as soon as possible for the attributes, since you'll be doing A LOT of auto-attacking during this phase. After that you can get Bash to 3 so you have a bread-and-butter attack, and from there max Pain Barrier. There's nothing pressing in Swordsman C2 you're not already working on, so go ahead and hold onto your last point. At Circle 2, you can go ahead and max Concentrate at 9 and then max Pain Barrier at 10, as Restrain is really mostly a PvP gimmick. Bash isn't picked up as soon as possible, because you don't even get the AoE Attack Ratio attribute until C2.
C1: Gung Ho 3 -> Concentrate 3 -> Bash 3 -> Pain Barrier 5
C2: Concentrate 9 -> Pain Barrier 10 -> Restrain 5
Skill Planning - Hoplite
This is where things start to get fun and come together for you. You'll want to drop your first 3 points into Synchro Thrust 1, then Stabbing 1, then Pierce 1 so you have your value point in all your main attacks. Pierce is already maxed at this point, and Synchro Thrust will give you some mob-killing potential. Finestra won't start to shine until you get your damage skills up, so we max Stabbing at 5 as soon as possible for maximum boss-nuking. This leaves you with 8 C1 points, 5 of which you can put into Finestra, moving you on to C2 with 3 leftover points. It is very important that you spend your first C2 point on Spear Lunge 1. This will give you a 50% Pierce damage increase debuff right away. Feel free to put a value point in Long Stride at this point, but you can get this whenever. It's a PvP gimmick and some extra knockdown for mobs, but it won't make or break you. Max Stabbing at 10, followed by Finestra 10, leaving you with 6 C2 points. At this point, I would put at least 2 more points into Spear Lunge to put it to Level 3, leaving you with 4 C2 points. You can max Spear Lunge at 5 now, but then... if you can resist the temptation and hold onto 4 of your C2 points, as soon as you hit C3 you can max Spear Throw. Whatever your choice, max that ASAP. Spear Throw will be your best friend until Rank 7 for killing trash, especially if you get a Geras. After that, you'll once again max Stabbing, and then Finestra, then dump the rest of your points into Spear Lunge.
C1: Synchro 1 -> Stabbing 1 -> Pierce 1 -> Stabbing 5 -> Finestra 5 -> +3
C2: Spear Lunge 1 -> Long Stride 1 / +1 -> Stabbing 10 -> Finestra 10 -> Spear Lunge 3 -> +4 / +5
C3: Spear Throw 5 -> Stabbing 15 -> Finestra 15 -> Spear Lunge 7 / Spear Lunge 8
Skill Planning - Doppelsoldner
Point #1 goes into Double Pay. No argument. You want to farm rare items and low drop rates? You want to cut that time in half (more or less, cooldown notwithstanding)? Get Double Pay. Take 1 point in Cyclone, then Mordschlag, then Punish. After this, max Cyclone, and then max Deeds of Valor. Sadly, Deeds of Valor has gotten a major nerf and now only gives you +13% to all your damage, and doesn't stack up. Still, we must take what we are given, so mourn pre-patch Deeds of Valor later. You should have two points remaining to put into Mordschlag for some extra Strike damage.
C1: Double Pay 1 -> Cyclone 1 -> Mordschlag 1 -> Punish 1 -> Cyclone 5 -> Deeds 5 -> Mordschlag 3
Skill Planning - Dragoon
All of your damage hinges on this rank, so it's important to pick up all your damage skills as soon as possible. Put a value point into Serpentine, then Dragontooth, then Dragon Soar, then Gae Bulg. After this, you'll want to max Dragontooth at 5, Dragon Soar at 4, and here's where you're left with a choice. You can spend your last 4 points on maxing Gae Bulg at 5, OR you can save those points for C2 so you can max Dethrone as soon as you get it. The choice is yours, but I will tell you that Dethrone would be worth waiting on the Gae Bulg attributes. Whichever choice you made for C1, at C2 you'll want to put your points into the opposite (Gae Bulg or Dethrone) before proceeding. You will be saving 1 of your C2 points for C3, so Dragon Tooth will only go to 8 since the new Dragon Soar attribute at C3 makes Soar outshine Tooth handily, and you'll want to max Dragon Soar. Once you hit C3, get Dragon Soar 11 ASAP for the attribute, and Dragoon Helmet for extra damage output. After that, you can pick up Soar 15 or Dragon Fall 5, though I prefer Fall 5 for AoE farming. Dethrone is last priority in this build.
C1: Serpentine 1 -> Dragontooth 1 -> Dragon Soar 1 -> Gae Bulg 1 -> Dragontooth 5 -> Dragon Soar 4 -> 4 leftover points OR Gae Bulg 5
C2: Dethrone 5 -> (Gae Bulg 5 ->) Dragontooth 8 -> Dragon Soar 10
C3: Dragon Soar 11 -> Dragoon Helmet -> Dragon Fall 5 -> Dragon Soar 15 -> Dethrone 10
Frankly, I find it best to max any "Utility Attributes" as soon as possible for your particular rank while still minding priority ordering.
Utility Attributes - Swordsman
1st: Provoke - very useful for partying, making you the designated tank in non-Peltasta groups
2nd: Concentrate: Enhance - you'll want this maxed at 50 as soon as possible for big boosts to damage early on and even into late-game
3rd: Gung Ho: Enhance - this will be a bigger risk-to-reward ratio early game, as lategame the defense loss is negligible and still gives a nice little extra boost to damage
4th: Bash: Splash - since this will be your only real attack early on, might as well hit bigger groups with it
Utility Attributes - Hoplite
1st: Finestra: Splash - this is an absolute MUST, upping your mob-killing potential exponentially over time
2nd: Spear Throw: Bind - max this ASAP for both crowd control and PvP shenanigans
3rd: Stabbing: Evasion - early DEX pumping will help with this, making you less likely to get knocked out of your main boss-killer attack for these early ranks
4th: Synchro Thrusting: Pierce - Combat Overhaul patch nerfed the fuck out of Synchro, making the Strike part of the 1-2 combo, which was previously the harder of the hits, absolutely abysmal; get this attribute and never turn it off
5th: Pierce: Continuous Attack - this is what keeps Pierce 1 in my boss rotation, giving you 4 solid hits you can quickly squeeze into a Spear Lunge debuff and proc a bleed off of
6th: Pierce: Bleeding - likewise on the boss-killing, this will help squeeze some extra damage out assuming you've been pumping STR
Derp: Finestra: Physical Damage - this attribute must be some kind of joke, as even if you WERE to pump INT, the damage from it would be laughable; get this if you're a completionist and have spare silver
Utility Attributes - Doppelsoeldner
1st: Double Pay Earn: Damage Taken - congratulations, you now have almost no consequences for the ability to farm rare drops with obscenely-increased efficiency
2nd: Cyclone: Movement - this is another MUST so you're not standing in one spot spinning around like a jackass while the boss takes a swing at you
3rd: Cyclone: Resistance - pop Pain Barrier and spin-to-win when you see status ailments incoming for near immunity
4th: Mordschlag: Cloth Armor - a nice added boost to damage on cloth enemies to supplement your lacking anti-cloth arsenal pre-Dragoon
Utility Attributes - Dragoon
1st: Serpentine: Additional Damage - rock the fuck on, this is Spear Lunge on steroids
2nd: Serpentine: Bleeding - bleeds for days paired with Pierce
3rd: Two-handed Spear Mastery: Big Game Hunter - this is a MUST
4th: Gae Bulg: Attack Zone - the whole reason you're going Gae Bulg 5 in this build
5th: Gae Bulg: Defense Zone - ditto
PvP Utility Attributes
1st: Bash: Knockdown - what more must be said, it's a knockdown
2nd: Dragon Soar: Shock - a wonderful PvP attribute to have
3rd: Restrain: Slow - another excellent PvP attribute
% Damage Enhance Attributes
If you have a large 401K of Silver and you are leveling your % Damage Enhance attributes as you level, here are the skills you should pump in order of priority. UPDATE: With the Combat Balance Update, the % from attributes is now added directly to the % calculation listed in the tooltip. What this means is that multi-hit skills receive the most benefit from Enhance attributes. In other words, the more hits the skill does, the more powerful it will become point-for-point of attribute vs alternatives. As such, I have rewritten this section to increase cost-effectiveness of damage-to-silver for the new system. Also keep in mind that it becomes more and more expensive per-point the higher the level goes, so at a certain point it becomes more feasible to distribute your Enhance points around. I suggest getting everything on this list to Level 50 first, then working your way up in 10s until everything is 60, and so on.
1st?: Cyclone: Enhance - this one is a tough call, as it does 27 hits and thus gets the MOST benefit from Enhance, yet it tends to fall at the end of your rotation for bosses; get this whenever you desire, especially for PvP, but unless you're opening with Cyclone, I'd be hesitant to put all your points here
1st: Stabbing: Enhance
2nd: Serpentine: Enhance
3rd: Dragontooth: Enhance
4th: Dethrone: Enhance - this also gets put ahead of Soar, Pierce, and Spear Throw due to its position in your rotation, and your ability to use it as quick burst in PvP; it's very expensive though, so I won't begrudge you for putting this off until later
5th: Dragon Soar: Enhance
6th: Pierce: Enhance
7th: Spear Throw: Enhance
8th: Gae Bulg: Enhance
9th: Mordschlag: Enhance
10th: Punish: Enhance
11th: Spear Lunge: Enhance
12th: Long Stride: Enhance
13th: Synchro Thrusting: Enhance
Derp: Bash: Enhance
This is a work in progress as I try to work to fully take advantage of cooldowns and optimize DPS. I suggest stocking up on Varnalesas as your Glass Mole proc. as you can use them every 15 seconds to greatly improve your damage output every 9 seconds. Use before Serpentine combo for maximum effect. This is a work in progress, as Gae Bulg could be worked into this rotation but the setup makes it difficult to work with. Why Gae Bulg? People often forget, but Gae Bulg places yet another debuff (7.5 seconds @ Level 5) that increases physical damage to enemies hit by it.
All buffs on.
Start with 2H -> Gae Bulg -> Glass Mole Proc -> Spear Lunge -> Serpentine -> Dragontooth -> Dragon Soar -> Dethrone -> Spear Lunge -> Dethrone -> Stabbing -> Pierce -> Cyclone -> Serpentine -> Dragontooth -> Dragon Soar -> Dethrone x2 -> Cyclone
After this, I would recommend keeping your 1H + Shield up and spamming Spear Throw until your cooldowns come back up, as you'll want to sit on Spear Lunge to begin the above rotation anew. It takes quite a bit of practice and proper key bindings to get this rotation down to a good flow (minimizing idle time between skills). Whether you start with Gae Bulg again or just go right into "Glass Mole Proc" is up to you, as it takes time to set up Gae Bulg targetting again. Bear in mind you'll be wanting to keep your buffs up as well, so your flow may deteriorate if you try to pop buffs in-between other skills. At the same time, you're losing DPS if you wait to put all your buffs up at once, which takes roughly 5 seconds or so. Ultimately, I have not refined a rotation following the diagram above, and I leave it to my readers to polish this strategy.
This section is in the process of being rewritten from the ground up. Please bear with me.
Basic Tips:
- Be sure to regularly visit Lena/Rosa of the Wings of Vaivora, as they will provide you with free EXP cards and Silver when you've made enough progress in your journey
- Field Boss vs World Boss: Major Field Bosses that drop Boss Cubes spawn every 2 hours on their respective maps so long as the map is occupied the entire time. They also do not show up on Boss Tracker addon, so you WILL HAVE TO GO SEARCH FOR THEM. World Bosses are announced on the map they will spawn 2 hours before spawn time, and they have a 4 hour respawn timer. They will spawn on Channel 1 of that map regardless of how many people are on it. Boss Tracker addon will show you precisely where they spawned. I will be very specific in my use of "Field" and "World" in this guide.
LVL 1-15
- Everything is pretty simple here, go for all quests and get lvl 15 as fast as you can
Weapon: Spatha
Shield: Meteor
Boots: Walker
Necklace: Chupacabra Necklace
- Chupacabra Necklace can be farmed very easily killing Chupacabras while doing quests in East Siaulai Woods. Even though it says it's <1% drop rate, you kill so many of these things underfoot just on the way to your quests that you have a very good chance of finding one.
