[Apr 25th 2018] New classes have been added to the skill simulator!

M.E.C.H.A [PT-BR] Força e Agressividade, PVE/PVP Build

Created by Kazan on Jul 11th 2017 (Last Updated: Aug 15th 2018).
This is a public build.
This build has been deleted by the owner. It will be completely removed in the future if the owner doesn't revert the deletion. If you want to keep this build use the "Copy Build" function.

"6. Buff Cannoneer
The development team is aware that Cannoneer’s skills are not comfortable and the concept is not working. There have been several changes to attempt to improve it, but it has not produced good results, and users who play Cannoneer are not satisfied.

Therefore, Cannoneer is planned to be revamped in the second half of 2018. It is difficult to improve the current skills and concept as is, so they are looking to improve it in various different ways, and will have major changes for it this year.

IMC will review user comments carefully and asks for your support in this."

Olá pessoal eu sou o Kazan, team name SKazan, jogo no servidor [SA]Silute, muito prazer, tudo bem com vocês?
Esse é um Guia baseado nas minhas experiências em relação aos Cannoneers, onde meu maior intuito será de compartilhar os meus conhecimentos e aprender juntamente aos leitores através de suas sugestões.
Todas as questões estarão mais relacionadas ao Servidor Silute, onde eu jogo. Mas a essência dos assuntos retratados serão válidas para qualquer Servidor. Enfim, os detalhes mais visados serão abordados em suas seções específicas.
Cannoneer é a classe com maior burst AOE do jogo. Com uma dose de ignorância, suas skills conseguem chegar ao novo cap damage (777777) sem muito esforço. Em PVE seu auxilio com desengage e cc's é forte e seu desempenho é mitológico. Focando em seu Canhão é uma das classes mais fortes do jogo.
Já no PVP você será o famoso Glass Cannon, só não vá tentar explodir um Kabbalist.

Classificação da Build(Minha opinião):
1v1(boss ou qualquer coisa sozinha): 9
AOE: 10
Sobrevivência: 4
Solo: 6
Party: 10
PvP: 8

• Dano ridículo de forte
• Maior AOE e Hitbox do jogo
• Buff do buff que buffa o buff, no final só numero de 6 casas subindo
• Dá pra entrar em uns PVP, mesmo a build sendo full PVE
• Fácil de fazer conteúdos endgame
• Difícil de jogar
• Precisa investir em atributos pra começar a jogar
• Lento
• Gameplay estática

Existem inumeras outras builds, não vou me aprofundar aqui, sinta-se livre para perguntar sobre.


Depois de umas atualizações full CON ficou sendo melhor, mas, eu ainda acredito no full STR, mas se voce quiser elevar o dano e ter um pouco de sobrevivência, da pra ir full CON e investir em itens de STR ou o contrario, no final fica quase 1-1.No meu caso eu sou full STR e uso itens de STR e CON.


Swift Step► Lv5, Nada demais, padrão archer
Multi Shot► Lv5, Só para quebrar estruturas
Full Draw► Lv1, Empurrar qualquer coisa pra mais de 200 metros longe de você
Oblique Shot► Lv4, Archer1, mas ainda dá dano

Steady Aim► Lv5, pra um rank filler 5% de dano missile bonus é muita coisa, URRA
High Anchoring► Lv5, Skill estranha, mas eu gostei da animação dela
Critical Shot► Lv5, Dá um buffzinho de critico

Deploy Pavise► Lv5, Agrar, tankar, sentar e matar, basicamente
Scatter Caltrops► Lv5, Segunda opção pra agrar mobs, e essa ainda vem com um CC bem chato
Stone Shot► Lv5, Apedregulha a cabeça do inimigo com pedras compradas[?] e deixa ele stunado quase a vida toda


Zhendu► Lv1, Zendhuzin ta muito forte, mas é melhor maximizado para builds com alto DPS, Cannoneer ainda é focada em burst
Wugong Gu► Lv3, sobrou pontos, e é uma ferramenta a mais pra matar bosses
Throw Gu Pot► Lv15, ta aqui a nova melhor amiga do cannoneer, 15s de puro DPS
Latent Venom► Lv15, veneno estranho, porém eficaz
Jincan Gu► Lv5, Só para ter max baratinhas
Wide Miasma► Lv1, é uma skill "boa", mas ainda não vi o potencial que os coreanos estão vendo, pra mim level 1 só pra ficar invisivel
Crescendo Bane► Lv5, Um segundo "Bazooka", boosta seus venenos em velocidade, e aumenta um pouquinho seu dano elemental


Cannon Shot► Lv15, Discutível, mas 15 se você quiser fazer o endgame atual do jogo
Shotdown► Lv1, Só pra ativar o debuff e dar um daninho em voadores
Siege Burst► Lv1, Melhor skill de PVP do jogo
Cannon Blast► Lv1, Se for seguir a risca, use essa só para procar o armor break
Cannon Barrage► Lv10, Skill mais forte de Cannoneer em oponentes sem defesa
Smoke Grenade► Lv1, "STUN GRENADE", imobiliza qualquer mob terrestre por um tempo relativamente alto
Bazooka► Lv10, Melhor skill da classe se usada com sabedoria, da pra fazer umas plays bem legais com isso
Sweeping Cannon► Lv5, Farmador de overkill, skill absurdamente fora da curva, o ÚNICO limitador dela é o próprio limitador do jogo, o CAP(777777), por que se deixar ela chega fácil na linha dos 2kk pra cima

One-handed Bow Mastery: Ignore Defense - Max ➔ 25% de armor penetration!
Oblique Shot: Slow - Max ➔ Isso pega em Boss, uma boa ferramenta para tirar o aggro dele de você
Multi Shot: Critical - Max ➔ Um critico a mais sempre é bem vindo
Full Draw: Decreased Defense - Max ➔ Lembra da passiva do Crossbow?então, você ta ficando forte deixando os adversários mais fracos
Full Draw: Increased Knockback - Max ➔ Pra um camper, quanto mais longe melhor!

