[Apr 25th 2018] New classes have been added to the skill simulator!


Created by Sr.Tranon1 on Apr 12th 2016 (Last Updated: Oct 10th 2016).
This is a public build.
Atualizado para o rank 8
Battle Orders antes 4/5 agora 0/5


A dica inicial é investir seuS pontos de forma que seu personagem consiga dar algum dano e sobreviver, pensando nisso, essa build é de interesse particular em alguns pontos do tank e do dps, tais como skills e Stats baseado na defesa do personagem e investimento em skills e Stats em ataque para que não seja uma dor de cabeça no inicio do jogo. Também temos a classe square para dar um gold a mais e ajudar seus amigos.

Os pontos de Stats serão investidos em STR-CON-DEX e algumas opções de distribuição é....

Utilizando apenas 5 pontos quando acumulados
STR 1 - CON 3 - DEX 1 - pvp
STR 2 - CON 2 - DEX 1 - pve

Utilizando apenas 7 pontos quando acumulados
STR 2 - CON 4 - DEX 1 - pvp
STR 3 - CON 3 - DEX 1 - pve

Lembrando que no pvp, seu personagem precisa de mais CON (hp).

Isso até alcançar 30~50 em DEX para poder acertar mais o alvo e ajudar a skill finestra por conta que ela aumenta o critico e precisa acertar o alvo em todo momento com a skill Stabbing sem errar para tirar mais dano do mob.
Em STR você vai colocando de igual com o stats CON ou seguindo as dicas, assim que alcançar 100 de STR você investe o restante dos pontos em CON, ou pode colocar mais 30~50 em STR. Perde a função de tank mas concentra mais ataques.

Seguindo essa build e stats seu personagem não será totalmente tank, mas também não será fraco, o que é bom caso você jogue solo, pode tranquilo sobreviver ai com a quantidade de STR e DEX investidos, além do seu dano ser razoável o que deixa seu personagem longe do ridículo.
No and game o você vai ficar com STR 100 - CON restante - DEX 30~50. E caso você queira não tem problema em investir ai uns 30~50 a mais no STR, nisso caso você ache que seu tank/dps já tem bastante HP.


A arma inicial de todo swordman é espada e escudo, mas quando você pegar a classe hoplite você precisa ir no mestre da classe e aprender a habilidade passiva pra poder usar lança, e dai pro final será lança de 1 mão e escudo.

A armadura mais indicada é plate sem sombra de dúvidas, mas como seu tank não é totalmente tank, você pode guardar algum set de couro pra conseguir uma esquiva maior jogando solo, você não terá a defesa e os bônus da armadura plate, mas pode se esquivar mais caso você esteja low lv matando mobs high lv. Mas a melhor opção mesmo é plate de armadura pra tank.



Thrust - Skill extremamente fraca mesmo no 5/5.
Bash - Skill fraca porem, derruba os inimigos (knockdown).
Gung Ho - Boa pra full DPS, pra tank não.
Concentrate - ótimo buff de ataque.
Pain Barrier - Eu deixaria 1/5 mas como não tenho uma opção melhor deixo 5/5.


Umbo Blow - Skill de knockdown, ótima pra combar.
Rim Blow - Ataque fraco e sem muita utilidade. Nesse caso pra essa build.
Swash Buckling - Todo tank precisa dessa skill pra aggrar os mobs e faze-los bater em você.
Guardian - Outra skill que eu deixaria 1/5 pois a passiva dela é o que importa mas pra utilizar todos os pontos essa é a melhor opção.


Stabbing - Skill parada mas que no lv alto tira um bom dano pois ela ataca várias vezes consecutivamente.
Pierce - Ótima pra bosses e mobs grandes.
Finestra - O melhor buff do tank/dps, aumenta o crit rate em 150 no lv 15 e o block em 20%.
Synchro Thrusting - Essa é uma boa skill porém seu cooldown é alto e outras skills são melhores.
Long Stride - apenas pra derrubar o inimigo e chegar no alvo, porém sem muito dano.
Spear Lunge - Skill inicial de combo, ela aumenta o dano de ataque usando lança.


Arrest - 4/10 caso no pvp 5v5 todos estejam juntos ou apenas pra segurar o inimigo enquanto suas skills recarregam.
Repair - 10/10 pra poder ajudar os membros da guild ou vender reparos enquanto sai por um instante.
Weapon Maintenance - A melhor loja, pois a maioria dos jogadores optam por dano e não 10 de defesa a mais.
Armor Maintenance - Só é boa 10/10 pois dá mais defesa, mas não queremos baixar as outras skills e já temos o bônus da arma então.....
Base camp - 1/5 pois ninguém usa por tanto tempo e o cooldown dela sempre vai ser alto.
Refreshment Teble - Quanto maior o investimento nessa skill maior será o bônus da comida.