- Spatha can be farmed from Vubbe Thief in Miner's Village, and the Meteor drops from the same field where you'll find 2 Field Bosses on a 30 second respawn timer called Big Red Kepa. It's important to mention they're Field Bosses, because the mechanics are such that as long as you do some damage to it and are in the top 5 (6?) damage-dealers, you're guaranteed a drop from them. So in theory, 5/6 players could farm these guys at the same time and as long as they all land a hit on him, they'll all get a piece of loot. Meteor is the lowest drop though, dropping roughly 10% of the time compared to his Walker and Kepa Pendant which each seem to drop roughly 45% of the time. So your odds are in favor of getting the boots and necklace before you see the shield.
LVL 15-40
Weapon: Dio Sword or Panto Sword or Thresh Spear
Chest: Cafrisun Armor or Watcher Tunic
Legs: Cafrisun Pants or Watcher Pants
Gloves: Cafrisun Gloves or Watcher Gloves
Boots: Cafrisun Boots or Watcher Boots
- Dio Sword drops from Vubbe Miner in Crystal Mine 1F at a 7125 ~ 7875 DPK, so... best of luck!
- Panto Sword drops from Large Panto Spearman in Tenet Garden at a 712 ~ 787 DPK, and he's a Field Boss on a 10 minute respawn with multiple spawn points, so... even more luck to you! Better off aiming for Dio!
- Cafrisun Set drops from, go figure, Cafrisun. If you decide to hunt him instead of buy the pieces off the market, he's a Field Boss that spawns every 30 minutes on Strautas Gorge in Nepavy Grassland, the grassy gnoll that's southeast of the Vakarine statue. Again, as long as you land some damage on him, you'll get a piece of gear. It wouldn't hurt to lock his respawn to a timer and check back on him until you get all the pieces.
- Watcher Set pieces are a bit trickier, but will give you FAR more of an edge going into the Tenet Church, what with all the bonus damage to devils you get from it. They can be obtained on Guards Graveyard map northeast of Tenet Garden. All you need to do is gather souls (Blurry Astral Body) and get them to the Owl Statue at the far right side of the map. Easier said than done, as most everything on the map is Level 50+. If possible, farm Catacombs Maggot or have a high level friend in party that can kill them. After all they drop Thresh Spear, which would be a good start for you once you hit Hoplite. Once you get enough souls you will have Owl Buff that says "you can see invisible things", then search for chests (sparkling purple clouds) randomly placed on the level and it will contain 1 piece of set, then repeat until you get all pieces. You could also have a high level collect the items for you since they're no longer untradable, but you have to be 40+ to trade so... You'd get these RIGHT before going into Tenet Church that way.
- If you can't get Thresh Spear, stick to Swords for now, as you can use Synchro Thrusting and Stabbing with swords.
- Enchant all equip to +5. Weapon, Armour and Pants with first priority.
LVL 40-70
- Go through the main quests, getting yourself some much needed upgrades along the way.
Weapon: Dory
Shield: Zalia Kite Shield
Chest: Light Plate Armor
Legs: Light Plate Leggings or Earth Plate Pants
Gloves: Earth Plate Gauntlets
Boots: Earth Plate Greaves
- First priority as you move through the 3rd Revelation and the Goddess Saule questline will be to get a new weapon and armor, since you're going to be in the neighborhood anyway. You'll be passing through Cobalt Forest, Septyni Glen, Gate Route, and Kvailas Forest during this chain, so let's take a look at what loot we've got.
- First up, working on the Zalia Kite Shield. While on Cobalt Forest, kill some Caro for their Caro Leaves (20%), as you need 3 of them for your new shield.
- In Septyni Glen, go looking for Mantiwoods for 2 of their Mantiwood Skins (33.3%). There's only 3 of them on a 30s respawn, so they can be elusive. Finally, once you've made it to Gate Route, you have a few things to farm.
- You'll need 4 Thornball Thorns (10%) from the Thornballs here, but they also drop Sauroter at a 316 ~ 349 DPK, which you will need for your Dory.
- Finally, you'll need the Recipe for your shield, so while killing Thornballs don't neglect all the Coliflowers you see, as they drop the recipe at a 0.5% chance. Once you have your new shield and your Sauroter, it's time to continue the main quest through to Kvailas Forest.
- Once on Kvailas, you've got a few tasks, which you can do in either order. Chafperors drop Chafperor Wings (34%) which you'll need 18 of for your spear. Ammons are a bit scattered, but drop your Dory Recipe (0.25%), so you'll want to smash them whenever you see them before, during, and/or after your 3rd Revelation quest ends here.
- Next priority should be upgrading your armor, so we'll review your options. First decide which stats are more important to you: A) 4 Physical Defense and 1 AoE Attack Ratio, or B) 95 HP and 10 Stamina.
- If you chose A, you're going to want to aim for the Light Plate Set, which is probably the better option considering you get both pieces from the same place. If you can farm Hogma Captains in Zachariel Crossroads, they drop both recipes at a 0.5% chance. As for how you get there, you'll be led there following the quest for the 4th Revelation in Royal Mausoleum. This path can be accessed by proceeding through the maps where you farmed materials for your weapon and shield.
- If you chose B, then you're going to have a harder time. You'll still want the chest recipe from Hogma Captains, but now instead of needing 2 pieces of the Earth Plate Armor Set, you'll need 3. These drop from the Boss Cube left by the Field Boss Temple Shooter who spawns every 2 hours in Royal Mausoleum Workers' Lodge in a few different spots. This guy can be hard to track and lock a respawn timer on, especially with all the MVP hunters, so you may be better off farming up some silver and buying the pieces you need off the Market.
- If getting Earth Plate pieces is too much of a struggle, you can settle with most plate pieces from quest rewards, but Earth Plate will last you until 120.
- Enchant Dory to +6 for the Hoplite C2 class quest, which will require you to have any spear type weapon enchanted to +6 or higher.
LVL 70-100
- You should have all your gear and a clear path toward the 4th Revelation now. You may choose to grind at Royal Mausoleum Workers' Lodge and Constructors' Chapel while still seeking out Earth Plate pieces from Templeshooter, or you can pursue questlines elsewhere toward Fedimian that will take you toward new gear.
Weapon: Grand Spontoon or Doom Spear
Shield: Beetleback or Ferret Marauder Shield
Chest: Reina Plate Armor or Bone Armor
Legs: Reina Plate Leggings or Bone Skirt
Gloves: Bone Gauntlets
Boots: Bone Greaves
- You can get your hands on the Grand Spontoon Recipe as early as Level 75, as it's kept in a Level 2 Chest found on Crystal Mine 3F. Ignore what the page says about Black Rafflesia. You can easily get the Spontoon Recipes you need 2 of from less than an hour farming Sawpents in Absenta Reservoir, while the Wendigo Teeth you need 12 of for each are best farmed from all Wendigo mobs (but especially those not simply called "Wendigo" found on Overlong Bridge Valley).
- Stoulet Hearts of which you need 12 for the Grand Spontoon have a 12% drop off Stoulet Mages in Crystal Mine Lot 2 - 2F, but be careful: These guys are 100+ and hit hard!
- Location of Doom Spear Recipe remains a mystery to tosbase...
- If you have the great fortune to get your hands on the recipes for the Bone Armor pieces, you might find the gloves and boots to be an upgrade to your Earth Plate gear. Most likely though, you'll be using those until 120. The set has a pretty brutal SP penalty for a class that relies on SP. It's unknown where the skirt, or armor, or boots recipes drop, and the glove recipes drop off something in Royal Mausoleum 2F. Happy hunting!
- From Level 80 on, go to the 80 dungeon from Bellai Rainforest or Zachariel Crossroads, to get some major levels each day, and get a chance at the Beetleback Recipe from the Boss Cube.
- Follow the Main Quest from Bellai Rainforest for another 3 stat points (but no Revelation). You can also find the Ferret Marauder World Boss here, whose Boss Cube has a chance to drop the Ferret Marauder Shield Recipe, though Beetleback is preferable and easier to come by.
- Make your way through all of the quests in Steele Road, Goddess' Ancient Garden, Escanciu Village, and Fedimian Suburbs to pick up an extra 5 stat points!
- You can easily replace your Light Plate Set with the Reina Set just by doing quests in Escanciu Village and Fedimian Suburbs, giving you some extra stamina and defense.
- Once you're 100+ and have all your gear, you should aim for quests starting from Entrance of Kateen Forest through it and 3 other maps, ending at a Zemyna Statue for another stat point.
LVL 100-120
- At 110+ you can start the 5th Revelation questline from Fedimian through the Mage Tower for another 3 Revelation stat points, plus another bonus stat point for defeating a sidequest (main quest?) boss on the very last floor for a total of 4 points.
- Hit the 110 Dungeon to get some quick levels if you'd like to skip this level range as quickly as possible.
- Personally I wouldn't invest too much in socketing and slapping gems into gear earlier than your 170 stuff, but that is your call to make if you have the funds. I prefer to focus on powering gems to Lvl 7-10 for more end-game gear. That being said, this is about the level that Rugal suggested starting to look into low level (3-4) green gems to throw into your weapon and blue or red gems for your shield.
LVL 120-150
- You're going to be doing a lot of backtracking to knock out quests that lead toward future zones, mainly Dvasia Peak (which hides a +Stamina quest!), the farmlands north of Klaipeda, and the pilgrimmage route from Fedimian that leads toward the 6th Revelation, and also the Residence of the Fallen Legwyn Family.
Weapon: Zegas Spear or Seimos Spear
Shield: Pvaisa Shield or Ledas Shield
Chest: Legwyn Family Plate Armor
Legs: Legwyn Family Plate Pants
Gloves: Legwyn Family Plate Gauntlets
Boots: Legwyn Family Plate Greaves
Necklace: Petamion
- You can +6 or more your Grand Spontoon if you need some extra damage, but you have a few other options:
- Zega Spear Recipe drops from Blue Raffly at a 316 ~ 349 DPK on Residence, while all the materials can be found on the same map. This would be your go-to upgrade thanks to its Hoplite bonus.
- Seimos Spear Recipe has a chance to drop from the 170 dungeon's Boss Cube, but I wouldn't count on it.
- Legwyn Family's Plate Armor Set is a great upgrade that can be obtained by hunting the Field Boss in Residence, Necroventer and opening his Boss Cube. There's about 12 pieces of equipment that can come out of it though, and it costs 100k to reopen, so... you might be better scouting the market for pieces.
- Pvaisa Shield Recipe can be found from a Field Boss named Pvaisa in Shaton Farm on a 30 minute respawn.
- Ledas Shield has a 0.5% chance of dropping out of the Boss Cube from the 110 dungeon, and is untradable... Happy hunting!
- Petamion Recipe has a 1% chance of dropping out of the Boss Cube from the 140 dungeon.
- On your quest for gear and levels, you're probably ready to head for the Great Cathedral where your 6th Revelation and a bonus stat point lie, and you should be Level 150ish by the time you're done gearing and questing.
LVL 150-180
- It's almost time to head for Roxonoa Reconstruction Agency for your 170 gears and some quests, so first head toward Demon Prison and chase down your Main Quest.
Weapon: Geras Spear or Maga Spear or Brandish
Shield: Aias or Wall Guard or Otrava Shield
Chest: Roxona Plate Armor
Legs: Roxona Plate Pants
Gloves: Roxona Plate Gauntlets
Boots: Roxona Plate Boots
- Geras Spear doesn't seem to have the same "oomph" as it did compared to spears of the same level pre-patch, but it is still an extremely future-proof weapon and will serve you well if you put in the effort to get one. The Recipe drops from the Boss Cube of Dullahan an event-spawned Field Boss in Roxona Agency East who also drops the Armor Fragments needed to craft Roxona Plate Armor pieces.
- If you are able to get Aias that would be one of the best shields in the game. Aias Recipe has a 1% chance to drop from the 170 dungeon Boss Cube, so get to farming that dungeon!
- The recipes for both the Roxona Plate Armor and the Roxona Plate Pants drop off of Anchors in Roxona Agency West at a 237 ~ 262 DPK and require Armor Fragments from Dullahan.
- The Roxona Plate Gauntlets Recipe drops off of Kepa Rider Magicians in Roxona West at a 237 ~ 262 DPK and require Complex Gear from the Boss Cube of Marionette, a FIELD Boss in Roxona West. Be prepared to camp out on this map and bring some friends.