Weapon Swap - Max ➔ Pra andar de escudinho, nunca se sabe né
High Anchoring: Reduce Critical Resistance - Max ➔ Passiva padrão de classe filler, mas se ta ai compre
Stead Aim: Enhance - Max ➔ Enhance meia boca, mas se ta ai compre

Shield Mastery: Missile Defense - Max ➔ Essa passiva é meio bugada, ainda mais com o atributo de subweapon de Wugushi, mas usando ela certo, da pra ganhar um boost de 2k+ de dano facilmente
Deploy Pasive: Bleeding Chance - Max ➔ Bleeding é influenciado pela STR, então é daora ter
Scatter Caltrops: Duration - Max ➔ Atributo mais voltado pra PVP, em PVE essa skill tem "agro"

Wugushi: Two-handed Poison - Max ➔ Um dos motivos dessa build, canhão tem o dano de uma Two-handed Sword!
Wugushi: poison Reserve - Max ➔ Com essa atualização, os venenos estão consumindo muito veneno, então quando puder, jogue pontos aqui
Throw Gu: Residual Poison - Max ➔ É mais pelo bug, para que o ThrowGu pegue em voadores
Wugong Gu: Continuous Infection - Max ➔ O veneno espalhado fica mais tempo
Zendhu: Decreased Poison Resistance - Max ➔ Debuff de poison, bom, mas com o CD do zendhu, não vale tanto
Wide Miasma: Stealth - Max ➔ 10s invisivobrouws
Crescendo Bane: Poison to Poison - Max ➔Sabe o que é melhor que dar dano poison? dar dano poison em poison

Cannon Mastery: Penetration - MAX ➔ Com essa passiva você quase nunca vai tomar block, mesmo daquele cara com Aias e os caralho todo
Cannon Blast: Armor Break - MAX ➔ 35% que parecem ser 90% isso broca quase toda vez, desative essa passiva quando for farmar e/ou fazer outra coisa, ela come seu SP todo
Cannon Barrage: Stun - MAX ➔ Passiva legal, comba muito bem com a smoke
Smoke Grenade: Additional Damage - MAX ➔ Mais 50% de dano em skills de Cannoneer!
Bazooka: Veteran Mercenary - MAX ➔ Não tem mais limite minimo de range, e mais atk speed!
Cannon Shot: Chain Explosion - MAX ➔ Diminui o dano em monstros terrestres mas hita 3x
Shootdown: Chain Explosion - MAX ➔ Mesma Versão da acima, só que para voadores
Cannon Barrage: Weight Reduction - MAX ➔sua skill vai ter somente 16s de cd por apenas 20% de seu dano!
Shootdown: Falling - MAX ➔ Faz com que os voadores caiam e tomem dano extra de Cannon Shot, funciona em Boss
Siege Burst: Focus - MAX ➔ Impossibilita o cast de ser cancelado ao tomar hit de mobs/players
Siege Burst: Increased Range - MAX ➔ Aumenta o range absurdamente ao ponto de passar da tela
Siege Bust: Destroy Magic Circle - MAX ➔ Sua ultima escolha para PVP, para quando você já tiver gasto Capture e Detonate Traps
Siege Burst: Critical - MAX ➔ É sempre bom ter um critico a mais
Cannon Blast: Enhance - 30/50/70 ➔ Seu foco depois da Broom Trap
Cannon Barrage: Enhance - 30/50/70 ➔ Sua melhor skill para matar Boss, upe aqui quando for possivel
Cannon Shot: Enhance - 30/50/70 ➔ 50 aqui é suficiente
Shootdown: Enhance - 30/50/70 ➔ 50 aqui também, só pelo combo com o Cannon Shot em mobs voadores
Sweeping Cannon: Enhance - 30/50/70 ➔ Passar de 50 pontos nessa skill é overkill, só de bazooka e 5k de ataque vc já consegue dar cap damage critando


Aqui vou-lhe ensinar(ou não) a se portar em diferentes situações da vida cotidiana de um Cannoneer.
Primeiramente vamos apreciar nosso melhor amigo, o senhor Chronomancer, ele deixa seu trabalho 200x mais facil e mais rápido.
Solo: Você praticamente só vai usar a parte do Cannoneer, de outros ranks você pode usar, QS para agrar mobs e Wugushi para ficar invisível e conseguir se reposicionar para usar um Sweeping, mas, para ser um bom farmador, você precisará investir em itens de move speed e uma carta Helgasercle Lendária, com isso você consegue "lamber" os mapas de grind sem esforço.

Party: Em party seu trabalho é ser forte e agressivo, explodir a porra toda, limpar o chao com a cara dos mobs, e tiltar os Warlock (a parte mais importante é essa), zoeiras a parte, Cannoneer realmente tem um potencial inexplorado, nem eu mesmo sei o potencial máximo de um Cannoneer, e jogo disso desde muleque, em grupo suas limitações são reduzidas, mas não é qualquer parte, você precisa de classes especificas para te dar suporte. Um exemplo é Thaumaturge x Chronomancer, enquanto um da 3k de ataque para qualquer classe, você que é focado só na subweapon só ganha 1k disso e por ai vai, agora com chrono, ele tem os CD exatamente iguais os seus, não é preciso sincronizar para poder jogar de Chrono com Cannon. Aumenta MUITO MAIS que DEX a sua velocidade de ataque, e de quebra se tiver Rune Caster na build ainda te deixa grandão(dependendo da build e dos stats isso é só visual mesmo), que por sinal você pode usar Bazooka com Rune of Giant, então ele é seu melhor amigo. Chrono>Thauma

Instancias: Essa é a parte mais chata e mais legal[?], porque Cannoneer é bem individualista, então necessita de skillplay se quiser jogar de Cannoneer em alto nível, ao menos PVE, você tem que desafiar o tempo, chegamos no Dark Souls do TOS, se você errar uma skill você ta morto, com o tempo de animação do Bazooka, mesmo mais rápido, Cannoneer ainda é muito frágil, então, pense antes de bater...

Combos: não tem muito segredo, fazendo o certo você vai ver o dano subindo
qualquer combo dessa build você obrigatoriamente tem que usar Cannon Blast e Lantent Venom, pra procar o Armor Break e as Velnia Monkey Card.
Lantent Venom>ThrowGu>Crescendo Bane>Bazooka
Veja seus venenos hitando 100k++
Combo padrão da classe, pois uma skill cancela a animação da outra
Shotdown>Cannon Shot
Parece bobo, mas nos mobs certos, isso da mais de 1kk de dano
JincanGu>Sweeping Cannon
"Insetos venenosos do Naraku"

isso ai é o basicão, sinta-se livre para criar os seus próprios e usa-los em seu Cannone.


Em PVP não tenho muita experiencia, mas, além de você trabalhar com ordens em geral, da pra fazer uns trabalhos sujos sozinho, mas no final da GVG/Gemstone Feud ou qualquer modo PVP que você jogar (TBL nem é gente) você vai ver que só usou SIEGE BURST.