Summon Guild Member - teleporte em massa de membros da guild.
Warp To Guild Member - Um teleporte pra o membro da guild que precisa de ajuda.
Build Guild Tower - 5/5 essencial, todo templar deve investir.
Reduce Craft Time - Ótima skill também porém só é boa 5/5.
Battle Orders - Buff pra os members guild que precisam de mais dano de STR.
Share Buff - Ótima skill, poderia colocar menos pontos, porém 8 segundos é suficiente para compartilhar todos os buffs usados durante a skill.
Forge - Almenta o dano dos grupos da guild (algo assim), 5/5 significa que 5 membros poderá carregar sendo 1 de cada grupo.
Shield Charge - Parecido com a skill Forge, só que agora essa skill da aos membros escudos.
Stun Blade - Ainda não tenho informações precisas sobre essa skill mas ao que tudo indica ela poderá apenas se usado se empunhado uma espada de 1 mão, porém nossa build usa lança de 1 mão por conta da classe Hoplite. Pensando nisso eu preferi deixar 0/5. Caso consiga usar a skill com espada de 2 mãos certamente eu colocaria pontos na skill Stun Blade caso minha guild fosse pequena, mas como a maioria nesse momento estão com 15+ ativos diariamente, compensaria mais da escudo com a skills Shield Charge e força com Forge, do que apenas ter um dano a mais de uso pessoal.

Lembrando pessoal, essa build foi feita especialmente para quem quer um guild master pesado que tenha dano, não é totalmente tank e nem money maker como algumas por ai, mas que é pratico e versátil.
Quem gosta da build e quiser contribuir, colocarei o nome de cada um acima pois eu me ausentei do tree of savior e agora eu resolvi voltar a jogar. Espero que essa build tenha ajudado você, um forte abraço e muito obrigado.
Copy Build
Rank 1
circle 1
0 / 5
Swordman2 Repeat
Thrust: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Thrust] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Swordsman 1st Circle required
Thrust: Continuous Attack
Type: Active
* Activates consecutive attacks when using [Thrust] by 1% chance per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Swordsman 1st Circle required
Thrust: Bleeding
Type: Active
* Inflicts [Bleeding] on stunned enemies for 5 seconds with [Thrust]
* Bleeding damage is proportional to character's STR
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Swordsman 2nd Circle required

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Push the point of your weapon into enemies, performing a strong piercing attack.

Level 1:
Attack: 139%
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
SP: 9

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 10s
5 / 5
Swordman1 Blow
Bash: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Bash] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Swordsman 1st Circle required
Bash: Splash
Type: Active
* Increases AoE attack ratio of [Bash] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Swordsman 2nd Circle required
Bash: Knockdown
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Bash] are knocked down
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Lv3 Bash required

[Physical] - [Slash]
Inflict damage on an enemy with a powerful attack.

Level 5:
Attack: 200%
AoE Attack Ratio: 0
SP: 20

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 6s
0 / 5
Gung Ho
Gung Ho: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Amplifies physical damage increase effect and decreased defense effect of [Gung Ho] by 1% per attribute level

Lv3 Gung Ho required
Gung Ho

Become determined by temporarily increasing your attack, while decreasing your defense.

Level 1:
Physical Damage: +10
Physical Defense: -5
Duration: 300 seconds
SP: 8

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 40s
5 / 5
Concentrate: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases additional damage of [Concentrate] by 1% per attribute level

Lv3 Concentrate required

Increases your attack damage.

Level 5:
Additional Damage: +11
Number of Hits: 10
Duration: 45 seconds
SP: 24

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 20s
5 / 5
Pain Barrier
Pain Barrier: Duration
Type: Active
* Increases [Pain Barrier] duration for 5 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Swordsman 3rd Circle required
Pain Barrier

Temporarily grants immunity to being affected by knockback, knockdown and stagger. Also increases the chance to resist status abnormalities.

Level 5:
Duration: 19 seconds
SP: 59

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 39s
Rank 2
circle 1
5 / 5
Umbo Blow
Peltasta12 Impact Peltasta8
Umbo Blow: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Umbo Blow] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Peltasta 1st Circle required
Umbo Blow: Stun
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Umbo Blow] have a 5% chance per attribute level to become afflicted with [Stun] for 3 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Peltasta 1st Circle required
Umbo Blow: Add Knockdown
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Umbo Blow] will be knocked down
* Increases knockdown power by 40 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Peltasta 1st Circle required
Umbo Blow

[Physical] - [Strike]
Use the bump of your shield to attack enemies. Deals additional damage to enemies staggered by a block. If the attack is accurate, 30% of your shield's physical defense is added as extra physical attack and provocation applies 50 times higher.