- The Roxona Plate Boots Recipe drops off of Glyquare in Roxona East at a 237 ~ 262 DPK and also requires Complex Gear from Marionette.
LVL 180-220
- You're going to be working on gearing up for Rank 7 which you'll obtain near the end of this tier, and move toward Alemeth partying (unless you have friends!), so it's time to buckle down and get your hands on some gear.
- At around 200, you're going to want to start on the Fortress of the Land Revelation chain, which begins in Inner Enceinte District.
Weapon: Catacombs Pike is a good starter pike
Necklace: Max Petamion
Bracers: Sissel Bracelet x2
- If you haven't already, +10 or higher your Geras Spear as it will be carrying you through your early Dragoon levels and well until you obtain a stronger 1H Spear. It would be a good idea to start working on obtaining a 2H Spear as well at this point for your boss-bursting. Start hitting the 230 dungeon for the Boss Cube if you want the Catacombs Pike Recipe.
- By this point you should be moving through the questlines in the Mokusul Chamber maps and begin through the Northern City Districts toward the next Revelation in the Fortress of the Land.
- You have a couple options for both the Max Petamion Recipe and the Sissel Bracelet Recipes which can be pursued in tandem. Both Boss Cubes in the 200 dungeon have a 0.5% chance of dropping both recipes, so make that a priority each day. At the same time, you can hunt Ellaganos, a World Boss in Mokusul Chamber and Videntis Shrine for his cube, which has a 10% chance of dropping each recipe. You're going to need 2 of the Sissels.
- I could probably write an entire page here about all the steps involved in getting your hands on the components for Sissel Bracelets, but I'm going to be concise: Galoks in Tenet Church 1F, get an Oracle friend and use your Double Pay from being a Doppel to try to secure 2 Battle Bracelets from one kill. Rapid Bangle Recipes are the same deal, except they come from Woodluwa in Viltis Forest. Save yourself a lot of pain by getting an Oracle friend to train one while you murder the rest of them and hope you get lucky with Double Pay.
LVL 220-260
- This is where things get exciting. If you haven't already, it's time to move toward Alemeth Forest and start branching out and exploring the forests and coastal maps. There's plenty of quests here and even a brand new monastery to investigate!
- Better yet, at 260 you can begin running the Blue Fortress Dungeon for recipes for the Virtov Plate Set. The entrance to the dungeon is in the northernmost part of Inner Enceinte District.
Chest: Virtov Plate Robe
Legs: Virtov Plate Pants
Gloves: Virtov Plate Gloves
Boots: Virtov Plate Boots
- On the Klaipeda server, the plate recipes are running pretty expensive while the cloth and leathers are generally cheap, so trading recipes likely won't work out for you. Your best bet is to run the 260 dungeon until your eyes bleed.
- The materials for the recipes are more trying than the recipes themselves in most cases, so it's recommended you work on farming these materials before you even get access to the 260 dungeon. You will need 8 of each Royal Guard counterpart recipe for the respective Virtov piece, so let's see where we can get these...
- Royal Guard Gloves Recipe drops from Green Rafflesia in Barha Forest, where you can also find Red Cockats who drop the Royal Guard Greaves Recipe.
- While you're in the neighborhood, you might stop by Cranto Coast and get some Tough Shells from the Greentoshells, before moving on to Igti Coast to hunt Blue Colimen for their Blue Colimen Flower (roughly 200 DPK).
- If you've done your Fortress of the Land Revelation quest, then you know where Storage Quarter is. Here you'll find Deadborn Scap Masks you need to drop off both Red Deadborn Scaps and Red Deadborn Scap Magicians.
- There's plenty of things to hunt for in Ruklys Hall of Fame, so let's get started: The Yellow Collifly here drop both Yellow Collifly Stamen and the Royal Guard Pants Recipe, so you'll be busy with them for a while. You can get Orange Minos Hoof from the Orange Minos Archers skulking around the place.
- Keep going down from Ruklys Hall of Fame until you find Extension, where you can hunt Green Saltisdaughters for Royal Guard Armor Recipes.
- Last but not least, you'll need some Lepusbunny Hair which you can get from the various Lepusbunny enemies you can find in such places as Inner Enceinte District.
LVL 260-290
- There's not really a lot to say about gear upgrades at this point, as you're at the mercy of the 290 dungeon to really start getting your endgame weapon and shield. This is the "open world" section of this guide, with your leveling depending entirely upon Mercenary Missions, 260 dungeon runs, and world questing in the 250+ fields.
- 270ish avails you the ability to start looking for Maven Grinding Parties, which are rather popular on Klaipeda, though you will have to finish a long quest chain that starts in Rasvoy Lake and will take you all the way to Maven Abbey. This is due to the fact that there's a gate blocking entry into the Abbey prior to completing this quest.
- Solo time is over, unless you're very persistent. Mobs have high HP and hit rather hard if your armor isn't up to snuff, so hopefully you've made some friends to quest with at this point!
- Your goal should be to reach level 290 so that you can begin to run the Castle Dungeon (290 dungeon) in Svalphingas Forest. All this to begin the arduous task of collecting boss cubes for purple recipes, and trash farming for the Cardboard Cube Recipes and Artilonium you will need to craft said Cardboard Cubes. Why do you need Cardboard Cubes, you ask? It's the only way to get the 315 Legendary Recipes, namely, the Emengard Shield and the Regard Horn Pike.
- Cardboard Cube Explanation: The only way to obtain the 315 Legendary Recipes is as such. There are two bosses in the 290 Dungeon, of which you can only kill 1 per run. Each boss has different purple recipes in his cube, 5 each I believe. Trash in the 290 Dungeon has a chance to drop Artilonium, of which you will need two for Cardboard Cube Recipes, and the trash also drops said cardboard recipes. Each recipe will ask for a specific item (Revolver, Two-Handed Sword, Shield, etc), and you will need 5 of the purple recipes from the boss cubes and 2 Artilonium to craft the Cardboard Cube. At this point, you open the Cardboard Cube for a chance at the 315 Legendary Recipe you desire. I know, a horrible RNG-heavy mechanic, isn't it? Enjoy the rest of your life farming the 290 dungeon!
- You may choose to start doing Saalus runs if you haven't already by this point, if your focus is on Transcending gear. 290 is the beginning of the current endgame. Expect to spend a lot of time in this tier and above.
LVL 300-330
- Finish questing, eat cards until 315+; welcome to the endgame
- Keep running 290 dungeon for Artilonium, Cardboard Cube Recipes, and Purple recipes for making your Cardboard Cubes for your Regard Horn Pike and Emengard Shield
- At level 317, you can do the Mishekan Forest quest chain for your Practonium Cube
- Hunting Grounds! Time to aim for some placeholder equipment to tide you over until you can get your Best-in-Slot
1H Weapon: Pevordimas Spear or ideally, Purine Pevordimas Spear
2H Weapon: Pevordimas Pike or ideally, Purine Pevordimas Pike
I will add more progression tiers and details as I move further through the game, and update this in a timely manner. Any input on anything beyond what is covered here is welcome.
Here I will highlight why Synchro Thrust now loses out to both Stabbing and Spear Lunge level-for-level, and why the Hoplite skills above have changed.
1540 ATK for testing purposes.
Synchro: +7822 every 15 seconds for 14 levels = +2234 DPM / level
Stabbing: +17094 every 25 seconds for 14 levels = +2930 DPM / level
Pierce: +21560 (on bosses) every 30 seconds for 14 levels = +1540 DPM / level
Lunge: +23177 every 24 seconds for 9 levels = +2575 DPM / level
New modifier values make Stabbing worth maxing over Synchro now, especially with Dragoon rotation, and even Lunge is worth more damage than Synchro now. Thus Synchro becomes a value point skill. After this patch.
Serpentine: 112% x7 -> 167% x 7 = 55% x 7 = 385% every 20 sec for 9 levels 1540 x 3.85 x 3 = 17787 / 9 = 1976 DPM / level
Dragontooth: 149% x 6 -> 222% x 6 = 73% x 6 = 438% every 17 sec for 9 levels 1540 x 4.38 x (60/17) = 23806 / 9 = 2645 DPM / level
Lunge Debuff = 6 sec @ 2 overcharge w/ 24 sec CD = 12 sec uptime, 12 sec downtime -> On, Off, On, Off, On -> 60 x 3/5 -> 50% Pierce bonus per minute x 3/5 = +30% pierce DPM
Serp = 1976 x 1.3 DPM / level = 2569 DPM / level
Tooth = 2645 x 1.3 DPM / level = 3438 DPM / level
Dragon Soar: 161% x 5 -> 241% x 5 = 80% x 5 = 400% every 15 sec for 9 levels 1540 x 4 x 4 = 24640 / 9 = 2737 DPM / level (<Stab)
Dethrone: 968% x 2 -> 1238% x 2 = 270% x 2 = 540% every 16 sec for 4 levels 1540 x 5.4 x (60/16) = 31185 / 4 = 7796 DPM / level
Status Update: 12/14/17 - Came back to run some theorycraft for those people begging for an update. Found that even with the 50% bonus from Spear Lunge, Dragontooth and Serpentine cannot compete with Dragon Soar 11's new attribute. Furthermore, the damage gap increases significantly the more points taken out of Dragontooth and put into Dragon Soar. Therefore I have reworked Dragoon skills accordingly.
An alternative build to the "run 'n' gun" focused Cataphract build, this Dragoon build instead focuses on heavy damage output (on par or exceeding that of Cataphract post-December2016-patch) while boasting sturdiness and survivability while tanking. This build takes advantage of your ability to Weapon Swap and cycles between 2-Handed Spear and 1-Handed Spear + Shield on the fly. Good judgement and quick-swapping depending on the situation is vital to getting the most out of this build's potential. Your skill and mental acuity alone will determine the perfect balance between Berserker Burst and Sturdy Point Man.
* A balanced warrior build for the Swordsman class *
* A robust arsenal of damage abilities and tankiness *
* Strong buffs that drastically increase your damage *
* Both extremely solo-friendly and beneficial to parties *
Fellow Rugal Knights and contributors to this guide! Leave your Team Name in comments, contact me in-game or add it to your tosbase profile if you wish to be added to the list of build champions.
Zokito aka NightWLnd @ Orsha
Ineya @ Klaipeda
BagelBomb @ Klaipeda
Calmando @ Klaipeda
VirginSquad @ Fedimian
Feint @ Klaipeda
TeamNebula @ Orsha
Ketsumono @ Klaipeda
xXxSunatokxXx @ Klaipeda
Nogoodnames @ Klaipeda
HentaiSenpai @ Klaipeda
Magnhildr @ Klaipeda
Jerby @ Klaipeda
Homunculi @ Klaipeda
Ineya @ Klaipeda
BagelBomb @ Klaipeda
Calmando @ Klaipeda
VirginSquad @ Fedimian
Feint @ Klaipeda
TeamNebula @ Orsha
Ketsumono @ Klaipeda
xXxSunatokxXx @ Klaipeda
Nogoodnames @ Klaipeda
HentaiSenpai @ Klaipeda
Magnhildr @ Klaipeda
Jerby @ Klaipeda
Homunculi @ Klaipeda
Build demonstration (Rank 6) by Zokito youtube
Dragoon vs Boss by Zokito youtube
Build demostration by Rawporing youtube
Updated link for current method of applying addons: ToS Addon Manager
Q: Doesn't Dragoon suck now post-patch? Blah Blah said the damage wasn't as good as other classes and Yadda Yadda said it depends too much on debuffs and Etc Etc said the damage isn't as good as it used to be.
A: I would just like to take some time to clarify this, as there are way too many people who don't understand the new mechanics, or even the Dragoon, and continue to suggest that it is underwhelming. Dragoon is a COMBO class. Think of it like playing a good Rogue in World of Warcraft (Vanilla and on) where you had to refine your rotation in order to get the class's maximum potential. Dragoon is the same way, especially this build. It will not perform well in the hands of an unskilled player, but if you dedicate yourself to improving, to refining your rotation, your reflexes, your timing, your damage will dwarf that of other characters and you may even impress your party with your skill. A Dragoon is an excellent class for a player who wants to be better at play in general. Also while we're on the subject, stop comparing your damage to "pre-patch damage." The entire system has changed. You are doing the same ratio of damage in the new context as you did in the old context. Enemies no longer have OVER 9000 HP pools, but instead have higher defense, and player damage numbers have been rebalanced to reflect this. Don't believe me? It takes exactly as long to kill Cerberus (my testing punching bag) in the 200 dungeon now as it did before, even though the numbers I'm throwing are different.