Crossbows: Você não precisa dar muita importância, no maximo com uma build com QS3, ai você teria que dar uma upada no crossbow e ir atras de um Masinios, tirando isso, você pode optar pelo SP pool da Regard, ou do fácil dano extra da Silver Hawk, mas eu recomendo você buscar uma crossbow de HG com STR e CON no minimo, se tiver sp max/crit rate/block pen/SPR/DEX ai é lucro, mas o foco é absoluto em STR e CON.

Cannons: Dessa linha aqui, não foque muito em nenhum, são mais pra upar e apressar seu lategame(é bastante estressante e chato jogar de cannoneer com um canhão fraco), então eu aconselho a novos jogadores, ou quem não conhece muito do jogo/classe, que invista o minimo possível em um desses canhões para poder curtir o midgame da classe.

Esses canhões aqui são especiais, cada um deles tem seu ataque e level diferentes, mas o que os une são o boost que eles dão na classe, Lolopanther e o Solmiki dão 1 level em cada skill de cannoneer(Sweeping não ganha level ai, está bugado sra. IMC) e o Masinios dá 1 level em Bazooka e Sweeping(o desse daqui funciona), então você tem essas 3 opções, como o Lolopanther é level 270 ele não é muito forte, mas ele consegue fazer o retorno... O mais forte é o Solmiki, porem, o Masinios é anos-luz mais fácil de fazer, no final depende do gosto.


Não tem muito segredo aqui, use sets completados de HG até o 350, sempre priorizando partes leather com STR e CON.

FULL SOLMIKI Esse daqui não tem erro, o set, cordão e 2 braceletes Solmiki Leather, para ganhar o bonus de 818 de ataque com 7 peças
• Maior custo beneficio
• Da pra usar em qualquer char de ataque físico
• Muitos bonus
• Leather = sem defesa
• AOE ataque ridículo
• Demorado de farmar
FULL AOE Peito e calça Fietas, Bota e Luva Ausuras, cordão Solmiki e 2 braceletes Frieno, com isso você ganha o bonus de AOE do frieno, e MUITA STR
• Como o nome ja diz, 5 de AOE ATK só no set
• +298 de STR, somente no set
• Dá pra trocar o colar por um Frieno e com wugushi, fica insano, cuidado com a tela piscando de preto
• Dependendo da build, você fica muito papel
• Não tem bonus de set full
• Wugushi não usa AOE ATK
FULL HG Qualquer peça de HG com perto de 40 em STR e CON, recomendo focar em um só tipo Plate/Leather/Cloth
• CON e STR balanceadas
• Faz conteúdos endgame sem sofrer muito
• Acessórios liberados, o que der dano pode usar
• Menor dano dos 3 sets
• Dificil de fazer/encontrar e é caro
• É feio demais andar de set de HG por ai

Lembrando sempre, que isso são só dicas, você pode seguir isso a risca se quiser, e tem itens menores com quase o mesmo desempenho, mas não quero poluir isso, então, sinta-se livre para perguntar.


CANNON ➔ Gema vermelha, Wugushi não tem crit rate
TOP/BOT ➔ Gema vermelha aqui também, +HP
CROSSBOW ➔ Se você não se importar no Gap de dano max/min, gemas vermelhas aqui também, mas se quiser outra coisa, Gema verde aqui não é tão ruim assim
OUTROS ➔ Para bota/luva procure gemas de level em skills, foque em Wugushi ou Steady Aim(Colifly Gem)


Reaverpede - Ataque fisico +[★/2]% em monstros do tamanho médio. ➔Maioria dos monstros do jogo são médios.
Sparnas - Com arma tipo Missile + [★*7] ➔ 3 delas dão 210 de Atk
Glass Mole - Ataque físico +[★]% por 6 segundos ao usar poções de SP ➔ Ajuste razoável, ao menos agora essa carta tem competidores
Centaurus - AOE Attack ratio +[★/5] ➔ +6 de AOE atk vai ser muito bem vindo
Velnia Monkey - Dano em monstros envenenados +[★]% ➔ Wugushi only, essa carta é uma graça, fica uptime em bosses

Sequoia - Defesa física +[★*5], Defesa magica +[★*5] ➔ 150 de defesa física/magica como você sempre usará leather é uma alternativa econômica para a aba azul
Nuale - Defesa Magica +[★]% ➔ 30% de defesa magica com 3 delas, uma das melhores cartas do jogo!
Zaura - Defesa Física +[★]% ➔ Versão física da acima
Armaos - 10% chance de criar um escudo com [★ * 100] por 10 segundos ao ser acertado. ➔ Melhor cartinha pra aba Azul na atualidade, e é de baixo custo

Netherbovine - STR +[★] ➔ Essa delicia da 30 de STR seco!
Gorkas - Loot Chance +[★ * 5] ➔ Perfeita pra farmar com um set Full aoe/loot
Blut - CON +[★] ➔ Se quiser ser full focado em CON

Dullahan - [★]% Chance de ressuscitar com 10% do HP ➔ Gosto dessa carta, efeito dela é bem ''diferente''
Werewolf - [★]% Chance de atacar nas costas do alvo ➔ Obrigatória para rogue, 30% de chance ainda é muito bom
Marnox - Acerto critico +[★ * 1.5] Alternativa de critico para builds sem rogue, 3 dessas dá 45 de acerto critico
Gazing Golem - [★]% Chance de usar Pain Barrier ao ser acertado ➔ Um Pain Barrier nunca é demais, boa pra ficar em bazooka all time
Succubus - Ao atacar, você tem chance de diminuir o agro em [★]% ➔ Boa pra fazer endgame em grupo, sem agro em você = mais dps
Rikaus - Efeito de poções de SP +[★]% ➔ Essa carta abafa um pouco do custo de SP elevado de um cannoneer, boa pra jogar solo
Honeypin - Dano de propriedade poison +[★ * 10] ➔ Wugushi only, mas tem coisas melhores

Obrigado por apoiar esse bobão que gosta de Cannoneer, não só esses da minha memo, mas vocês que me acompanham, é vendo cada vez mais "cannoninhos" no server que eu fico feliz e me motiva a botar isso pra frente, amo vocês tudo.

• 2017/09/26 Adicionado ''Updates''
• 2017/09/26 Adicionado ''Gameplay/Combos''
• 2017/09/27 Retirado Cartas antigas
• 2017/09/27 Adicionado Armas, Escudos e Acessórios
• 2017/12/19 Guia fechado para atualizações
• 2017/12/26 Revisão e atualização do guia
• 2017/12/28 Guia Reaberto
• 2018/04/28 Atualização de itens, skills e build para o meta
• 2018/04/28 Planejamento de atualizações futuras, gameplays e conteúdos
• 2018/07/06 Trolei o guia
• 2018/07/10 Guia revivido

Copy Build
Rank 1
circle 1
5 / 5
Swift Step
Swift Step: Critical Rate
Type: Active
* Increases critical rate by 20 per attribute level and 5 per [Swift Step] level when [Swift Step] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Archer 2nd Circle required
Swift Step: Include Party Members
Type: Active
* Applies the effects of [Swift Step] to party members
* Effects only apply to party members when the attribute is ON

Archer 1st Circle required
Swift Step

Temporarily increases movement speed and evasion while moving.