Level 5:
Attack: 297%
AoE Attack Ratio: 2
SP: 33

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 12s
Required Stance: OneHandSwordShield, OneHandSpearShield, RapierAndShield
0 / 5
Rim Blow
Rim Blow: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Rim Blow] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Peltasta 1st Circle required
Rim Blow

[Physical] - [Strike]
Use the edge of your shield to attack enemies. Inflicts additional damage on both petrified and frozen enemies. If the attack is accurate, 30% of your shield's physical defense is added as extra physical attack and provocation applies 50 times higher.

Level 1:
Attack: 244%
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
SP: 15

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 12s
Required Stance: OneHandSwordShield, OneHandSpearShield, RapierAndShield
5 / 5
Swash Buckling
Swash Buckling: Focused Defense
Type: Active
* Decreases the damage taken by 5% per attribute level for 10 seconds when using [Swash Buckling]

Peltasta 1st Circle required
Swash Buckling: Provoque Specialty
Type: Active
* Increases [Provoke] effects by 10% per attribute level when [Swash Buckling] effect is applied

Peltasta 2nd Circle required
Swash Buckling: Maintain Provocation
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Swash Buckling] by 1 second per attribute level

Peltasta 2nd Circle required
Swash Buckling

Hit your shield to provoke nearby enemies making them pursue you. Provoked enemies' movement speed increases, and become immune to provoking skill for 30 seconds.

Level 5:
Targets 11
Provoke duration 5 sec
Increases max. no. of targets by 11 for 35 sec
SP: 34

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Required Stance: OneHandSwordShield, OneHandSpearShield, OneHandSwordDagger, OneHandSpearDagger, RapierAndShield, RapierAn
5 / 5
Peltasta23 Peltasta33
Guardian: Evasion
Type: Active
* Increases character's evasion by 50 per attribute level when [Guardian] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Peltasta 1st Circle required
Guardian: Reduce Damage
Type: Active
* Reduces damage received by 20% while [Guardian] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Requires Peltasta Circle 2, Guardian Lv 6

Increases your physical and magic defense. Cannot be used with Gung Ho.

Level 5:
Physical and magic defense +100%
Duration 32 sec
SP: 28

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 50s
Rank 3
circle 1
5 / 5
Hoplite11 Hoplite1
Stabbing: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Stabbing] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Stabbing: Evasion
Type: Active
* Increases evasion by 50 per attribute level while using [Stabbing]
Increases magic defense by 5% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Stabbing: Sure Victory
Type: Active
* Increases continuous count of [Stabbing] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 100%

Hoplite 3rd Circle required

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Repeatedly stab enemies with your spear. Repeated stabs inflicts more damage to enemies.

Level 5:
Attack: 117% x 15
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
Damage increase up to 100%
SP: 44

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
4 / 5
Hoplite14 Hoplite3
Pierce: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Pierce] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Pierce: Continuous Attack
Type: Active
* Deals 4 consecutive hits on boss monsters with [Pierce]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Hoplite 2nd Circle required
Pierce: Bleeding
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Pierce] have a 2% chance per attribute level of being afflicted with [Bleeding] for 6 seconds
* Bleeding damage is proportional to character's physical attack
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Pierce: Repeated Shock
Type: Active
* Number of hits of [Pierce] to enemies afflicted with [Shock] increases by 2
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Hoplite 2nd Circle required

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Attack by piercing enemies with your spear. The larger an enemy is, the more consecutive hits you deal.

Level 4:
Attack: 264%
Medium Target 2 Hits
Large Target 3 Hits
SP: 35

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
5 / 5
Hoplite4 Hoplite9
Finestra: Physical Damage
Type: Active
* Adds 10% of your INT to physical damage while [Finestra] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Finestra: Splash
Type: Active
* Increases AoE attack ratio by 3, but reduces evasion rate by x2 more of the existing value when [Finestra] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 3
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv3 Finestra required

Switch into the Window stance to attack. Increases your critical rate and block, while decreasing evasion.

Level 5:
Critical Chance: +100 Increase
Block 100 Increase
Evasion: -75
Duration: 45 seconds
SP: 48

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 50s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol
0 / 5
Synchro Thrusting
Hoplite13 Hoplite7
Synchro Thrusting: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Synchro Thrusting] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Synchro Thrusting: Pierce
Type: Active
* Decreases [Synchro Thrusting] strike damage by 10% per attribute level
* Increases pierce damage by 10% per attribute level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Synchro Thrusting

[Physical] - [Pierce] - [Strike]
Use your spear and shield to attack enemies. Deals additional damage when an attack is countered.

Level 1:
Attack: 330%
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
SP: 24

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 15s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearShield, OneHandSwordShield
Rank 4
circle 2
10 / 10
Hoplite11 Hoplite1
Stabbing: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Stabbing] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Stabbing: Evasion
Type: Active
* Increases evasion by 50 per attribute level while using [Stabbing]
Increases magic defense by 5% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Stabbing: Sure Victory
Type: Active
* Increases continuous count of [Stabbing] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 100%

Hoplite 3rd Circle required

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Repeatedly stab enemies with your spear. Repeated stabs inflicts more damage to enemies.