Q: Why did you take Swordsman C2 over Peltasta C1?
A: There really is very little benefit to wasting a rank in Peltasta if you're not planning to go for a tanking build. I staunchly believe (and people will argue me on this point) that Peltasta should never be in a Swordsman build unless you take AT LEAST 2 circles of it, and are planning to be primarily a tank or at least a Murmillo. Not a single one of your skills other than Swashbuckling will ever be used past Rank 4, and even Swashbuckling is easily replaced and not wholly necessary. On the other hand, Swordsman C2 might not seem like a huge boon, but Pain Barrier 10 almost alone makes it worth it. Couple that with getting Restrain for CC and PvP, as well as a more potent Concentrate (now buffed!), and it's hard to pass up the offensive advantages. Yes, Swashbuckling is the only taunt in the game, but with good mob control and the Provoke 10 attribute on, you can still tank effectively, albeit with more effort. Please don't fall for the Circle 1 Peltasta meme; that's all it is, some meme developed by some self-proclaimed meta authorities. Also, fun fact, Punish is technically a (more spammable) taunt, as you can use it even when nothing is knocked down and, while it won't do damage in this case, everything around where you use it will aggro.
Q: Which Swordsman buff should I give more levels to? Gung Ho or Concentrate?
A: The short answer? For this build, Concentrate. The why? Gung Ho scales only off of STR and adds Physical Attack Power, which allows it to scale with Deeds of Valor, Glass Mole proc, Crits, and of course skill scaling. However, Concentrate will still outshine Gung Ho unless the skill modifier is high enough. Yes, even with Deeds, Glass Mole, and crits, Gung Ho will still rely on a high skill modifier to out-damage Concentrate. For this reason, builds that emphasize multi-hit skills with low modifiers per-hit will benefit more from Concentrate, which only loses 1 hit from its hit counter per skill, while Gung Ho will benefit builds that use single hit skills with high modifiers. This build in particular relies on skills that do not modify your damage enough to make Gung Ho the better option -- Stabbing, Cyclone, Serpentine, Dragontooth, Dragon Soar, Spear Throw, Pierce -- than Concentrate. Yes, Mordschlag and Dethrone have high enough modifiers to make Gung Ho better, but most of your damage in this build does not come from these 2 skills. Use Gung Ho in builds like Rodelero/Murmillo which rely on heavy-hitting single-hit skills.
Q: Why is Doppel C1 taken instead of something like, say, Cataphract C1?
A: There's a few responses to this, but let's first take a look at the circumstances. You will only be able to afford 1 Rank of Cata since the rest of your ranks are absolutely contingent upon one another. Yes, Lord Knights that this build seeks to emulate were mounted. Cata C1 at Rank 4 would give you your mount, but to what end? You'd have some low base damage Strike abilities, but you'd set back your entire build by roughly 50 levels. That's too long to go without Spear Throw, Finestra, Synchro Thrust... which are all better damage than Cata skills anyway. Okay, so take Cata at Rank 6 instead of Doppel. Well this clearly loses the damage potential fight, as is usually the case when you take a downrank circle 2+ ranks apart from when it's first available. In short, if you really want a mount, just buy one from the TP Shop. It's not worth gimping your build for mobility. Doppel gives a lot of burst damage and one of the strongest Swordsman buffs in the game, which is what this class is all about. You are, of course, free to swap this rank out if you feel that another class would fit in better, but going by the damage-focused, spear-using build, your only options appear to be Cata or Rodelero. Choices condemning you to future regret, in my opinion.
Q: Does this build rely on 1-Handed Spears or 2-Handed Spears?
A: The short answer? Both. This is a Hoplite-foundation Dragoon build, which means that there are many benefits to using a shield. For starters, outside of Peltasta, you get the most solid Block buff in the Swordsman tree. With Weapon Swap, you have the ability to quickly switch between an offensive (2-Handed Spear) and defensive (1-Handed Spear + Shield) play-style as the situation demands. You won't be able to use 2-Handed spears until Rank 7 with the attribute from Dragoon C1, meaning you'll grow quite attached to your Spear and Shield. Don't retire them though, as you'll still be using them well into Rank 8 for situations that demand survivability. In fact, if you get Geras Spear, you'll be wearing your Spear and Shield more often than your 2-Hander, for casual trash-killing with Spear Throw spam. Personally, I only switch to my 2-Hander for bosses and when I need to kill something FAST.
Q: Can I dual-wield Spear and Dagger with this build?
A: STRONGLY advise against this. Corsair is a far better option for dual-wielding play-styles, and no dagger you off-hand can make your 1-Handed Spear damage outperform your 2-Handed damage, nor can it compensate for the loss of defense compared to wearing a shield while using the 1-Handed Spear.
Q: Does this build specialize in PvP or PvE?
A: This build is very well-rounded and, while I personally don't have extensive PvP experience, I can say that it effectively quests, grinds, kills trash, tops DPS on World Bosses, Mission Bosses, and Dungeon Bosses. The versatility and high offensive capacity of the build serves to make it a strong contender for all aspects of the game short of "niche roles" in something like, say, Earth Tower? More on this as the guide develops.
With the new Combat Update, you should be building toward an "optimal" amount of stats before gear, using your base values and your invested points to reach a nice multiple of 10. There are hidden quests that give you stat points, which is added to the BASIC part of your stats, rather than INVESTED or OTHER (gear and collections). For this reason, I will also be listing the Swordsman's base stats.
Base Stats for Swordsman:
STR: 7 (+1)
CON: 8
INT: 2 (+1)
SPR: 3 (+1)
DEX: 5 (+1)
Bonus Stat Points (UPDATE: Kalejimas Revelation gives 3 stat points, while Fortress of the Earth does NOT) highlights that there are at least 38 bonus points currently available. This means at Level 330, there are 367 stat points you can invest.
Recommended Stats (Level 330, Rank 8):
STR: 223 (8 +215)
CON: 100 (8 +92)
INT: 3 (3 +0)
SPR: 30 (4 +26)
DEX: 40 (6 +34)
Stat Distribution
1:1:1 STR:CON:DEX - Until your invested points are 34, 34, 0, 0, 34
2:1 STR:CON - Until your invested points are 130, 82, 0, 0, 34
At this point I'm assuming you're Rank 6 and roughly 210, so it's time to prepare for all the SP hogs you'll be getting at Dragoon:
Full SPR for 26 levels to prepare for Dragoon's intense SP costs - 130, 82, 0, 26, 34
2:1 STR:CON - Until your invested points are 150, 92, 0, 26, 34
All future points will be dumped into STR at this point.
The amount of burst you get from Glass Mole proc (+80%) is insane and will increase your burst combo's output by a significant amount every time you activate an item categorized as an "SP Potion" (SP Potions, Kiesta Resto Potions, Varnalesa). You could consider mixing in some Ellaganos Cards if you find that you're lacking Block Penetration in PvP.
Subject to change with updates.
Chest: Solmiki Plate Mail
Legs: Solmiki Plate Leggings
Boots: Solmiki Plate Greaves
Gloves: Solmiki Plate Gauntlets
Shield: Emengard Shield
1H Spear: Solmiki Spear or Wingshard Spear
2H Spear: Regard Horn Pike
Necklace: Solmiki Medal
Bracers: Sissel Bracelet
Gem Chart
Weapons: Green (Crit Rate)
Shield: Blue (Block)
Chest: Yellow (Phy Def) or Stone Orca (Pain Barrier)
Legs: Yellow (Phy Def) or Stone Orca (Pain Barrier)
Gloves: Green or Yellow (Accuracy or Block Pen)
Boots: Blue or Green (MDef or Evasion)
Bear in mind that Monster Gems are MUCH more feasible post-Combat Overhaul, so keep an open-mind regarding those and feel free to use them.
Anyone can level their skills in whatever order they want and eventually be fine, but if you're reading this guide, you probably want the optimal skill progression to get the most bang for your buck right away.
Skill Planning - Swordsman
This isn't really that important, as you have a single attack and some buffs to work with for your first 2 ranks. I would recommend upping Gung Ho and Concentrate to Level 3 as soon as possible for the attributes, since you'll be doing A LOT of auto-attacking during this phase. After that you can get Bash to 3 so you have a bread-and-butter attack, and from there max Pain Barrier. There's nothing pressing in Swordsman C2 you're not already working on, so go ahead and hold onto your last point. At Circle 2, you can go ahead and max Concentrate at 9 and then max Pain Barrier at 10, as Restrain is really mostly a PvP gimmick. Bash isn't picked up as soon as possible, because you don't even get the AoE Attack Ratio attribute until C2.
C1: Gung Ho 3 -> Concentrate 3 -> Bash 3 -> Pain Barrier 5
C2: Concentrate 9 -> Pain Barrier 10 -> Restrain 5
Skill Planning - Hoplite
This is where things start to get fun and come together for you. You'll want to drop your first 3 points into Synchro Thrust 1, then Stabbing 1, then Pierce 1 so you have your value point in all your main attacks. Pierce is already maxed at this point, and Synchro Thrust will give you some mob-killing potential. Finestra won't start to shine until you get your damage skills up, so we max Stabbing at 5 as soon as possible for maximum boss-nuking. This leaves you with 8 C1 points, 5 of which you can put into Finestra, moving you on to C2 with 3 leftover points. It is very important that you spend your first C2 point on Spear Lunge 1. This will give you a 50% Pierce damage increase debuff right away. Feel free to put a value point in Long Stride at this point, but you can get this whenever. It's a PvP gimmick and some extra knockdown for mobs, but it won't make or break you. Max Stabbing at 10, followed by Finestra 10, leaving you with 6 C2 points. At this point, I would put at least 2 more points into Spear Lunge to put it to Level 3, leaving you with 4 C2 points. You can max Spear Lunge at 5 now, but then... if you can resist the temptation and hold onto 4 of your C2 points, as soon as you hit C3 you can max Spear Throw. Whatever your choice, max that ASAP. Spear Throw will be your best friend until Rank 7 for killing trash, especially if you get a Geras. After that, you'll once again max Stabbing, and then Finestra, then dump the rest of your points into Spear Lunge.
C1: Synchro 1 -> Stabbing 1 -> Pierce 1 -> Stabbing 5 -> Finestra 5 -> +3
C2: Spear Lunge 1 -> Long Stride 1 / +1 -> Stabbing 10 -> Finestra 10 -> Spear Lunge 3 -> +4 / +5
C3: Spear Throw 5 -> Stabbing 15 -> Finestra 15 -> Spear Lunge 7 / Spear Lunge 8
Skill Planning - Doppelsoldner
Point #1 goes into Double Pay. No argument. You want to farm rare items and low drop rates? You want to cut that time in half (more or less, cooldown notwithstanding)? Get Double Pay. Take 1 point in Cyclone, then Mordschlag, then Punish. After this, max Cyclone, and then max Deeds of Valor. Sadly, Deeds of Valor has gotten a major nerf and now only gives you +13% to all your damage, and doesn't stack up. Still, we must take what we are given, so mourn pre-patch Deeds of Valor later. You should have two points remaining to put into Mordschlag for some extra Strike damage.
C1: Double Pay 1 -> Cyclone 1 -> Mordschlag 1 -> Punish 1 -> Cyclone 5 -> Deeds 5 -> Mordschlag 3
Skill Planning - Dragoon
All of your damage hinges on this rank, so it's important to pick up all your damage skills as soon as possible. Put a value point into Serpentine, then Dragontooth, then Dragon Soar, then Gae Bulg. After this, you'll want to max Dragontooth at 5, Dragon Soar at 4, and here's where you're left with a choice. You can spend your last 4 points on maxing Gae Bulg at 5, OR you can save those points for C2 so you can max Dethrone as soon as you get it. The choice is yours, but I will tell you that Dethrone would be worth waiting on the Gae Bulg attributes. Whichever choice you made for C1, at C2 you'll want to put your points into the opposite (Gae Bulg or Dethrone) before proceeding. You will be saving 1 of your C2 points for C3, so Dragon Tooth will only go to 8 since the new Dragon Soar attribute at C3 makes Soar outshine Tooth handily, and you'll want to max Dragon Soar. Once you hit C3, get Dragon Soar 11 ASAP for the attribute, and Dragoon Helmet for extra damage output. After that, you can pick up Soar 15 or Dragon Fall 5, though I prefer Fall 5 for AoE farming. Dethrone is last priority in this build.