Level 5:
Moving Shot Movement Speed: +9%
Evasion: +50
Duration: 300 seconds
SP: 19

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 36s
5 / 5
Multi Shot
Archer11 Mark
Multi Shot: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Multi Shot] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Archer 1st Circle required
Multi Shot: Critical
Type: Active
* Increases critical chance of [Multi Shot] by 5% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Archer 1st Circle required
Multi Shot

[Missile: Bow]
Quickly fires a number of arrows at a targeted area.

Level 5:
Attack: 66% x 10
SP: 16

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 14s
Required Stance: TwoHandBow, BowAndShield, BowAndArtefact, BowAndDagger, BowAndPistol, BowAndCannon, BowAndSword
1 / 5
Full Draw
Archer12 Overwhelming Archer9
Full Draw: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Full Draw] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Archer 1st Circle required
Full Draw: Increased Knockback
Type: Active
* Increases knockback power of [Full Draw] by 50
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Archer 1st Circle required
Full Draw: Decreased Defense
Type: Active
* Decreases the enemy's physical defense threaded with [Full Draw] by 2% per attribute level.
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Archer 1st Circle required
Full Draw

[Missile: Bow]
Pull your bowstring back to fire a highly piercing shot. Enemies hit are pinned onto the surrounding terrain.

Level 1:
Attack: 312%
[Skew] Duration: 6 seconds
SP: 12

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Required Stance: TwoHandBow, BowAndShield, BowAndArtefact, BowAndDagger, BowAndPistol, BowAndCannon, BowAndSword
4 / 5
Oblique Shot
Archer13 Archer6
Oblique Shot: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Oblique Shot] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Archer 1st Circle required
Oblique Shot: Slow
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Oblique Shot] while [Swift Step] is active have a 5% chance per attribute level to be afflicted with [Slow] for 7 sec
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Archer 1st Circle required
Oblique Shot

[Missile: Bow] [{img tooltip_speedofatk}Attack Speed]
Fires an arrow that bounces off of the target to hit an adjacent enemy.

Level 4:
Attack: 201%
Bounced Arrow Attack: 148%
SP: 13

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 10s
Required Stance: TwoHandBow, BowAndShield, BowAndArtefact, BowAndDagger, BowAndPistol, BowAndCannon, BowAndSword, Musket
Rank 2
circle 1
0 / 5
Ranger11 Ranger1
Barrage: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Barrage] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Ranger 1st Circle required
Barrage: Knockback
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Barrage] have a 10% chance per attribute level of being knocked back
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Ranger 1st Circle required

[Missile: Bow] [{img tooltip_speedofatk}Attack Speed]

Fires 5 arrows forward in an arc in front of you.

Level 1:
Attack: 111% x 5
SP: 20

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 18s
Required Stance: TwoHandBow, BowAndShield, BowAndArtefact, BowAndDagger, BowAndPistol, BowAndCannon, BowAndSword
5 / 5
High Anchoring
Ranger12 Ranger31
High Anchoring: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [High Anchoring] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Ranger 1st Circle required
High Anchoring: Reduce Critical Resistance
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [High Anchoring] have their critical resistance reduced by 15 per attribute level for 5 sec
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Ranger 1st Circle required
High Anchoring: Continuous Fire
Type: Active
* Reduces the cooldown of [Spiral Arrow], [Bounce Shot] and [Time Bomb Arrow] by [targets hit x 1] sec when an enemy is attacked with [High Anchoring]
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Ranger 3rd Circle required
High Anchoring

[Missile: Bow]
Aim with the tip of your arrow and penetrate through enemies in front of you.

Level 5:
Attack: 228%
AoE Attack Ratio: 10
SP: 40

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 15s
Required Stance: TwoHandBow, BowAndShield, BowAndArtefact, BowAndDagger, BowAndPistol, BowAndCannon, BowAndSword
5 / 5
Critical Shot
Critical Shot: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Critical Shot] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Ranger 1st Circle required
Critical Shot

[Missile: Bow] [{img tooltip_speedofatk} Attack Speed]
Fires an arrow with a high chance of critical attack. Increases the caster's critical damage when a critical shot is landed.

Level 5:
Attack 264%
Add. critical chance 100%
Max. 5 stacks
Critical damage increases 10% per stack
SP: 30

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 10s
Required Stance: TwoHandBow, BowAndShield, BowAndArtefact, BowAndDagger, BowAndPistol, BowAndCannon, BowAndSword
5 / 5
Steady Aim
Steady Aim: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases additional damage effect of [Steady Aim] by 2 per attribute level

Lv3 Steady Aim required
Steady Aim: Two-handed Bow Specialization
Type: Active
* Increases the Missile damage of Steady Aim by 50% while the [Steady Aim] buff is active
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Ranger 2nd Circle required
Steady Aim: Pro Ranger
Type: Active
* Increases the damage of Ranger skills by 50% while the [Steady Aim] buff is active
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Ranger 3rd Circle required
Steady Aim

Aim at an enemy in a stable posture. Increases the damage of Missile property attacks.

Level 5:
Damage +5%
Add. damage 50
Duration 5 min
SP: 40

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 25s
Rank 3
circle 1
Quarrel Shooter
5 / 5
Deploy Pavise
Deploy Pavise: Bleeding Chance
Type: Active
* Increases chances to afflict [Bleeding] on an enemy when damage is dealt with [Deploy Pavise] by 1%
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Quarrel Shooter 1st Circle required
Deploy Pavise

Set up an upright shield to protect yourself from enemy attacks. Enemies without a target will attack the pavise instead. Enemies attacked during the installation will have a chance of being afflicted with Bleeding.

Level 5:
Attack: 240%
Blocks: 40
Pavise Duration: 26 seconds
[Bleeding]Chance: 40%
SP: 36

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
Required Stance: TwoHandBow, BowAndShield, BowAndArtefact, BowAndDagger, BowAndPistol, BowAndCannon, Musket, BowAndSword
5 / 5
Scatter Caltrops
QuarrelShooter11 QuarrelShooter2
Scatter Caltrops: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Scatter Caltrops] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Quarrel Shooter 1st Circle required
Scatter Caltrops: Duration
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Scatter Caltrops] by 1 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Quarrel Shooter 1st Circle required
Scatter Caltrops

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Throw caltrops on the ground that inflict damage to enemies that step on them.