Level 10:
Attack: 143% x 15
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
Damage increase up to 100%
SP: 71

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
9 / 10
Hoplite14 Hoplite2 Hoplite3 Hoplite29
Pierce: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Pierce] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Pierce: Continuous Attack
Type: Active
* Deals 4 consecutive hits on boss monsters with [Pierce]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Hoplite 2nd Circle required
Pierce: Bleeding
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Pierce] have a 2% chance per attribute level of being afflicted with [Bleeding] for 6 seconds
* Bleeding damage is proportional to character's physical attack
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Pierce: Repeated Shock
Type: Active
* Number of hits of [Pierce] to enemies afflicted with [Shock] increases by 2
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Hoplite 2nd Circle required

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Attack by piercing enemies with your spear. The larger an enemy is, the more consecutive hits you deal.

Level 9:
Attack: 327%
Medium Target 2 Hits
Large Target 3 Hits
SP: 58

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
10 / 10
Hoplite4 Hoplite9
Finestra: Physical Damage
Type: Active
* Adds 10% of your INT to physical damage while [Finestra] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Finestra: Splash
Type: Active
* Increases AoE attack ratio by 3, but reduces evasion rate by x2 more of the existing value when [Finestra] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 3
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv3 Finestra required

Switch into the Window stance to attack. Increases your critical rate and block, while decreasing evasion.

Level 10:
Critical Chance: +150 Increase
Block 175 Increase
Evasion: -150
Duration: 60 seconds
SP: 77

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 50s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol
0 / 10
Synchro Thrusting
Hoplite13 Hoplite7
Synchro Thrusting: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Synchro Thrusting] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Synchro Thrusting: Pierce
Type: Active
* Decreases [Synchro Thrusting] strike damage by 10% per attribute level
* Increases pierce damage by 10% per attribute level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Synchro Thrusting

[Physical] - [Pierce] - [Strike]
Use your spear and shield to attack enemies. Deals additional damage when an attack is countered.

Level 1:
Attack: 330%
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
SP: 24

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 15s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearShield, OneHandSwordShield
0 / 5
Long Stride
Hoplite12 Hoplite30
Long Stride: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Long Stride] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 2nd Circle required
Long Stride: Stun
Type: Active
* [Long Stride] stuns enemies for 0.5 sec per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Hoplite 2nd Circle required
Long Stride

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Inflicts damage to enemies by jumping to your designated location. Damage increases in proportion to inventory weight. Additional damage does not exceed a maximum of 100%.

Level 1:
Attack: 415%
Targets 10
SP: 28

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearPistol
1 / 5
Spear Lunge
Spear Lunge: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Spear Lunge] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 2nd Circle required
Spear Lunge

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Stab an enemy in front of you to make it more vulnerable to [Pierce]-type attacks.

Level 1:
Attack: 478%
Duration 6 seconds
SP: 16

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol
Rank 5
circle 1
4 / 5
Squire1 Squire9
Arrest: Slow
Type: Active
* Applies [Slow] with a 4 seconds duration after [Arrest] ends
* Increases duration of [Slow] from Lv2 by 0.4 seconds per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Squire 1st Circle required
Arrest: Defense Weakened
Type: Active
* Decreases physical defense of enemies affected by [Arrest] by 2% per attribute level.
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Squire 1st Circle required

Bind all enemies, including boss monsters, to prevent them from moving.

Level 4:
Maximum Targets: 5
Duration: 10 seconds
SP: 58

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 52s
5 / 5
Repair: Service
Type: Active
* When repairing equipment with [Repair], gives a 5% chance per attribute level to repair twice the original value

Squire 1st Circle required

Opens a shop to repair damaged equipment. Items can be repaired beyond their maximum durability and last longer. Shop prices increase when installed in a map with a dungeon.

Level 5:
Repairs over 5 durability
SP: 0

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
0 / 5
Equipment Maintenance
Squire3 Squire4
Equipment Maintenance: Increase Weapons
Type: Active
* Increases the weapon count of [Equipment Maintenance] by 20 per attribute level.

Squire 1st Circle required
Equipment Maintenance: Increase Armor
Type: Active
* Increases the armor count of [Equipment Maintenance] by 20 per attribute level.

Squire 1st Circle required
Equipment Maintenance

Opens a shop to process weapons and armor, momentarily increasing their abilities. In the armor category, you can process top, bottom and shield items only. Shop prices increase when installed in a map with a dungeon.

Level 1:
[Skill Lv] + [Equip Lv] * [Grade] = attack increase
Attack hits x2750
[Skill Lv] + [[Equip Lv] * [Grade] = defense increase
Attacks received x550
Duration 1 hour
SP: 0

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
Rank 6
circle 2
4 / 10
Squire1 Squire9
Arrest: Slow
Type: Active
* Applies [Slow] with a 4 seconds duration after [Arrest] ends
* Increases duration of [Slow] from Lv2 by 0.4 seconds per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Squire 1st Circle required
Arrest: Defense Weakened
Type: Active
* Decreases physical defense of enemies affected by [Arrest] by 2% per attribute level.
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Squire 1st Circle required

Bind all enemies, including boss monsters, to prevent them from moving.