C1: Serpentine 1 -> Dragontooth 1 -> Dragon Soar 1 -> Gae Bulg 1 -> Dragontooth 5 -> Dragon Soar 4 -> 4 leftover points OR Gae Bulg 5
C2: Dethrone 5 -> (Gae Bulg 5 ->) Dragontooth 8 -> Dragon Soar 10
C3: Dragon Soar 11 -> Dragoon Helmet -> Dragon Fall 5 -> Dragon Soar 15 -> Dethrone 10
Frankly, I find it best to max any "Utility Attributes" as soon as possible for your particular rank while still minding priority ordering.
Utility Attributes - Swordsman
1st: Provoke - very useful for partying, making you the designated tank in non-Peltasta groups
2nd: Concentrate: Enhance - you'll want this maxed at 50 as soon as possible for big boosts to damage early on and even into late-game
3rd: Gung Ho: Enhance - this will be a bigger risk-to-reward ratio early game, as lategame the defense loss is negligible and still gives a nice little extra boost to damage
4th: Bash: Splash - since this will be your only real attack early on, might as well hit bigger groups with it
Utility Attributes - Hoplite
1st: Finestra: Splash - this is an absolute MUST, upping your mob-killing potential exponentially over time
2nd: Spear Throw: Bind - max this ASAP for both crowd control and PvP shenanigans
3rd: Stabbing: Evasion - early DEX pumping will help with this, making you less likely to get knocked out of your main boss-killer attack for these early ranks
4th: Synchro Thrusting: Pierce - Combat Overhaul patch nerfed the fuck out of Synchro, making the Strike part of the 1-2 combo, which was previously the harder of the hits, absolutely abysmal; get this attribute and never turn it off
5th: Pierce: Continuous Attack - this is what keeps Pierce 1 in my boss rotation, giving you 4 solid hits you can quickly squeeze into a Spear Lunge debuff and proc a bleed off of
6th: Pierce: Bleeding - likewise on the boss-killing, this will help squeeze some extra damage out assuming you've been pumping STR
Derp: Finestra: Physical Damage - this attribute must be some kind of joke, as even if you WERE to pump INT, the damage from it would be laughable; get this if you're a completionist and have spare silver
Utility Attributes - Doppelsoeldner
1st: Double Pay Earn: Damage Taken - congratulations, you now have almost no consequences for the ability to farm rare drops with obscenely-increased efficiency
2nd: Cyclone: Movement - this is another MUST so you're not standing in one spot spinning around like a jackass while the boss takes a swing at you
3rd: Cyclone: Resistance - pop Pain Barrier and spin-to-win when you see status ailments incoming for near immunity
4th: Mordschlag: Cloth Armor - a nice added boost to damage on cloth enemies to supplement your lacking anti-cloth arsenal pre-Dragoon
Utility Attributes - Dragoon
1st: Serpentine: Additional Damage - rock the fuck on, this is Spear Lunge on steroids
2nd: Serpentine: Bleeding - bleeds for days paired with Pierce
3rd: Two-handed Spear Mastery: Big Game Hunter - this is a MUST
4th: Gae Bulg: Attack Zone - the whole reason you're going Gae Bulg 5 in this build
5th: Gae Bulg: Defense Zone - ditto
PvP Utility Attributes
1st: Bash: Knockdown - what more must be said, it's a knockdown
2nd: Dragon Soar: Shock - a wonderful PvP attribute to have
3rd: Restrain: Slow - another excellent PvP attribute
% Damage Enhance Attributes
If you have a large 401K of Silver and you are leveling your % Damage Enhance attributes as you level, here are the skills you should pump in order of priority. UPDATE: With the Combat Balance Update, the % from attributes is now added directly to the % calculation listed in the tooltip. What this means is that multi-hit skills receive the most benefit from Enhance attributes. In other words, the more hits the skill does, the more powerful it will become point-for-point of attribute vs alternatives. As such, I have rewritten this section to increase cost-effectiveness of damage-to-silver for the new system. Also keep in mind that it becomes more and more expensive per-point the higher the level goes, so at a certain point it becomes more feasible to distribute your Enhance points around. I suggest getting everything on this list to Level 50 first, then working your way up in 10s until everything is 60, and so on.
1st?: Cyclone: Enhance - this one is a tough call, as it does 27 hits and thus gets the MOST benefit from Enhance, yet it tends to fall at the end of your rotation for bosses; get this whenever you desire, especially for PvP, but unless you're opening with Cyclone, I'd be hesitant to put all your points here
1st: Stabbing: Enhance
2nd: Serpentine: Enhance
3rd: Dragontooth: Enhance
4th: Dethrone: Enhance - this also gets put ahead of Soar, Pierce, and Spear Throw due to its position in your rotation, and your ability to use it as quick burst in PvP; it's very expensive though, so I won't begrudge you for putting this off until later
5th: Dragon Soar: Enhance
6th: Pierce: Enhance
7th: Spear Throw: Enhance
8th: Gae Bulg: Enhance
9th: Mordschlag: Enhance
10th: Punish: Enhance
11th: Spear Lunge: Enhance
12th: Long Stride: Enhance
13th: Synchro Thrusting: Enhance
Derp: Bash: Enhance
This is a work in progress as I try to work to fully take advantage of cooldowns and optimize DPS. I suggest stocking up on Varnalesas as your Glass Mole proc. as you can use them every 15 seconds to greatly improve your damage output every 9 seconds. Use before Serpentine combo for maximum effect. This is a work in progress, as Gae Bulg could be worked into this rotation but the setup makes it difficult to work with. Why Gae Bulg? People often forget, but Gae Bulg places yet another debuff (7.5 seconds @ Level 5) that increases physical damage to enemies hit by it.
All buffs on.
Start with 2H -> Gae Bulg -> Glass Mole Proc -> Spear Lunge -> Serpentine -> Dragontooth -> Dragon Soar -> Dethrone -> Spear Lunge -> Dethrone -> Stabbing -> Pierce -> Cyclone -> Serpentine -> Dragontooth -> Dragon Soar -> Dethrone x2 -> Cyclone
After this, I would recommend keeping your 1H + Shield up and spamming Spear Throw until your cooldowns come back up, as you'll want to sit on Spear Lunge to begin the above rotation anew. It takes quite a bit of practice and proper key bindings to get this rotation down to a good flow (minimizing idle time between skills). Whether you start with Gae Bulg again or just go right into "Glass Mole Proc" is up to you, as it takes time to set up Gae Bulg targetting again. Bear in mind you'll be wanting to keep your buffs up as well, so your flow may deteriorate if you try to pop buffs in-between other skills. At the same time, you're losing DPS if you wait to put all your buffs up at once, which takes roughly 5 seconds or so. Ultimately, I have not refined a rotation following the diagram above, and I leave it to my readers to polish this strategy.
This section is in the process of being rewritten from the ground up. Please bear with me.
Basic Tips:
- Be sure to regularly visit Lena/Rosa of the Wings of Vaivora, as they will provide you with free EXP cards and Silver when you've made enough progress in your journey
- Field Boss vs World Boss: Major Field Bosses that drop Boss Cubes spawn every 2 hours on their respective maps so long as the map is occupied the entire time. They also do not show up on Boss Tracker addon, so you WILL HAVE TO GO SEARCH FOR THEM. World Bosses are announced on the map they will spawn 2 hours before spawn time, and they have a 4 hour respawn timer. They will spawn on Channel 1 of that map regardless of how many people are on it. Boss Tracker addon will show you precisely where they spawned. I will be very specific in my use of "Field" and "World" in this guide.
LVL 1-15
- Everything is pretty simple here, go for all quests and get lvl 15 as fast as you can
Weapon: Spatha
Shield: Meteor
Boots: Walker
Necklace: Chupacabra Necklace
- Chupacabra Necklace can be farmed very easily killing Chupacabras while doing quests in East Siaulai Woods. Even though it says it's <1% drop rate, you kill so many of these things underfoot just on the way to your quests that you have a very good chance of finding one.
- Spatha can be farmed from Vubbe Thief in Miner's Village, and the Meteor drops from the same field where you'll find 2 Field Bosses on a 30 second respawn timer called Big Red Kepa. It's important to mention they're Field Bosses, because the mechanics are such that as long as you do some damage to it and are in the top 5 (6?) damage-dealers, you're guaranteed a drop from them. So in theory, 5/6 players could farm these guys at the same time and as long as they all land a hit on him, they'll all get a piece of loot. Meteor is the lowest drop though, dropping roughly 10% of the time compared to his Walker and Kepa Pendant which each seem to drop roughly 45% of the time. So your odds are in favor of getting the boots and necklace before you see the shield.
LVL 15-40
Weapon: Dio Sword or Panto Sword or Thresh Spear
Chest: Cafrisun Armor or Watcher Tunic
Legs: Cafrisun Pants or Watcher Pants
Gloves: Cafrisun Gloves or Watcher Gloves
Boots: Cafrisun Boots or Watcher Boots
- Dio Sword drops from Vubbe Miner in Crystal Mine 1F at a 7125 ~ 7875 DPK, so... best of luck!
- Panto Sword drops from Large Panto Spearman in Tenet Garden at a 712 ~ 787 DPK, and he's a Field Boss on a 10 minute respawn with multiple spawn points, so... even more luck to you! Better off aiming for Dio!
- Cafrisun Set drops from, go figure, Cafrisun. If you decide to hunt him instead of buy the pieces off the market, he's a Field Boss that spawns every 30 minutes on Strautas Gorge in Nepavy Grassland, the grassy gnoll that's southeast of the Vakarine statue. Again, as long as you land some damage on him, you'll get a piece of gear. It wouldn't hurt to lock his respawn to a timer and check back on him until you get all the pieces.
- Watcher Set pieces are a bit trickier, but will give you FAR more of an edge going into the Tenet Church, what with all the bonus damage to devils you get from it. They can be obtained on Guards Graveyard map northeast of Tenet Garden. All you need to do is gather souls (Blurry Astral Body) and get them to the Owl Statue at the far right side of the map. Easier said than done, as most everything on the map is Level 50+. If possible, farm Catacombs Maggot or have a high level friend in party that can kill them. After all they drop Thresh Spear, which would be a good start for you once you hit Hoplite. Once you get enough souls you will have Owl Buff that says "you can see invisible things", then search for chests (sparkling purple clouds) randomly placed on the level and it will contain 1 piece of set, then repeat until you get all pieces. You could also have a high level collect the items for you since they're no longer untradable, but you have to be 40+ to trade so... You'd get these RIGHT before going into Tenet Church that way.
- If you can't get Thresh Spear, stick to Swords for now, as you can use Synchro Thrusting and Stabbing with swords.
- Enchant all equip to +5. Weapon, Armour and Pants with first priority.
LVL 40-70
- Go through the main quests, getting yourself some much needed upgrades along the way.
Weapon: Dory
Shield: Zalia Kite Shield
Chest: Light Plate Armor
Legs: Light Plate Leggings or Earth Plate Pants
Gloves: Earth Plate Gauntlets
Boots: Earth Plate Greaves
- First priority as you move through the 3rd Revelation and the Goddess Saule questline will be to get a new weapon and armor, since you're going to be in the neighborhood anyway. You'll be passing through Cobalt Forest, Septyni Glen, Gate Route, and Kvailas Forest during this chain, so let's take a look at what loot we've got.
- First up, working on the Zalia Kite Shield. While on Cobalt Forest, kill some Caro for their Caro Leaves (20%), as you need 3 of them for your new shield.
- In Septyni Glen, go looking for Mantiwoods for 2 of their Mantiwood Skins (33.3%). There's only 3 of them on a 30s respawn, so they can be elusive. Finally, once you've made it to Gate Route, you have a few things to farm.
- You'll need 4 Thornball Thorns (10%) from the Thornballs here, but they also drop Sauroter at a 316 ~ 349 DPK, which you will need for your Dory.