Level 5:
Attack: 168%
Throw Count: 5
Caltrops Duration: 20 seconds
Enemy Movement Speed -10 for 5 seconds
SP: 39

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
Required Stance: TwoHandBow, BowAndShield, BowAndArtefact, BowAndDagger, BowAndPistol, BowAndCannon, Musket, BowAndSword
5 / 5
Stone Shot
Stone Shot: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Stone Shot] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Quarrel Shooter 1st Circle required
Stone Shot

[Missile: Bow]
Fires a stone bullet to push an enemy away. The target has a chance to become afflicted with [Stun].

Level 5:
Attack: 264%
[Stun]Duration: 6 seconds
Consumes 1 Stone Bullet
SP: 50

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 10s
Required Stance: BowAndShield, BowAndArtefact, BowAndDagger, BowAndPistol, BowAndCannon, BowAndSword
Rank 4
circle 1
0 / 1
Detoxify: Poison Immunity
Type: Active
* Turns characters cured by [Detoxify] immune to Lv 1 Poison debuffs for 4 sec
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Detoxify: Level 3
Type: Active
* Allows [Detoxify] to cure Poison debuffs up to Lv 3
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Wugushi 3rd Circle required

Detoxifies a poisoned ally. If the poison is of a higher rank than the antidote, the duration will be reduced instead.

Level 1:
Duration: -3 seconds
Consumes 10 Poison Pot Poison
SP: 54

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 9s
0 / 5
Wugong Gu
Wugushi14 Wugushi4
Wugong Gu: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Wugong Gu] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Wugong Gu: Continuous Infection
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Wugong Gu] infection on an affected target by 1 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Wugong Gu

[Missile: Bow] - [Poison]
Fires a contagious poison arrow. The poisoned target spreads poison around to nearby enemies whenever it is attacked.

Level 1:
105% Attack per 0.5 seconds
[Poison] Duration: 10 seconds
Consumes 7 Poison Pot Poison
SP: 59

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
Element: Poison
1 / 5
Zhendu: Decreased Poison Resistance
Type: Active
* Reduces the Poison property resistance of enemies damaged by [Zhendu] by 7 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wugushi 1st Circle required

Applies a new deadly poison to your weapon for the next attack.
Damage increases with STR.

Level 1:
Zhendu duration 300 sec
Add. Poison property attack 0
Add. Poison property damage 40
Consumes Poison Pot Poison x100
SP: 64

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 110s
5 / 5
Latent Venom
Latent Venom: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Latent Venom] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Latent Venom

[Missile: Bow] - [Venom]
Fires a poisonous arrow that deals continuous damage for a long period of time. The stronger the poison, the higher the damage.

Level 5:
Attack per sec 52%
Attack per sec increase 3%
Duration 100 sec
Consumes Poison Pot Poison x7
SP: 104

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Poison
5 / 5
Poison Pot
Throw Gu Pot: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Throw Gu Pot] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Throw Gu Pot: Residual Poison
Type: Active
* Maintains [Poison] by 2 seconds per attribute level when enemies move outside the range of [Throw Gu Pot]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wugushi 2nd Circle required
Poison Pot

[Physical] - [Poison]
Create a poison puddle by throwing a pot filled with poison. Any enemy who come into contact with the puddle is poisoned.

Level 5:
0.5 seconds attack 262%
Duration: 15 seconds
Consumes 23 Poison Pot
SP: 86

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Poison
Rank 5
circle 2
0 / 1
Detoxify: Poison Immunity
Type: Active
* Turns characters cured by [Detoxify] immune to Lv 1 Poison debuffs for 4 sec
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Detoxify: Level 3
Type: Active
* Allows [Detoxify] to cure Poison debuffs up to Lv 3
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Wugushi 3rd Circle required

Detoxifies a poisoned ally. If the poison is of a higher rank than the antidote, the duration will be reduced instead.

Level 1:
Duration: -3 seconds
Consumes 10 Poison Pot Poison
SP: 54

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 9s
0 / 10
Wugong Gu
Wugushi14 Wugushi4
Wugong Gu: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Wugong Gu] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Wugong Gu: Continuous Infection
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Wugong Gu] infection on an affected target by 1 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Wugong Gu

[Missile: Bow] - [Poison]
Fires a contagious poison arrow. The poisoned target spreads poison around to nearby enemies whenever it is attacked.

Level 1:
105% Attack per 0.5 seconds
[Poison] Duration: 10 seconds
Consumes 7 Poison Pot Poison
SP: 59

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
Element: Poison
1 / 10
Zhendu: Decreased Poison Resistance
Type: Active
* Reduces the Poison property resistance of enemies damaged by [Zhendu] by 7 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wugushi 1st Circle required

Applies a new deadly poison to your weapon for the next attack.
Damage increases with STR.

Level 1:
Zhendu duration 300 sec
Add. Poison property attack 0
Add. Poison property damage 40
Consumes Poison Pot Poison x100
SP: 64

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 110s
10 / 10
Latent Venom
Latent Venom: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Latent Venom] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Latent Venom

[Missile: Bow] - [Venom]
Fires a poisonous arrow that deals continuous damage for a long period of time. The stronger the poison, the higher the damage.

Level 10:
Attack per sec 63%
Attack per sec increase 3%
Duration 100 sec
Consumes Poison Pot Poison x7
SP: 143

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Poison
10 / 10
Poison Pot
Wugushi17 Wugushi5
Throw Gu Pot: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Throw Gu Pot] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Throw Gu Pot: Residual Poison
Type: Active
* Maintains [Poison] by 2 seconds per attribute level when enemies move outside the range of [Throw Gu Pot]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wugushi 2nd Circle required
Poison Pot

[Physical] - [Poison]
Create a poison puddle by throwing a pot filled with poison. Any enemy who come into contact with the puddle is poisoned.

Level 10:
0.5 seconds attack 321%
Duration: 15 seconds
Consumes 23 Poison Pot
SP: 119

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Poison
5 / 5
Jincan Gu
Jincan Gu: Decreased Evasion Rate
Type: Active
* Decreases evasion rate of enemies affected by [Jincan Gu] by 5% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Wugushi 3rd Circle required
Jincan Gu: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Jincan Gu] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 2nd Circle required
Jincan Gu

[Physical] - [Poison]
Throw Jincan to attack enemies. Defeated enemies have a chance to be replaced with a poison insect that attacks other enemies.
Damage increases with STR.