Level 4:
Maximum Targets: 5
Duration: 10 seconds
SP: 58

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 52s
10 / 10
Repair: Service
Type: Active
* When repairing equipment with [Repair], gives a 5% chance per attribute level to repair twice the original value

Squire 1st Circle required

Opens a shop to repair damaged equipment. Items can be repaired beyond their maximum durability and last longer. Shop prices increase when installed in a map with a dungeon.

Level 10:
Repairs over 10 durability
SP: 0

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
0 / 10
Equipment Maintenance
Squire3 Squire4
Equipment Maintenance: Increase Weapons
Type: Active
* Increases the weapon count of [Equipment Maintenance] by 20 per attribute level.

Squire 1st Circle required
Equipment Maintenance: Increase Armor
Type: Active
* Increases the armor count of [Equipment Maintenance] by 20 per attribute level.

Squire 1st Circle required
Equipment Maintenance

Opens a shop to process weapons and armor, momentarily increasing their abilities. In the armor category, you can process top, bottom and shield items only. Shop prices increase when installed in a map with a dungeon.

Level 1:
[Skill Lv] + [Equip Lv] * [Grade] = attack increase
Attack hits x2750
[Skill Lv] + [[Equip Lv] * [Grade] = defense increase
Attacks received x550
Duration 1 hour
SP: 0

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
1 / 5
Base Camp
Base Camp

Set up a base camp for party members. Party members can use the base camp as storage or for teleportation. The duration of buffs used around the camp will increase.

Level 1:
Duration: 1.5 hour(s)
Duration of food effects is at least 30 minutes
SP: 0

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 0s
5 / 5
Refreshment Table
Squire5 Squire6 Squire7 Squire8
Refreshment Table: Salad
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Refreshment Table] Salad effects by 1 minute per attribute level

Squire 2nd Circle required
Refreshment Table: Sandwich
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Refreshment Table] Sandwich effects by 1 minute per attribute level

Squire 2nd Circle required
Refreshment Table: Soup
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Refreshment Table] Soup effects by 1 minute per attribute level

Squire 2nd Circle required
Refreshment Table: Yogurt
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Refreshment Table] Yogurt effects by 1 minute per attribute level

Squire 2nd Circle required
Refreshment Table

Set up a refreshment table to prepare dishes that temporarily increases the abilities of your party members. A refreshment table can only placed near a base camp. If the camp is removed, the refreshment table will be removed as well.

Level 5:
Increases food effectiveness with each skill level
SP: 0

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 0s
Rank 7
circle 1
5 / 5
Summon Guild Member
Summon Guild Member

Summons a specific guild member to your location. You need permission from the specific guild member.

Level 5:
Guild Member Summon Count: 5
SP: 38

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 600s
Element: Holy
1 / 1
Warp To Guild Member
Warp To Guild Member

Warps to a specific guild member's location. You cannot warp to guild members who are in an instanced dungeon.

Level 1:
Warp To Specific Guild Member's Location
SP: 14

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 600s
Element: Holy
5 / 5
Build Guild Tower
Build Guild Tower

길드 타워의 추가 기능을 사용할 수 있게 해줍니다. 길드 타워는 '길드 타워' 아이템을 사용해서 설치할 수 있습니다.
1레벨: 워프 이용 가능
2레벨: 창고 사용 가능
3레벨: 길드 성장 가능
4레벨: 길드 퀘스트 이용 가능
5레벨: 길드아지트 가능

Level 5:
Improve Guild Tower Features
SP: 0

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 0s
0 / 5
Reduce Craft Time
Reduce Craft Time

Plant a flag that reduces the crafting time of all guild members in the area nearby. This can only be used nearby a Guild Tower, in a city or inside the Guild Hangout.
Can only be used by the Guild Master.

Level 1:
Craft Time Reduction: -5%
SP: 9

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 600s
0 / 5
Battle Orders
Battle Orders

Increases movement speed of guild members near the guild master to the maximum value. The effect disappears when moving away from the guild master.
Decreases the movement speed of nearby enemies.

Level 1:
Duration: 5 seconds
Enemy Movement Speed: -8
SP: 9

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
Rank 8
circle 2
10 / 10
Summon Guild Member
Summon Guild Member

Summons a specific guild member to your location. You need permission from the specific guild member.

Level 10:
Guild Member Summon Count: 10
SP: 68

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 600s
Element: Holy
1 / 1
Warp To Guild Member
Warp To Guild Member

Warps to a specific guild member's location. You cannot warp to guild members who are in an instanced dungeon.