- Finally, you'll need the Recipe for your shield, so while killing Thornballs don't neglect all the Coliflowers you see, as they drop the recipe at a 0.5% chance. Once you have your new shield and your Sauroter, it's time to continue the main quest through to Kvailas Forest.
- Once on Kvailas, you've got a few tasks, which you can do in either order. Chafperors drop Chafperor Wings (34%) which you'll need 18 of for your spear. Ammons are a bit scattered, but drop your Dory Recipe (0.25%), so you'll want to smash them whenever you see them before, during, and/or after your 3rd Revelation quest ends here.
- Next priority should be upgrading your armor, so we'll review your options. First decide which stats are more important to you: A) 4 Physical Defense and 1 AoE Attack Ratio, or B) 95 HP and 10 Stamina.
- If you chose A, you're going to want to aim for the Light Plate Set, which is probably the better option considering you get both pieces from the same place. If you can farm Hogma Captains in Zachariel Crossroads, they drop both recipes at a 0.5% chance. As for how you get there, you'll be led there following the quest for the 4th Revelation in Royal Mausoleum. This path can be accessed by proceeding through the maps where you farmed materials for your weapon and shield.
- If you chose B, then you're going to have a harder time. You'll still want the chest recipe from Hogma Captains, but now instead of needing 2 pieces of the Earth Plate Armor Set, you'll need 3. These drop from the Boss Cube left by the Field Boss Temple Shooter who spawns every 2 hours in Royal Mausoleum Workers' Lodge in a few different spots. This guy can be hard to track and lock a respawn timer on, especially with all the MVP hunters, so you may be better off farming up some silver and buying the pieces you need off the Market.
- If getting Earth Plate pieces is too much of a struggle, you can settle with most plate pieces from quest rewards, but Earth Plate will last you until 120.
- Enchant Dory to +6 for the Hoplite C2 class quest, which will require you to have any spear type weapon enchanted to +6 or higher.
LVL 70-100
- You should have all your gear and a clear path toward the 4th Revelation now. You may choose to grind at Royal Mausoleum Workers' Lodge and Constructors' Chapel while still seeking out Earth Plate pieces from Templeshooter, or you can pursue questlines elsewhere toward Fedimian that will take you toward new gear.
Weapon: Grand Spontoon or Doom Spear
Shield: Beetleback or Ferret Marauder Shield
Chest: Reina Plate Armor or Bone Armor
Legs: Reina Plate Leggings or Bone Skirt
Gloves: Bone Gauntlets
Boots: Bone Greaves
- You can get your hands on the Grand Spontoon Recipe as early as Level 75, as it's kept in a Level 2 Chest found on Crystal Mine 3F. Ignore what the page says about Black Rafflesia. You can easily get the Spontoon Recipes you need 2 of from less than an hour farming Sawpents in Absenta Reservoir, while the Wendigo Teeth you need 12 of for each are best farmed from all Wendigo mobs (but especially those not simply called "Wendigo" found on Overlong Bridge Valley).
- Stoulet Hearts of which you need 12 for the Grand Spontoon have a 12% drop off Stoulet Mages in Crystal Mine Lot 2 - 2F, but be careful: These guys are 100+ and hit hard!
- Location of Doom Spear Recipe remains a mystery to tosbase...
- If you have the great fortune to get your hands on the recipes for the Bone Armor pieces, you might find the gloves and boots to be an upgrade to your Earth Plate gear. Most likely though, you'll be using those until 120. The set has a pretty brutal SP penalty for a class that relies on SP. It's unknown where the skirt, or armor, or boots recipes drop, and the glove recipes drop off something in Royal Mausoleum 2F. Happy hunting!
- From Level 80 on, go to the 80 dungeon from Bellai Rainforest or Zachariel Crossroads, to get some major levels each day, and get a chance at the Beetleback Recipe from the Boss Cube.
- Follow the Main Quest from Bellai Rainforest for another 3 stat points (but no Revelation). You can also find the Ferret Marauder World Boss here, whose Boss Cube has a chance to drop the Ferret Marauder Shield Recipe, though Beetleback is preferable and easier to come by.
- Make your way through all of the quests in Steele Road, Goddess' Ancient Garden, Escanciu Village, and Fedimian Suburbs to pick up an extra 5 stat points!
- You can easily replace your Light Plate Set with the Reina Set just by doing quests in Escanciu Village and Fedimian Suburbs, giving you some extra stamina and defense.
- Once you're 100+ and have all your gear, you should aim for quests starting from Entrance of Kateen Forest through it and 3 other maps, ending at a Zemyna Statue for another stat point.
LVL 100-120
- At 110+ you can start the 5th Revelation questline from Fedimian through the Mage Tower for another 3 Revelation stat points, plus another bonus stat point for defeating a sidequest (main quest?) boss on the very last floor for a total of 4 points.
- Hit the 110 Dungeon to get some quick levels if you'd like to skip this level range as quickly as possible.
- Personally I wouldn't invest too much in socketing and slapping gems into gear earlier than your 170 stuff, but that is your call to make if you have the funds. I prefer to focus on powering gems to Lvl 7-10 for more end-game gear. That being said, this is about the level that Rugal suggested starting to look into low level (3-4) green gems to throw into your weapon and blue or red gems for your shield.
LVL 120-150
- You're going to be doing a lot of backtracking to knock out quests that lead toward future zones, mainly Dvasia Peak (which hides a +Stamina quest!), the farmlands north of Klaipeda, and the pilgrimmage route from Fedimian that leads toward the 6th Revelation, and also the Residence of the Fallen Legwyn Family.
Weapon: Zegas Spear or Seimos Spear
Shield: Pvaisa Shield or Ledas Shield
Chest: Legwyn Family Plate Armor
Legs: Legwyn Family Plate Pants
Gloves: Legwyn Family Plate Gauntlets
Boots: Legwyn Family Plate Greaves
Necklace: Petamion
- You can +6 or more your Grand Spontoon if you need some extra damage, but you have a few other options:
- Zega Spear Recipe drops from Blue Raffly at a 316 ~ 349 DPK on Residence, while all the materials can be found on the same map. This would be your go-to upgrade thanks to its Hoplite bonus.
- Seimos Spear Recipe has a chance to drop from the 170 dungeon's Boss Cube, but I wouldn't count on it.
- Legwyn Family's Plate Armor Set is a great upgrade that can be obtained by hunting the Field Boss in Residence, Necroventer and opening his Boss Cube. There's about 12 pieces of equipment that can come out of it though, and it costs 100k to reopen, so... you might be better scouting the market for pieces.
- Pvaisa Shield Recipe can be found from a Field Boss named Pvaisa in Shaton Farm on a 30 minute respawn.
- Ledas Shield has a 0.5% chance of dropping out of the Boss Cube from the 110 dungeon, and is untradable... Happy hunting!
- Petamion Recipe has a 1% chance of dropping out of the Boss Cube from the 140 dungeon.
- On your quest for gear and levels, you're probably ready to head for the Great Cathedral where your 6th Revelation and a bonus stat point lie, and you should be Level 150ish by the time you're done gearing and questing.
LVL 150-180
- It's almost time to head for Roxonoa Reconstruction Agency for your 170 gears and some quests, so first head toward Demon Prison and chase down your Main Quest.
Weapon: Geras Spear or Maga Spear or Brandish
Shield: Aias or Wall Guard or Otrava Shield
Chest: Roxona Plate Armor
Legs: Roxona Plate Pants
Gloves: Roxona Plate Gauntlets
Boots: Roxona Plate Boots
- Geras Spear doesn't seem to have the same "oomph" as it did compared to spears of the same level pre-patch, but it is still an extremely future-proof weapon and will serve you well if you put in the effort to get one. The Recipe drops from the Boss Cube of Dullahan an event-spawned Field Boss in Roxona Agency East who also drops the Armor Fragments needed to craft Roxona Plate Armor pieces.
- If you are able to get Aias that would be one of the best shields in the game. Aias Recipe has a 1% chance to drop from the 170 dungeon Boss Cube, so get to farming that dungeon!
- The recipes for both the Roxona Plate Armor and the Roxona Plate Pants drop off of Anchors in Roxona Agency West at a 237 ~ 262 DPK and require Armor Fragments from Dullahan.
- The Roxona Plate Gauntlets Recipe drops off of Kepa Rider Magicians in Roxona West at a 237 ~ 262 DPK and require Complex Gear from the Boss Cube of Marionette, a FIELD Boss in Roxona West. Be prepared to camp out on this map and bring some friends.
- The Roxona Plate Boots Recipe drops off of Glyquare in Roxona East at a 237 ~ 262 DPK and also requires Complex Gear from Marionette.
LVL 180-220
- You're going to be working on gearing up for Rank 7 which you'll obtain near the end of this tier, and move toward Alemeth partying (unless you have friends!), so it's time to buckle down and get your hands on some gear.
- At around 200, you're going to want to start on the Fortress of the Land Revelation chain, which begins in Inner Enceinte District.
Weapon: Catacombs Pike is a good starter pike
Necklace: Max Petamion
Bracers: Sissel Bracelet x2
- If you haven't already, +10 or higher your Geras Spear as it will be carrying you through your early Dragoon levels and well until you obtain a stronger 1H Spear. It would be a good idea to start working on obtaining a 2H Spear as well at this point for your boss-bursting. Start hitting the 230 dungeon for the Boss Cube if you want the Catacombs Pike Recipe.
- By this point you should be moving through the questlines in the Mokusul Chamber maps and begin through the Northern City Districts toward the next Revelation in the Fortress of the Land.
- You have a couple options for both the Max Petamion Recipe and the Sissel Bracelet Recipes which can be pursued in tandem. Both Boss Cubes in the 200 dungeon have a 0.5% chance of dropping both recipes, so make that a priority each day. At the same time, you can hunt Ellaganos, a World Boss in Mokusul Chamber and Videntis Shrine for his cube, which has a 10% chance of dropping each recipe. You're going to need 2 of the Sissels.
- I could probably write an entire page here about all the steps involved in getting your hands on the components for Sissel Bracelets, but I'm going to be concise: Galoks in Tenet Church 1F, get an Oracle friend and use your Double Pay from being a Doppel to try to secure 2 Battle Bracelets from one kill. Rapid Bangle Recipes are the same deal, except they come from Woodluwa in Viltis Forest. Save yourself a lot of pain by getting an Oracle friend to train one while you murder the rest of them and hope you get lucky with Double Pay.
LVL 220-260
- This is where things get exciting. If you haven't already, it's time to move toward Alemeth Forest and start branching out and exploring the forests and coastal maps. There's plenty of quests here and even a brand new monastery to investigate!
- Better yet, at 260 you can begin running the Blue Fortress Dungeon for recipes for the Virtov Plate Set. The entrance to the dungeon is in the northernmost part of Inner Enceinte District.
Chest: Virtov Plate Robe
Legs: Virtov Plate Pants
Gloves: Virtov Plate Gloves
Boots: Virtov Plate Boots
- On the Klaipeda server, the plate recipes are running pretty expensive while the cloth and leathers are generally cheap, so trading recipes likely won't work out for you. Your best bet is to run the 260 dungeon until your eyes bleed.
- The materials for the recipes are more trying than the recipes themselves in most cases, so it's recommended you work on farming these materials before you even get access to the 260 dungeon. You will need 8 of each Royal Guard counterpart recipe for the respective Virtov piece, so let's see where we can get these...
- Royal Guard Gloves Recipe drops from Green Rafflesia in Barha Forest, where you can also find Red Cockats who drop the Royal Guard Greaves Recipe.
- While you're in the neighborhood, you might stop by Cranto Coast and get some Tough Shells from the Greentoshells, before moving on to Igti Coast to hunt Blue Colimen for their Blue Colimen Flower (roughly 200 DPK).
- If you've done your Fortress of the Land Revelation quest, then you know where Storage Quarter is. Here you'll find Deadborn Scap Masks you need to drop off both Red Deadborn Scaps and Red Deadborn Scap Magicians.
- There's plenty of things to hunt for in Ruklys Hall of Fame, so let's get started: The Yellow Collifly here drop both Yellow Collifly Stamen and the Royal Guard Pants Recipe, so you'll be busy with them for a while. You can get Orange Minos Hoof from the Orange Minos Archers skulking around the place.
- Keep going down from Ruklys Hall of Fame until you find Extension, where you can hunt Green Saltisdaughters for Royal Guard Armor Recipes.