Level 5:
Attack per 2 sec 164%
[Poisonous Insect] attack 164%
[Poisonous Insect] max. 5
[Poisonous Insect] duration 3 sec
Consumes Poison Pot Poison x11
SP: 92

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 40s
Element: Poison
1 / 5
Wide Miasma
Wide Miasma: Stealth
Type: Active
* Character enters stealth mode for 2 sec per attribute level after using [Wide Miasma]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wugushi 3rd Circle required
Wide Miasma: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Wide Miasma] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 2nd Circle required
Wide Miasma

[Physical] - [Poison]
Throw a vial of poison to the ground and break it. A toxic cloud forms around the broken vial, poisoning enemies within range.

Level 1:
Attack per sec 95%
Toxic cloud duration 10 sec
Consumes Poison Pot Poison x20
SP: 89

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Poison
Rank 6
circle 3
0 / 1
Wugushi1 Wugushi24
Detoxify: Poison Immunity
Type: Active
* Turns characters cured by [Detoxify] immune to Lv 1 Poison debuffs for 4 sec
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Detoxify: Level 3
Type: Active
* Allows [Detoxify] to cure Poison debuffs up to Lv 3
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Wugushi 3rd Circle required

Detoxifies a poisoned ally. If the poison is of a higher rank than the antidote, the duration will be reduced instead.

Level 1:
Duration: -3 seconds
Consumes 10 Poison Pot Poison
SP: 54

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 9s
3 / 15
Wugong Gu
Wugushi14 Wugushi4
Wugong Gu: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Wugong Gu] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Wugong Gu: Continuous Infection
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Wugong Gu] infection on an affected target by 1 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Wugong Gu

[Missile: Bow] - [Poison]
Fires a contagious poison arrow. The poisoned target spreads poison around to nearby enemies whenever it is attacked.

Level 3:
116% Attack per 0.5 seconds
[Poison] Duration: 10 seconds
Consumes 7 Poison Pot Poison
SP: 71

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
Element: Poison
1 / 15
Zhendu: Decreased Poison Resistance
Type: Active
* Reduces the Poison property resistance of enemies damaged by [Zhendu] by 7 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wugushi 1st Circle required

Applies a new deadly poison to your weapon for the next attack.
Damage increases with STR.

Level 1:
Zhendu duration 300 sec
Add. Poison property attack 0
Add. Poison property damage 40
Consumes Poison Pot Poison x100
SP: 64

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 110s
15 / 15
Latent Venom
Latent Venom: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Latent Venom] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Latent Venom

[Missile: Bow] - [Venom]
Fires a poisonous arrow that deals continuous damage for a long period of time. The stronger the poison, the higher the damage.

Level 15:
Attack per sec 75%
Attack per sec increase 3%
Duration 100 sec
Consumes Poison Pot Poison x7
SP: 182

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Poison
15 / 15
Poison Pot
Wugushi17 Wugushi5
Throw Gu Pot: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Throw Gu Pot] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 1st Circle required
Throw Gu Pot: Residual Poison
Type: Active
* Maintains [Poison] by 2 seconds per attribute level when enemies move outside the range of [Throw Gu Pot]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wugushi 2nd Circle required
Poison Pot

[Physical] - [Poison]
Create a poison puddle by throwing a pot filled with poison. Any enemy who come into contact with the puddle is poisoned.

Level 15:
0.5 seconds attack 380%
Duration: 15 seconds
Consumes 23 Poison Pot
SP: 151

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Poison
5 / 10
Jincan Gu
Wugushi6 Wugushi28
Jincan Gu: Decreased Evasion Rate
Type: Active
* Decreases evasion rate of enemies affected by [Jincan Gu] by 5% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Wugushi 3rd Circle required
Jincan Gu: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Jincan Gu] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 2nd Circle required
Jincan Gu

[Physical] - [Poison]
Throw Jincan to attack enemies. Defeated enemies have a chance to be replaced with a poison insect that attacks other enemies.
Damage increases with STR.

Level 5:
Attack per 2 sec 164%
[Poisonous Insect] attack 164%
[Poisonous Insect] max. 5
[Poisonous Insect] duration 3 sec
Consumes Poison Pot Poison x11
SP: 92

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 40s
Element: Poison
1 / 10
Wide Miasma
Wugushi26 Wugushi27
Wide Miasma: Stealth
Type: Active
* Character enters stealth mode for 2 sec per attribute level after using [Wide Miasma]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wugushi 3rd Circle required
Wide Miasma: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Wide Miasma] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wugushi 2nd Circle required
Wide Miasma

[Physical] - [Poison]
Throw a vial of poison to the ground and break it. A toxic cloud forms around the broken vial, poisoning enemies within range.

Level 1:
Attack per sec 95%
Toxic cloud duration 10 sec
Consumes Poison Pot Poison x20
SP: 89

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Poison
5 / 5
Crescendo Bane
Crescendo Bane: Poison to Poison
Type: Active
* [Crescendo Bane] deals additional damage to Poison property monsters
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Wugushi 3rd Circle required
Crescendo Bane

Amplifies the toxicity of the poison running through the enemy's veins. The duration of the poison decreases, but the debuff cycle accelerates.

Level 5:
[Poison Debuff]Duration reduces 50%
[Poison Debuff]Cycle increases 50%
Add. Poison property damage x2
Consumes Poison Pot Poison x25
SP: 160

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Poison
Rank 7
circle 1
0 / 5
Cannon Shot
Cannon Shot: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cannon Shot] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Cannon Shot: Chain Explosion
Type: Active
* Reduces damage per hit to 2/3 on ground enemies, but increases no. of hits to 3
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required
Cannon Shot

[Missile: Cannon]
Fires cannonballs to target enemies on ground. The damage is halved against airborne enemies.

Level 1:
Attack: 584%
AoE Attack Ratio: 5
SP: 104

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 5s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
0 / 5
Cannoneer3 Cannoneer6
Shootdown: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Shoot Down] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Shootdown: Falling
Type: Active
* Flying type monsters hit by [Shootdown] will fall on the ground for 4 sec per attribute level
* From Lv. 2, the duration decreases by 1.8 sec per attribute level
* Fallen monsters receive additional damage from Cannon Shot
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Shootdown: Chain Explosion
Type: Active
* Reduces damage per hit to 2/3 on flying enemies, but increases no. of hits to 3
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required

[Missile: Cannon]
Fires cannonballs to target airborne enemies. The damage is halved against enemies on ground.