Level 1:
Warp To Specific Guild Member's Location
SP: 14

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 600s
Element: Holy
5 / 5
Build Guild Tower
Build Guild Tower

길드 타워의 추가 기능을 사용할 수 있게 해줍니다. 길드 타워는 '길드 타워' 아이템을 사용해서 설치할 수 있습니다.
1레벨: 워프 이용 가능
2레벨: 창고 사용 가능
3레벨: 길드 성장 가능
4레벨: 길드 퀘스트 이용 가능
5레벨: 길드아지트 가능

Level 5:
Improve Guild Tower Features
SP: 0

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 0s
0 / 5
Reduce Craft Time
Reduce Craft Time

Plant a flag that reduces the crafting time of all guild members in the area nearby. This can only be used nearby a Guild Tower, in a city or inside the Guild Hangout.
Can only be used by the Guild Master.

Level 1:
Craft Time Reduction: -5%
SP: 9

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 600s
0 / 10
Battle Orders
Battle Orders

Increases movement speed of guild members near the guild master to the maximum value. The effect disappears when moving away from the guild master.
Decreases the movement speed of nearby enemies.

Level 1:
Duration: 5 seconds
Enemy Movement Speed: -8
SP: 9

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
4 / 5
Buff Share
Buff Share: Increased Range
Type: Active
* Increases the range of [Buff Share].

Templar 2nd Circle required
Buff Share

Shares beneficial properties with party members within range.

Level 4:
Maximum Duration: 13 seconds
Consumes 50 SP per second
SP: 0

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
5 / 5

전방의 적을 공격하는 포지를 건설합니다..
포지는 은신한 적을 탐지합니다.
포지는 '포지' 아이템을 사용해서 설치할 수 있습니다.

Level 5:
Forge Duration: 180 seconds
SP: 140

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 180s
5 / 5
Shield Charger
Shield Charger

길드원에게 실드게이지를 부여해주는 실드 차저를 건설할 수 있습니다.
실드 차저는 '실드 차저' 아이템을 사용해서 설치할 수 있습니다. 일정이상 실드가 깎이면 실드가 자동 회복됩니다.
실드는 최대 자신 체력의 2배까지만 생성됩니다.

Level 5:
Shield Amount: 65% of caster's HP
Protectable Targets: 9
Duration: 90 seconds
SP: 140

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 180s
0 / 5
Mortal Slash
Mortal Slash: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Mortal Slash] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Templar 2nd Circle required
Mortal Slash: Command
Type: Active
* Reduces cooldown of Mortal Slash by 10% per party member (excluding you)
* Max. cooldown reduction 40%
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Templar Circle 3 required
Mortal Slash

[Physical] - [Slash]
Swings the sword in all directions before slashing the enemy from the bottom up.
Deals additional damage to enemies affected by Battle Orders debuff.

Level 1:
Attack: 524% x 3
AoE Attack Ratio: 2
SP: 85

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 38s
Required Stance: OneHandSword, OneHandSwordShield, OneHandSwordDagger, OneHandSwordArtefact, OneHandSwordPistol, TwoHandSw

Comments (65)

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Jan 9th 2017 21:44:20
Amigo, você acha que seria interessante trocar Spear Lunge por Long Stride?
Dec 26th 2016 22:41:37
Amigo, gostei muito do seu guia, mas queria pedir a sua opinião para mudar uma coisa. Não tenho certeza se quero fazer Templar, então sera que se eu fizesse Squire3 mais focado em money e fechar com Murmillo ficaria bom ?
Dec 15th 2016 13:06:53


Does this build still work? Will I be able to solo into the high levels and still be useful for groups?
Dec 12th 2016 17:36:56
Opa tudo bom?
Sou novo no jogo e queria fazer agora um personagem pra servir de tank e vou seguir essa build, mas queria saber: usando hoplite c2 eu perco muito em tankar ou mesmo usando eu posso ser o tank do time?
Também queria perguntar, quais atributos eu pego? Desculpa se for uma coisa mt básica, mas jogo a pouco tempo :P
Nov 18th 2016 09:21:55
ola se eu tirasse o o squire e trocasse por Cataphract apenas pra ficar na montaria ou Doppelsoeldner por conta do buff de attack speed voce acha q ficaria viavel? visto que pretendo so ajudar meus amigos e meu grupo com os buffs do templario...
Nov 17th 2016 21:18:58
ei jovem..se eu quiser mudar pra lancar no rank 8?? vc acha q nao ficaria util? =O
Nov 17th 2016 23:30:40
@thiago.studart-siqueira ou entao o mirmidon..kkkk queria pegar eles por conta do costume q eh irado kkkk =D
Nov 17th 2016 12:10:23
Eu já tenho templar,quero seguir sua build até o Squire c2,o que recomenda colocar no rank 7 e 8 ?
Oct 28th 2016 21:51:44
Olá, estou iniciando agora e achei bem bacana essa build. Mas gostaria de saber se voce pode me indicar algum set plate pra utilizar, pois não conheço muito os itens do jogo. Obrigada ^^
Oct 1st 2016 18:10:18
Can you please update this build?
Oct 10th 2016 18:42:42
Updated and corrected, thanks for following this build. If you have questions we are here.
Jul 13th 2016 20:57:30
qq voce acha de trocar templar por dragoon ?
Jul 22nd 2016 15:23:11
Fica bom, porém dragon é mais focado em dano então eu recomendo retirar squire e colocar algo que influencie seu dano.
Jul 11th 2016 15:33:12
Sabe me dizer se o Templar na guilda como membro, pode usar as skills? Como o Summon, Warp e o Battle Orders.
Jul 22nd 2016 15:24:08
Só o Templar pode usar as habilidades pois essas são dele e nenhum membro a não ser ele pode fazer alteração da guild sem a permissão dele.
Jul 5th 2016 04:34:53
Hey I am on this build, thanks for the research you make.
My char status is 2 : 2 : 1 STR:CON:DEX