- Last but not least, you'll need some Lepusbunny Hair which you can get from the various Lepusbunny enemies you can find in such places as Inner Enceinte District.
LVL 260-290
- There's not really a lot to say about gear upgrades at this point, as you're at the mercy of the 290 dungeon to really start getting your endgame weapon and shield. This is the "open world" section of this guide, with your leveling depending entirely upon Mercenary Missions, 260 dungeon runs, and world questing in the 250+ fields.
- 270ish avails you the ability to start looking for Maven Grinding Parties, which are rather popular on Klaipeda, though you will have to finish a long quest chain that starts in Rasvoy Lake and will take you all the way to Maven Abbey. This is due to the fact that there's a gate blocking entry into the Abbey prior to completing this quest.
- Solo time is over, unless you're very persistent. Mobs have high HP and hit rather hard if your armor isn't up to snuff, so hopefully you've made some friends to quest with at this point!
- Your goal should be to reach level 290 so that you can begin to run the Castle Dungeon (290 dungeon) in Svalphingas Forest. All this to begin the arduous task of collecting boss cubes for purple recipes, and trash farming for the Cardboard Cube Recipes and Artilonium you will need to craft said Cardboard Cubes. Why do you need Cardboard Cubes, you ask? It's the only way to get the 315 Legendary Recipes, namely, the Emengard Shield and the Regard Horn Pike.
- Cardboard Cube Explanation: The only way to obtain the 315 Legendary Recipes is as such. There are two bosses in the 290 Dungeon, of which you can only kill 1 per run. Each boss has different purple recipes in his cube, 5 each I believe. Trash in the 290 Dungeon has a chance to drop Artilonium, of which you will need two for Cardboard Cube Recipes, and the trash also drops said cardboard recipes. Each recipe will ask for a specific item (Revolver, Two-Handed Sword, Shield, etc), and you will need 5 of the purple recipes from the boss cubes and 2 Artilonium to craft the Cardboard Cube. At this point, you open the Cardboard Cube for a chance at the 315 Legendary Recipe you desire. I know, a horrible RNG-heavy mechanic, isn't it? Enjoy the rest of your life farming the 290 dungeon!
- You may choose to start doing Saalus runs if you haven't already by this point, if your focus is on Transcending gear. 290 is the beginning of the current endgame. Expect to spend a lot of time in this tier and above.
LVL 300-330
- Finish questing, eat cards until 315+; welcome to the endgame
- Keep running 290 dungeon for Artilonium, Cardboard Cube Recipes, and Purple recipes for making your Cardboard Cubes for your Regard Horn Pike and Emengard Shield
- At level 317, you can do the Mishekan Forest quest chain for your Practonium Cube
- Hunting Grounds! Time to aim for some placeholder equipment to tide you over until you can get your Best-in-Slot
1H Weapon: Pevordimas Spear or ideally, Purine Pevordimas Spear
2H Weapon: Pevordimas Pike or ideally, Purine Pevordimas Pike
I will add more progression tiers and details as I move further through the game, and update this in a timely manner. Any input on anything beyond what is covered here is welcome.
Here I will highlight why Synchro Thrust now loses out to both Stabbing and Spear Lunge level-for-level, and why the Hoplite skills above have changed.
1540 ATK for testing purposes.
Synchro: +7822 every 15 seconds for 14 levels = +2234 DPM / level
Stabbing: +17094 every 25 seconds for 14 levels = +2930 DPM / level
Pierce: +21560 (on bosses) every 30 seconds for 14 levels = +1540 DPM / level
Lunge: +23177 every 24 seconds for 9 levels = +2575 DPM / level
New modifier values make Stabbing worth maxing over Synchro now, especially with Dragoon rotation, and even Lunge is worth more damage than Synchro now. Thus Synchro becomes a value point skill. After this patch.
Serpentine: 112% x7 -> 167% x 7 = 55% x 7 = 385% every 20 sec for 9 levels 1540 x 3.85 x 3 = 17787 / 9 = 1976 DPM / level
Dragontooth: 149% x 6 -> 222% x 6 = 73% x 6 = 438% every 17 sec for 9 levels 1540 x 4.38 x (60/17) = 23806 / 9 = 2645 DPM / level
Lunge Debuff = 6 sec @ 2 overcharge w/ 24 sec CD = 12 sec uptime, 12 sec downtime -> On, Off, On, Off, On -> 60 x 3/5 -> 50% Pierce bonus per minute x 3/5 = +30% pierce DPM
Serp = 1976 x 1.3 DPM / level = 2569 DPM / level
Tooth = 2645 x 1.3 DPM / level = 3438 DPM / level
Dragon Soar: 161% x 5 -> 241% x 5 = 80% x 5 = 400% every 15 sec for 9 levels 1540 x 4 x 4 = 24640 / 9 = 2737 DPM / level (<Stab)
Dethrone: 968% x 2 -> 1238% x 2 = 270% x 2 = 540% every 16 sec for 4 levels 1540 x 5.4 x (60/16) = 31185 / 4 = 7796 DPM / level
Rank 1
Swordsman |
3 / 5 3 Bash: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Bash] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Swordsman 1st Circle required Bash: Splash Type: Active * Increases AoE attack ratio of [Bash] by 1 per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Swordsman 2nd Circle required Bash: Knockdown Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Bash] are knocked down * Increases SP consumption by 30% Lv3 Bash required Bash [Physical] - [Slash] Inflict damage on an enemy with a powerful attack. Level 3: Attack: 182% AoE Attack Ratio: 0 SP: 15 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 6s 3 / 5 Gung Ho: Enhance Type: Passive * Amplifies physical damage increase effect and decreased defense effect of [Gung Ho] by 1% per attribute level Lv3 Gung Ho required Gung Ho Become determined by temporarily increasing your attack, while decreasing your defense. Level 3: Physical Damage: +14 Physical Defense: -7 Duration: 300 seconds SP: 14 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 40s 3 / 5 Concentrate: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases additional damage of [Concentrate] by 1% per attribute level Lv3 Concentrate required Concentrate Increases your attack damage. Level 3: Additional Damage: +8 Number of Hits: 6 Duration: 45 seconds SP: 18 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 20s 5 / 5 Pain Barrier: Duration Type: Active * Increases [Pain Barrier] duration for 5 seconds * Increases SP consumption by 10% Swordsman 3rd Circle required Pain Barrier Temporarily grants immunity to being affected by knockback, knockdown and stagger. Also increases the chance to resist status abnormalities. Level 5: Duration: 19 seconds SP: 59 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 39s |
Rank 2
Swordsman |
9 / 10 Concentrate: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases additional damage of [Concentrate] by 1% per attribute level Lv3 Concentrate required Concentrate Increases your attack damage. Level 9: Additional Damage: +17 Number of Hits: 18 Duration: 45 seconds SP: 35 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 20s 10 / 10 Pain Barrier: Duration Type: Active * Increases [Pain Barrier] duration for 5 seconds * Increases SP consumption by 10% Swordsman 3rd Circle required Pain Barrier Temporarily grants immunity to being affected by knockback, knockdown and stagger. Also increases the chance to resist status abnormalities. Level 10: Duration: 24 seconds SP: 93 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 39s 5 / 5 Restrain: Slow Type: Active * Enemies stunned by [Restrain] become slowed down after stun wears off * Increases duration of slow effect by 3 seconds per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Swordsman 2nd Circle required Restrain Lowers your maximum HP, but your attacks have a high chance of stunning enemies. Level 5: Chance of Stunning Enemy: 30% Maximum HP: -75 Duration: 45 seconds SP: 30 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 120s |
Rank 3
Hoplite |
5 / 5 Stabbing: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Stabbing] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Hoplite 1st Circle required Stabbing: Evasion Type: Active * Increases evasion by 50 per attribute level while using [Stabbing] Increases magic defense by 5% per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10 Hoplite 1st Circle required Stabbing: Sure Victory Type: Active * Increases continuous count of [Stabbing] by 1 per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 100% Hoplite 3rd Circle required Stabbing [Physical] - [Pierce] Repeatedly stab enemies with your spear. Repeated stabs inflicts more damage to enemies. Level 5: Attack: 117% x 15 AoE Attack Ratio: 1 Damage increase up to 100% SP: 44 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 25s 1 / 5 2 Pierce: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Pierce] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Hoplite 1st Circle required Pierce: Continuous Attack Type: Active * Deals 4 consecutive hits on boss monsters with [Pierce] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Hoplite 2nd Circle required Pierce: Bleeding Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Pierce] have a 2% chance per attribute level of being afflicted with [Bleeding] for 6 seconds * Bleeding damage is proportional to character's physical attack * Increases SP consumption by 10% Hoplite 1st Circle required Pierce: Repeated Shock Type: Active * Number of hits of [Pierce] to enemies afflicted with [Shock] increases by 2 * Increases SP consumption by 30% Hoplite 2nd Circle required Pierce [Physical] - [Pierce] Attack by piercing enemies with your spear. The larger an enemy is, the more consecutive hits you deal. Level 1: Attack: 227% Medium Target 2 Hits Large Target 3 Hits SP: 21 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 20s 5 / 5 Finestra: Physical Damage Type: Active * Adds 10% of your INT to physical damage while [Finestra] is active * Increases SP consumption by 10% Hoplite 1st Circle required Finestra: Splash Type: Active * Increases AoE attack ratio by 3, but reduces evasion rate by x2 more of the existing value when [Finestra] is active * Increases SP consumption by 3 * Increases SP consumption by 10% Lv3 Finestra required Finestra Switch into the Window stance to attack. Increases your critical rate and block, while decreasing evasion. Level 5: Critical Chance: +100 Increase Block 100 Increase Evasion: -75 Duration: 45 seconds SP: 48 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 50s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol 1 / 5 2 Synchro Thrusting: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Synchro Thrusting] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Hoplite 1st Circle required Synchro Thrusting: Pierce Type: Active * Decreases [Synchro Thrusting] strike damage by 10% per attribute level * Increases pierce damage by 10% per attribute level Hoplite 1st Circle required Synchro Thrusting [Physical] - [Pierce] - [Strike] Use your spear and shield to attack enemies. Deals additional damage when an attack is countered. Level 1: Attack: 330% AoE Attack Ratio: 1 SP: 24 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 15s Required Stance: OneHandSpearShield, OneHandSwordShield |
Rank 4
Hoplite |
10 / 10 Stabbing: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Stabbing] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Hoplite 1st Circle required Stabbing: Evasion Type: Active * Increases evasion by 50 per attribute level while using [Stabbing] Increases magic defense by 5% per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10 Hoplite 1st Circle required Stabbing: Sure Victory Type: Active * Increases continuous count of [Stabbing] by 1 per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 100% Hoplite 3rd Circle required Stabbing [Physical] - [Pierce] Repeatedly stab enemies with your spear. Repeated stabs inflicts more damage to enemies. Level 10: Attack: 143% x 15 AoE Attack Ratio: 1 Damage increase up to 100% SP: 71 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 25s 10 / 10 Finestra: Physical Damage Type: Active * Adds 10% of your INT to physical damage while [Finestra] is active * Increases SP consumption by 10% Hoplite 1st Circle required Finestra: Splash Type: Active * Increases AoE attack ratio by 3, but reduces evasion rate by x2 more of the existing value when [Finestra] is active * Increases SP consumption by 3 * Increases SP consumption by 10% Lv3 Finestra required Finestra Switch into the Window stance to attack. Increases your critical rate and block, while decreasing evasion. Level 10: Critical Chance: +150 Increase Block 175 Increase Evasion: -150 Duration: 60 seconds SP: 77 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 50s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol 1 / 5 3 Long Stride: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Long Stride] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Hoplite 2nd Circle required Long Stride: Stun Type: Active * [Long Stride] stuns enemies for 0.5 sec per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 50% Hoplite 2nd Circle required Long Stride [Physical] - [Pierce] Inflicts damage to enemies by jumping to your designated location. Damage increases in proportion to inventory weight. Additional damage does not exceed a maximum of 100%. Level 1: Attack: 415% Targets 10 SP: 28 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 30s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearPistol 5 / 5 2 Spear Lunge: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Spear Lunge] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Hoplite 2nd Circle required Spear Lunge [Physical] - [Pierce] Stab an enemy in front of you to make it more vulnerable to [Pierce]-type attacks. Level 5: Attack: 612% Duration 6 seconds SP: 42 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 20s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol |
Rank 5
Hoplite |