Level 1:
Attack: 584%
AoE Attack Ratio: 5
SP: 106

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 5s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
0 / 5
Siege Burst
Cannoneer4 Cannoneer7 Cannoneer13
Siege Burst: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Siege Burst] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Siege Burst: Increased Range
Type: Active
* Increases attacking range of [Siege Burst] by 25 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Siege Bust: Destroy Magic Circle
Type: Active
* [Siege Bust] removes all enemy magic circles at the point of attack
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cannoneer 2nd Circle Required
Siege Burst: Focus
Type: Active
* Maintains [Siege Burst] casting even when the character is attacked
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Siege Burst: Critical
Type: Active
* Increases Siege Burst critical chance by 10% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required
Siege Burst

[Missile: Cannon]
Fires a howitzer to the ground. 5x damage is dealt to an enemy's structure.

Level 1:
Attack: 799%
AoE Attack Ratio: 15
SP: 130

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 7s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
0 / 5
Cannon Blast
Cannoneer5 Cannoneer8
Cannon Blast: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cannon Blast] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Cannon Blast: Armor Break
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Cannon Blast] have a 7% chance per attribute level to be afflicted with [Armor Break] for 10 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Cannon Blast

[Missile: Cannon]
Fires a cannonball that spreads to target all enemies in front of you.

Level 1:
Attack: 860%
AoE Attack Ratio: 10
SP: 118

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
Rank 8
circle 2
0 / 10
Cannon Shot
Cannon Shot: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cannon Shot] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Cannon Shot: Chain Explosion
Type: Active
* Reduces damage per hit to 2/3 on ground enemies, but increases no. of hits to 3
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required
Cannon Shot

[Missile: Cannon]
Fires cannonballs to target enemies on ground. The damage is halved against airborne enemies.

Level 1:
Attack: 584%
AoE Attack Ratio: 5
SP: 104

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 5s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
0 / 10
Cannoneer3 Cannoneer6
Shootdown: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Shoot Down] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Shootdown: Falling
Type: Active
* Flying type monsters hit by [Shootdown] will fall on the ground for 4 sec per attribute level
* From Lv. 2, the duration decreases by 1.8 sec per attribute level
* Fallen monsters receive additional damage from Cannon Shot
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Shootdown: Chain Explosion
Type: Active
* Reduces damage per hit to 2/3 on flying enemies, but increases no. of hits to 3
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required

[Missile: Cannon]
Fires cannonballs to target airborne enemies. The damage is halved against enemies on ground.

Level 1:
Attack: 584%
AoE Attack Ratio: 5
SP: 106

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 5s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
0 / 10
Siege Burst
Cannoneer4 Cannoneer7 Cannoneer11 Cannoneer13
Siege Burst: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Siege Burst] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Siege Burst: Increased Range
Type: Active
* Increases attacking range of [Siege Burst] by 25 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Siege Bust: Destroy Magic Circle
Type: Active
* [Siege Bust] removes all enemy magic circles at the point of attack
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cannoneer 2nd Circle Required
Siege Burst: Focus
Type: Active
* Maintains [Siege Burst] casting even when the character is attacked
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Siege Burst: Critical
Type: Active
* Increases Siege Burst critical chance by 10% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required
Siege Burst

[Missile: Cannon]
Fires a howitzer to the ground. 5x damage is dealt to an enemy's structure.

Level 1:
Attack: 799%
AoE Attack Ratio: 15
SP: 130

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 7s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
0 / 10
Cannon Blast
Cannoneer5 Cannoneer8
Cannon Blast: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cannon Blast] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Cannon Blast: Armor Break
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Cannon Blast] have a 7% chance per attribute level to be afflicted with [Armor Break] for 10 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Cannon Blast

[Missile: Cannon]
Fires a cannonball that spreads to target all enemies in front of you.

Level 1:
Attack: 860%
AoE Attack Ratio: 10
SP: 118

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
0 / 5
Cannon Barrage
Cannoneer9 Cannoneer12
Cannon Barrage: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cannon Barrage] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 2nd Circle Required
Cannon Barrage: Stun
Type: Active
* [Cannon Barrage] has a 5% chance per attribute level to stun an enemy for 3 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cannoneer 2nd Circle Required
Cannon Barrage: Weight Reduction
Type: Active
* Reduces Cannon Barrage damage by 4% per attribute level and cooldown by 10%
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required
Cannon Barrage

[Missile: Cannon]
Repeatedly fire your cannon at the selected target.

Level 1:
Attack: 490% x 3
AoE Attack Ratio: 5
SP: 182

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 33s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
0 / 5
Smoke Grenade
Smoke Grenade: Additional Damage
Type: Active
* Increases additional cannon damage received by an enemy in the state of [Smoke Grenade] by 10% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cannoneer 2nd Circle Required
Smoke Grenade

Throw a smoke grenade at a selected area and blind them. Also, the enemies within its range receive additional damage from cannon attacks and hidden enemies get detected.

Level 1:
Smoke Grenade Duration: 8 seconds
AoE Attack Ratio: 10
SP: 202

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 33s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
0 / 5
Bazooka: Veteran Mercenary
Type: Active
* Removes attack range limit
* Increase base attack speed in [Bazooka] state
* Increases SP consumption by 200%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required

Prepares cannon attack to enhance focus. Uses cannon attack as basic attack, which does not affect enemies that are too near. In the Bazooka state, increases basic Cannoneer skill range by 2 times.

Level 1:
Additional Damage: 10%
Cannon Attack Range: +8

SP: 20

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 0s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
Rank 9
circle 3
15 / 15
Cannon Shot
Cannoneer2 Cannoneer17
Cannon Shot: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cannon Shot] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Cannon Shot: Chain Explosion
Type: Active
* Reduces damage per hit to 2/3 on ground enemies, but increases no. of hits to 3
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required
Cannon Shot

[Missile: Cannon]
Fires cannonballs to target enemies on ground. The damage is halved against airborne enemies.

Level 15:
Attack: 1033%
AoE Attack Ratio: 5
SP: 283

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 5s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
1 / 15
Cannoneer3 Cannoneer6 Cannoneer18
Shootdown: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Shoot Down] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Shootdown: Falling
Type: Active
* Flying type monsters hit by [Shootdown] will fall on the ground for 4 sec per attribute level
* From Lv. 2, the duration decreases by 1.8 sec per attribute level
* Fallen monsters receive additional damage from Cannon Shot
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Shootdown: Chain Explosion
Type: Active
* Reduces damage per hit to 2/3 on flying enemies, but increases no. of hits to 3
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required

[Missile: Cannon]
Fires cannonballs to target airborne enemies. The damage is halved against enemies on ground.