I wonder how this build result on the PVP or Guild War environment. I already try pvp with other player, i have hard time to make the enemy stop moving because "Stabbing Skill" need the enemy to stop so they can take great damage.

Maybe it's happen to all class too, the Cast Delay is pretty much long for "Stabbing" 15 second. Ussually i use "C" for defense mode while waiting the sttabing is on again.

The Char that i create is good for pve, i can kill the boss easily since using spear ( has bonus again large enemy) Some time kind of boring too if must use "Stabbing" always . lol.

The only enemy for this build is Magic, i guess. I have no problem with physical attack, but magic attack make my char look weak. As you mention that we should bring 2 equipment, one for physical def, one for magic def but what should we do when in PVP enviroment should we bring 2 set too ?. Do you have any other equipment tips for lv 220 templar "Sage Wall", "Brandish" ? Can i see equipment do you use ? great video on u tube btw.
Jul 22nd 2016 15:34:44

All the classes in the game have a problem with magic defense, unless some mages and clerics with thaumaturge and pardonner. But there is the Glass Bracelet that has a good magic defense and you can try to catch monsters Sage Wall which is also a great combination with tank classes.

In pvp I do not recommend you do with this build because it is focused on the pve and help of the guild as well as be able to make money with the Squire. And if you want to participate in some pvp I recommend you do not go alone (in the case of gvg) because you will have a good defense and as well as bosses you will only attract the attention of enemies so that your friends can attack. In this case you will be the assistance to them.
Jun 23rd 2016 16:43:00
hey im at lvl 100 and at dungeon 90,
my HP without swash is 17k with con 107 and str 69 (Hoplite Rank2)
the problem is, when at dungeon 90, there's a lot of magic users mob
and my magic defense source is only my equipment
do i need to up the SPR point?? thanks for the templar guide btw, its really helpfull
Jun 23rd 2016 20:50:43
No, SPR is only a good choice when put many points in this case I recommend using cloth armor as much almenta magic defense.
If you prefer you can use plate armor just to the DGs have a higher defense, can help if you are the tank group.

Inside the Dungeon use plate armor and depending on the mobs, cloth armor.
Out of the Dungeons can use the set Cafrisun to have more damage.
As the group tank rather use the skill to block damage to be able to handle the damage the boss, if healer, attack, if not just keep blocking, your group will understand why.
Jun 16th 2016 04:13:50
why did you use 2 ranks of hoplite rather than peltasta?
Jun 16th 2016 15:25:52
Hoplite has all the damage of the build, it will be a "tank" (Peltast), dps (hoplite), support and money maker (squire) and leader of guild (templar). If you remove the build hoplite the damage will be less and therefore more difficult to increase level alone.
Jun 10th 2016 07:37:28
What do you think about swapping Squire C1 and C2 for Corsair C1 and C2 do alternate between shield in case you need to tank, and off-hand weapon for higher DPS? How essential are the Squire skills for PVE and GVG?
Jun 10th 2016 23:11:13
Squiere is recommended for pve, but exchange for corsair then can choose to leave or not Peltasta class.
May 29th 2016 16:05:21
Sou novo no jogo, mas sempre tenho alguns amigos pra jogar e sempre gostei de ir de supporte. Com isso acabei utilizando a build Full CON já que o dano principal vem do meu Wizard da Party. As vezes por se tratar de um dano muito baixo fazendo uma opção de Hibrido com Str+Con+Dex não achava muito interessante, por isso optei apenas investir em 1 atributo e ser bem mais efetivo. Isso é claro estou pensando em PVE, vc acha interessante?