15 / 15 Stabbing: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Stabbing] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Hoplite 1st Circle required Stabbing: Evasion Type: Active * Increases evasion by 50 per attribute level while using [Stabbing] Increases magic defense by 5% per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10 Hoplite 1st Circle required Stabbing: Sure Victory Type: Active * Increases continuous count of [Stabbing] by 1 per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 100% Hoplite 3rd Circle required Stabbing [Physical] - [Pierce] Repeatedly stab enemies with your spear. Repeated stabs inflicts more damage to enemies. Level 15: Attack: 170% x 15 AoE Attack Ratio: 1 Damage increase up to 100% SP: 98 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 25s 15 / 15 Finestra: Physical Damage Type: Active * Adds 10% of your INT to physical damage while [Finestra] is active * Increases SP consumption by 10% Hoplite 1st Circle required Finestra: Splash Type: Active * Increases AoE attack ratio by 3, but reduces evasion rate by x2 more of the existing value when [Finestra] is active * Increases SP consumption by 3 * Increases SP consumption by 10% Lv3 Finestra required Finestra Switch into the Window stance to attack. Increases your critical rate and block, while decreasing evasion. Level 15: Critical Chance: +200 Increase Block 250 Increase Evasion: -225 Duration: 75 seconds SP: 106 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 50s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol 7 / 10 2 Spear Lunge: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Spear Lunge] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Hoplite 2nd Circle required Spear Lunge [Physical] - [Pierce] Stab an enemy in front of you to make it more vulnerable to [Pierce]-type attacks. Level 7: Attack: 679% Duration 6 seconds SP: 55 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 20s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol 5 / 5 5 Spear Throw: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Spear Throw] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Hoplite 3rd Circle required Spear Throw: Bind Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Spear Throw] have a chance to be afflicted with [Bind] for 7 seconds * Chances increase by 15% per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Hoplite 3rd Circle required Spear Throw [Physical] - [Pierce] Throws the spear to attack the enemy. Damage can increase up to 2 times depending on the distance. Level 5: Attack: 166% x 3 AoE Attack Ratio: 3 SP: 54 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 10s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearPistol, OneHandSpearDagger |
Rank 6
Doppelsoeldner |
1 / 5 Punish: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Punish] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Punish: Earthquake Type: Active * Applies 2 additional consecutive hits to enemies attacked by Punish * Increases SP consumption by 20% Doppelsoeldner 3rd Circle Required Punish [Physical] - [Pierce] Deeply pierce a collapsed enemy. Level 1: Attack: 491% AoE Attack Ratio: 15 SP: 48 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 10s 5 / 5 Deeds of Valor Increases the damage you deal to enemies, but also increases the damage you receive. Level 5: Additional Damage: +13% Damage Received: +9% Duration: 35 seconds SP: 77 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 43s 3 / 5 5 Mordschlag: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Mordschlag] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Mordschlag: Cloth Armor Type: Active * Attacks become critical hits while attacking Cloth armor-type enemies with [Mordschlag] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Mordschlag [Physical] - [Strike] Hold your sword backwards and use its handle to smack down an enemy. Level 3: Attack: 760% AoE Attack Ratio: 2 SP: 62 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 30s 1 / 5 Double Pay Earn: Damage Taken Type: Active * Decreases damage taken from x3 to x2 while [Double Pay Earn] is active * Increases SP consumption by 10% Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Double Pay Earn Doubles your EXP and loot dropped when you defeat an enemy within a certain number of attacks. You take 3x damage while the effect is active, and lose more durability when you become incapable of combat. Level 1: Attack Limit: 1 Doubled EXP & loot dropped SP: 42 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 57s 5 / 5 2 Cyclone: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cyclone] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Cyclone: Movement Type: Active * Allows movement when using [Cyclone] * Increases SP consumption by 30% Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Cyclone: Resistance Type: Active * Increases chance to block harmful effects by 15% per attribute level during [Cyclone] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Lv. 3 Cyclone required Cyclone [Physical] - [Slash] Use centrifugal force to continuously attack enemies. Level 5: 180% Attack per 0.2 seconds Duration: 5.5seconds AoE Attack Ratio: 8 SP: 92 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 45s |
Rank 7
Dragoon |
5 / 5 Dragontooth: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dragontooth] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Dragoon 1st Circle required Dragontooth [Physical] - [Pierce] Rotate your spear using centrifugal force to attack an enemy. Critical attack rate is doubled, and the skill gives additional effects based on the type of equipped spear. Level 5: Attack: 181% x 6 Ignores 50% of enemy defense when using a Two-handed Spear Critical damage +10% when using a One-handed Spear SP: 115 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 15s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol 1 / 5 Serpentine: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Serpentine] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Dragoon 1st Circle required Serpentine: Bleeding Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Serpentine] have a 2% chance per attribute level of being afflicted with [Bleeding] for 8 seconds * Bleeding damage is proportional to character's physical attack * Increases SP consumption by 10% Dragoon 1st Circle required Serpentine: Additional Damage Type: Active * Enemies affected by [Serpentine] become vulnerable to physical melee attacks for 10 seconds and attacks gain 50% additional damage * Increases SP consumption by 50% Dragoon 2nd Circle Required Serpentine [Physical] - [Pierce] Use your spear to deal continuous damage to enemies in front of you. Level 1: Attack: 112% x 7 SP: 62 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 20s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol 5 / 5 Gae Bulg: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Gae Bulg] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Dragoon 1st Circle required Gae Bulg: Defense Zone Type: Active * Creates a defense zone for 15 seconds where the spear is thrown * Increases physical defense and magic defense by 8% for party members within the zone * Increases SP consumption by 10% Lv. 5 Gae Bulg required Gae Bulg: Attack Zone Type: Active * Creates attack zone for 15 seconds where the spear is thrown. Increases physical attack and magic attack by 8% for party members within the zone * Increases SP consumption by 10% Lv. 5 Gae Bulg required Gae Bulg: Retrieve Type: Active * Spear thrown by skill [Gae Bulg] is automatically retrieved * Increase SP consumption by 50% Dragoon 3rd Circle Required Gae Bulg [Physical] - [Pierce] Attack several enemies within a radius by throwing a spear. Damaged enemies will temporarily become weaker to physical property attacks. The thrown spear must be picked up to use it again. Level 5: Attack: 1229% Status Ailment Duration: 7.5 seconds SP: 122 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 30s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol 4 / 5 3 Dragon Soar: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dragon Soar] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Dragoon 1st Circle required Dragon Soar: Shock Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Dragon Soar] have a 5% chance per attribute level to be afflicted with [Shock] for 10 seconds * Increases SP consumption by 10% Dragoon 1st Circle required Dragon Soar: Ascension Type: Active Applies double the hits with [Dragon Soar] * Increases SP consumption by 200% Requires Dragon Soar Lv 11 Dragon Soar [Physical] - [Slash] Vault into the air while swinging your spear upwards. Deals additional damage to flying enemies. Level 4: Attack: 187% x 5 +30% increased damage to flying type enemies SP: 82 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 15s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol |
Rank 8
Dragoon |
8 / 10 Dragontooth: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dragontooth] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Dragoon 1st Circle required Dragontooth [Physical] - [Pierce] Rotate your spear using centrifugal force to attack an enemy. Critical attack rate is doubled, and the skill gives additional effects based on the type of equipped spear. Level 8: Attack: 206% x 6 Ignores 50% of enemy defense when using a Two-handed Spear Critical damage +10% when using a One-handed Spear SP: 158 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 15s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol 10 / 10 3 Dragon Soar: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dragon Soar] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Dragoon 1st Circle required Dragon Soar: Shock Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Dragon Soar] have a 5% chance per attribute level to be afflicted with [Shock] for 10 seconds * Increases SP consumption by 10% Dragoon 1st Circle required Dragon Soar: Ascension Type: Active Applies double the hits with [Dragon Soar] * Increases SP consumption by 200% Requires Dragon Soar Lv 11 Dragon Soar [Physical] - [Slash] Vault into the air while swinging your spear upwards. Deals additional damage to flying enemies. Level 10: Attack: 241% x 5 +30% increased damage to flying type enemies SP: 143 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 15s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol 5 / 5 2 Dethrone: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dethrone] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Dragoon 2nd Circle Required Dethrone: Remove Knockback Type: Active * Removes knockback effect from [Dehtrone] * Only applies if attribute is set to ON * Increases SP consumption by 10% Dragoon 2nd Circle Required Dethrone [Physical] - [Pierce] Pierces the lance into the enemies in front and incapacitate their movements. The skill decreases both movement speed and attack speed of the boss monster. Level 5: Attack: 619% x 2 Enemy [Trap] Duration: 5 seconds Boss Monster Debuff Duration: 20 seconds SP: 148 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 16s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol |
Rank 9
Dragoon |
15 / 15 3 Dragon Soar: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dragon Soar] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Dragoon 1st Circle required Dragon Soar: Shock Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Dragon Soar] have a 5% chance per attribute level to be afflicted with [Shock] for 10 seconds * Increases SP consumption by 10% Dragoon 1st Circle required Dragon Soar: Ascension Type: Active Applies double the hits with [Dragon Soar] * Increases SP consumption by 200% Requires Dragon Soar Lv 11 Dragon Soar [Physical] - [Slash] Vault into the air while swinging your spear upwards. Deals additional damage to flying enemies. Level 15: Attack: 285% x 5 +30% increased damage to flying type enemies SP: 194 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 15s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol 10 / 10 2 Dethrone: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dethrone] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Dragoon 2nd Circle Required Dethrone: Remove Knockback Type: Active * Removes knockback effect from [Dehtrone] * Only applies if attribute is set to ON * Increases SP consumption by 10% Dragoon 2nd Circle Required Dethrone [Physical] - [Pierce] Pierces the lance into the enemies in front and incapacitate their movements. The skill decreases both movement speed and attack speed of the boss monster. Level 10: Attack: 789% x 2 Enemy [Trap] Duration: 5 seconds Boss Monster Debuff Duration: 40 seconds SP: 242 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 16s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol 5 / 5 Dragon Fall: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dragon Fall] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Dragoon 3rd Circle Required Dragon Fall: Counterweight Type: Active * If your current weight is over 50%, [Dragon Fall] will ignore enemy block * Increase SP consumption by 50% Dragoon 3rd Circle Required Dragon Fall [Physical] - [Pierce] Fly up to the sky, shoot down the specified surface and give powerful damage over a wide range. Level 5: Attack: 4255% SP: 148 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 50s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol 1 / 1 Dragoon Helmet Equip your Dragoon Helmet. When you equip the helmet, all Dragoon skills are enhanced by increasing their damage dealt and reducing SP consumption. Use the skill again to remove the helmet. Level 1: Dragoon skill damage +50% Dragoon skill SP consumption -50% Max. level 1 SP: 0 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 1s Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol |
Comments (467)
enough negatives, keep up Your good work with dragon build and have fun in ToS
Sim, muito mais pra farmar ... hoje em dia Pelt C2 vale muito apena, pois os debuff que uma classe tinha não existe mais.
My build: http://www.tosbase.com/tools/skill-simulator/build/yn69xg0sq6/
Bad idea, it's no use you have 100 ~ 300 more damage, but you can not beat it by falling all the time.
[Pain Barrier] is one of Swordman's best skills.
pessima ideia, não adianta você ter 100 ~ 300 de dano a mais, mas não conseguir bater por ficar caindo a todo momento.
[Pain Barrier] é uma das melhores skill's de Swordman.
Why do some people use 1-Hand + Shield Spear instead of 2-Hand Spear?
Could you clarify whether to level up dragon soar or serpentine? because i saw on the skill priority category, u mention to up serpentine skills, but on the guide is showing to lvl dragon soar?
Also with the new HG gear you can get a lot of free stats that you won't primarily invest in anyways.
C2: Concentrate 9 -> Pain Barrier 10 -> Restrain 5
thats 31 points Gung ho should stay 3 from the build down there
"I can say that it effectively quests, grinds, kills trash, tops DPS on World Bosses, Mission Bosses, and Dungeon Bosses."
and then
"I have yet to have the opportunity to go out and hunt the new World Bosses, but I will keep everyone posted."
this guy is good only in paper.