Level 1:
Attack: 584%
AoE Attack Ratio: 5
SP: 106

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 5s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
1 / 15
Siege Burst
Cannoneer4 Cannoneer7 Cannoneer11 Cannoneer13 Cannoneer19
Siege Burst: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Siege Burst] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Siege Burst: Increased Range
Type: Active
* Increases attacking range of [Siege Burst] by 25 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Siege Bust: Destroy Magic Circle
Type: Active
* [Siege Bust] removes all enemy magic circles at the point of attack
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cannoneer 2nd Circle Required
Siege Burst: Focus
Type: Active
* Maintains [Siege Burst] casting even when the character is attacked
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Siege Burst: Critical
Type: Active
* Increases Siege Burst critical chance by 10% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required
Siege Burst

[Missile: Cannon]
Fires a howitzer to the ground. 5x damage is dealt to an enemy's structure.

Level 1:
Attack: 799%
AoE Attack Ratio: 15
SP: 130

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 7s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
1 / 15
Cannon Blast
Cannoneer5 Cannoneer8
Cannon Blast: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cannon Blast] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Cannon Blast: Armor Break
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Cannon Blast] have a 7% chance per attribute level to be afflicted with [Armor Break] for 10 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Cannoneer 1st Circle required
Cannon Blast

[Missile: Cannon]
Fires a cannonball that spreads to target all enemies in front of you.

Level 1:
Attack: 860%
AoE Attack Ratio: 10
SP: 118

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
10 / 10
Cannon Barrage
Cannoneer9 Cannoneer12 Cannoneer20
Cannon Barrage: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cannon Barrage] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cannoneer 2nd Circle Required
Cannon Barrage: Stun
Type: Active
* [Cannon Barrage] has a 5% chance per attribute level to stun an enemy for 3 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cannoneer 2nd Circle Required
Cannon Barrage: Weight Reduction
Type: Active
* Reduces Cannon Barrage damage by 4% per attribute level and cooldown by 10%
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required
Cannon Barrage

[Missile: Cannon]
Repeatedly fire your cannon at the selected target.

Level 10:
Attack: 798% x 3
AoE Attack Ratio: 5
SP: 314

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 33s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
1 / 10
Smoke Grenade
Smoke Grenade: Additional Damage
Type: Active
* Increases additional cannon damage received by an enemy in the state of [Smoke Grenade] by 10% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cannoneer 2nd Circle Required
Smoke Grenade

Throw a smoke grenade at a selected area and blind them. Also, the enemies within its range receive additional damage from cannon attacks and hidden enemies get detected.

Level 1:
Smoke Grenade Duration: 8 seconds
AoE Attack Ratio: 10
SP: 202

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 33s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
10 / 10
Bazooka: Veteran Mercenary
Type: Active
* Removes attack range limit
* Increase base attack speed in [Bazooka] state
* Increases SP consumption by 200%

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required

Prepares cannon attack to enhance focus. Uses cannon attack as basic attack, which does not affect enemies that are too near. In the Bazooka state, increases basic Cannoneer skill range by 2 times.

Level 10:
Additional Damage: 100%
Cannon Attack Range: +80

SP: 63

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 0s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon
5 / 5
Sweeping Cannon
Sweeping Cannon: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Sweeping Cannon] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Canoneer 3rd Circle Required
Sweeping Cannon

[Missile: Cannon]
Create a turret in front of you. You can assemble your cannon with your turret to damage a wide range of enemies.

Level 5:
Attack: 3868%
AoE Attack Ratio: 20
SP: 436

Type: Missile / Attack
Cooldown: 40s
Required Stance: BowAndCannon

Comments (13)

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Aug 22nd 2018 00:19:24
@Kazan por que não upar o cannon blast ?
Aug 19th 2018 21:31:19
Eae mano me tira uma duvida, você pegou Full STR ou pegou pontos de STR e CON ?
Aug 20th 2018 07:27:44
@glaubercarvalho Eae, hoje eu to com 50 de CON resto STR
Aug 20th 2018 20:40:15
@Kazan a blz vlw mano :)
Jul 24th 2018 12:28:23
hey there Kazan-san.

What about ar 2 hunter 1 wugushi 3 cannon 3?
Yeah poisons dont crit, but cannoneer skills does..
anyways i like the idea of Bakugo here. hahaha im also a Boku no Hero Academia fan boy. :)
Jul 24th 2018 22:26:14
@itsjp hahaha
Hunter 1 does not have many benefits like Hunter c2/3, about crit rate, is that the build with wugushi3 is more for you to use your *cannon bursts* and stay in the poisons
and Cannoneer is like Bakugo XD
Jul 25th 2018 08:48:24
@Kazan oww isee. did u tried ur cannoneer at velcop? how is it? my friends says that cannon is so bad at velcop cause cannoners were too slow.
Also in your opinion, what is the best class to pick at ranks 2&3 considering i will go wugu 3 cannon3?
Bakugo is awesome hahahaha thanks for the reply bro :)
Jul 29th 2018 07:10:50
cannoneer is bad yes in "velcop", but with the right support you can do something there in the raid
For wugushi3 itself there is not much to escape, ranger2 to increase the burst of the cannon, or rang1 qs1 to have a defense
but to opt to go from qs3 / wugu2 also.
My build at the moment is arc1 / qs3 / wugu1 / appraiser / cannon3
Jul 16th 2018 21:17:52
não seria melhor trocar o qs ou ranger por archer c2 pelo buff de crit rate??
Jul 17th 2018 07:46:20
@Charloot também é uma opção, assim como archer1 ranger2 pra +10% de missile dmg, mas o motivo de eu não pegar archer c2 é simplesmente porque wugushi não crita
Jul 15th 2018 16:51:04
Muito bom o conteúdo!

Eu fiz um cannoneer e estou curtindo bastante! Comecei a farmar o solmiki set e me surgiu uma dúvida:

Como funciona esse bonus de 810 de ataque em arma secundária? Ele influencia no cannon também, mesmo sendo só "Ataque Físico"?
Jul 15th 2018 20:19:28
@Cemeska O bonus vai nas duas mãos, pode ficar tranquilo que funciona sim, mesma coisa que gemas vermelhas na arma primária, Vai ser sempre integral pras duas armas, assim como a própria STR.
Oct 25th 2017 18:47:31
Estava vendo a sua outra build de cannoneer e gostei dessa com Wugushi. Tive uma duvida, sera que posso mudar um r3 de wugushi pra Appraiser pq consigo dar 15% a mais de dano e o +3 no canhão. Vlw!
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