Não sei nem se tem como resetar tudo o que posso me arrepender depois por está fazendo isso kkkkkkkkk. Queria tbm algo voltado pra dá suporte no PVP ou GVG mas com o mesmo pensamento, não visando em dano mas ajudando muito em suporte o que me parece bem mais atrativo seguir a classe de Centurion, mas achei poucos guias pra isso e me pareciam bem fracos. '-'

vc acha interessante , considerando seu guia, tirar os 2 níveis de Hoplite e no lugar colocar mais 1 nível de Peltasta e no Rank4-5 colocar Rodelero? Seguido no rank6 de Centurion? Ainda não tive a oportunidade de testar os combos, mas pelo que estudei se torna bem interessante.
May 29th 2016 16:14:11
Um adendo, Abolir totalmente o Squire seria uma boa opção? ou seria interessante no Rank5 colocar? em vez de dois ranks com Rodelero.
May 31st 2016 00:36:33
Respondendo essa e sua outra pergunta, qualquer alteração profunda na build, eu recomendo procurar outra que mais se adequada, não posso dizer que é 100% efetivo, ou que é boa apenas por ainda não existir uma que explique realmente quais funções são realmente efetivas. Mas eu garanto que essa build é boa, afinal, quem não quer ter um amigo que repara seus items? Ou te dar um buff na sua weapon? Porém, é como eu sempre digo, essa build é pra off-tank, existe full tank de peltasta c3 e rodelero c2 ou c3 por ai que é bem mais prático. Mas essa build é pra quem quer fazer uma grana, ser dono de guild e além de tank genérico ainda tirar 50~70% dos seus dano, crítico com hoplite c2.
May 28th 2016 11:17:18
Cara, minha build é bem semelhante, trocando por dragoon no final. Mas pode me dar uma dica? Como é o cálculo de gasto para o repair e weapon maintenace? Pelo que notei não é simplesmente o gasto kit.
May 28th 2016 15:37:45
Eu recomendo você dar uma olhada nesse site, pois ficaria um post muito extenso coloca-lo aqui rsrs =)
May 27th 2016 22:56:42
Queria saber se para PVE seria bom trocar o Squire C1 e 21 por Cataphract eo Templar por Hoplite C3 ? Ou oq seria melhor para a build total PVE ?
May 27th 2016 23:29:25
Não sei exatamente se ficaria bom, porém essa build é focada em money maker com squire e um supp pra geral com suas skills, além é claro ajudar a guild com repair e melhoramento das armas. Fora que se focar em full pve a build seria totalmente diferente dessa, Já que é focada no tank que upa solo de boa.
May 28th 2016 07:00:27
@Sr.Tranon1 E outra duvida agr q entendi melhor e.e, eu poderia trocar esse Squire C1 e C2 por Cata C1 e C2 e o templar por Hoplite C3 ? Seria a msm função de tank/dps ?
May 28th 2016 08:13:24
Na verdade essa minha build é de um off-tank, por conta da classe peltasta no rank 2. Então se você tirar o squire e colocar catap ele ainda continuará off-tank =).
Mas nesse caso, algumas skills do hoplite devem mudar, não sei exatamente na prática mas acredito que deve haver uma build de catap com peltasta mais exata e explicativa ^_^
May 24th 2016 14:07:13
Eu tenho uma dúvida quanto a build, eu poderia trocar a classe Hoplite c1 e c2 por Peltasta c2 e Cata c1? Minha intenção seria ter um pouco de mobilidade na montaria, ou não compensaria sacrificar o dano da classe Hoplite por mobilidade?
May 25th 2016 06:45:30
Então cara, se retirar Hoplite da build então Cataphract ficaria quase que inutil, por conta que a skill Finestra, Pierce e Spear Lunge fazem muita diferença na hora de tirar dano.
Porém você pode optar por fazer um full tank, colocando peltasta c3 entendeu? Você sacrificaria dano por mais defesa e block. Muita gente procura Peltasta em pt de grindo lv200+ e quando aparece um Peltasta c3 é um prato cheio.
May 25th 2016 18:31:46
Humm...entendi, mas um Peltasta c3 compensaria pra build PVP/GVG ou seria específica pra PVE?
May 26th 2016 02:01:40
Não entendo muito bem as gvg e quais classes são mais prioritárias mas no pve é certeza.
May 26th 2016 02:06:51
Saquei, valeu pelas dicas cara, vou testar aqui a build :)
May 26th 2016 02:08:41
De nada qualquer dúvida estamos ai =)
May 23rd 2016 19:07:56
Hey dude can I ask you for a build advice.. I am making a templar just to make a guild.. Im not going to level it after that.. I also want it to have damage so I can solo lvl 90 or lvl 130 dun.. And lastly I am also going to use it as a Material hunter in low lvl mobs? I was thinking Sword-Pelt3-class with AOE-Templar.. what do you think?
May 23rd 2016 23:36:09
Yes, you can, instead of squire can put hoplite c3 and then 1 Cataphract, since both use spear. Or you can put Doppelsoeldner, but I do not see much advantage of it as the full build dps requires Barbarian. ^_^
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