[TOP SERVER] Doppelsoeldner Earth Tower
Created by enkae7317 on Apr 25th 2016 (Last Updated: Dec 15th 2016).
This is a public build.
This build is meant to be played mainly in PvE but has certain skills applicable for PvP also. Peltista is taken at rank 2 replacing highlander because later on in the game the taunt and off tank abilities will serve you better in parties and dungeons. Up to level 200 you can tank dungeons just as good as any other Peltista or tanks out there. Additionally, you can use the swash buckling skill to aoe taunt monsters close to you and then swap to your 2hander to easily AOE mow them down.
This build is AMAZING for solo/questing play, I've never had trouble at all leveling to 280. It is even BETTER for group play since you have peltasta and EVERYONE wants you (literally cannot stop getting invites). And the best part, this build is the BEST at dungeon play due to deeds of valor being at max stacks almost ALL the time since you get hit and then heal up via cleric heal.
All in all, with this build you are amazing at every role (tank, dps, etc) and there are close to no downsides.
I normally don't like ratios. I put str and con where I see fit. Dex, however, is absolutely useless for doppel...unless you wan't to go pvp build.
If asked, I'd prob put the ratios somewhere along the line of
3:1 Str:Con
Add dex when you see fit for accuracy.
Aim for plate armor for survivability
So I've been getting a lot of questions about DEX BUILDS and I feel they are POINTLESS for doppelsoeldner solely because late game once you get deeds of valor dex becomes USELESS. Dex adds NO attack power whatsoever so your stats won't be buffed with deeds of valor as much compare to str builds. If you go DEX be prepared and go at your own risk. I have warned you.
NEW: I decided to make a highlander version of this build if you prefer that class instead. It is a bit harder to pull off but will be worth it in the long run!
Rank 1 =================== Swordsman
Staring off: Depending on what you want to do (PvE or PvP) you should decide now. If you are doing PvE mainly, keep bash at 0 and max out pain barrier instead. If you plan to do some GvG or PvP then I suggest putting 3 points into bash solely for the knockdown.
Thrust 1/5
SP sink skill. Useful due to it's pierce damage. Attribute required for it to be of any use. If you don't like thrust you can put this one skillpoint into pain barrier.
ALERT:Ever since IMC changed animation canceling this skill has been really slow. For every single cast of thrust you'd instead could be auto-ing 2-3 times. In some cases this may actually bring down your DPS. Still a decent skill, though, due to the attributes.
Bash 3/5
Keep at 3 and no more due to knockdown effect. Useful for CC on PvP/GvG.
Gung Ho 3/5
Get 3 points in here. Buy the attributes for maximum effect
Concentrate 5/5
Max, simple as that
Pain Barrier 3/5
Pop this and go to town on bosses. Synergizes well with frenzy + deeds of valor because you don't want to get cc-d while autoattacking.
Rank 2 =================== Peltista
Umbo Blow 5/5
Good aoe stun if you attribute into it. Good knockdown too. Decent overall
Swash Buckling 5/5
Max, no question here. 25% bonus to hp is great for offtanking. Most groups 150+ won't invite you for their grind farm unless you have this skill.
Guardian 5/5
Max. Dodge rate increase is great!
Rank 3 =================== Barbarian
Here is where it gets extremely hard and where most people quit. When you first get barb you'll want to spend all your points. DON'T
Max out cleave and put one point into helm chopper. Save the 9 points remaining. You'll need them for C3 barb.
Helm Chopper 1/5
Decent for dps. Mainly used for the stun
Cleave 5/5
Great ability. Is going to get buffed in the future also. Great for mobbing. Does extra damage if the enemy is stunned (which will be almost always due to helm and seism). Additionally adds +50 crit rating.
Rank 4 =================== Barbarian C2
Here is where we get some major push skills with barb. Everything from this point on should be shining. You'll be left over with about 10 points remaining too. This is NORMAL. Remember: you are going for the LATE game.
Warcry 5/5
Max, OP later on.
Frenzy 5/5
Definitely max, you will be doing a lot of aa-ing with deeds with this skill on bosses
Seism 5/5
Must max. Seism is barb's STRONGEST skill.
Rank 5 =================== Barbarian C3
Last circle of barb. Your patience finally pays off. Spend all your points here. Here we get max frenzy and warcry because of the huge bonuses they apply. Also the attributes make these two skills godlike for aoe farming and bossing. Warcry at level 10 increases your attack power for 30 per monster. Attributed with around 10 monsters warcry provides a whopping 330 attack power increase. At levels 125-150 this literally DOUBLES your damage for 30 seconds. Frenzy maxed out provides a +400 attack power increase against bosses.
Warcry 10/10
TIP: You can cast warcry on inanimate objects and gain the +30 attack power bonus ALSO. This includes but are not limited to: cryo's walls, bosses' summons, and many more. This allows warcry to be up on maximum potential almost all the time, given you know what you're doing.
Frenzy 10/10
Attribute turn on for aoe farming, off for boss fights
Seism 10/10
Helm Chopper 1/15
Used mainly for its stun potential to combo cleave
Cleave 9/15
Still strong. Most of your leftover skillpoints at barb c3 will go to cleave.
Giant Swing 1/5
A lot of discussion on this skill. Relatively useless for PvE but its a fun skill for PvP and I like to see things fly so I just put a point. DO NOT put more than one point in giant swing (if you decide to grab it at all).
Pouncing 4/5
Great skill; its only drawback is the 1min30s cooldown time. Make sure to use it when it's up whenever you can to help farm faster. Really good for boss fights early on. Turn it on and run around the boss and every single hit will connect dealing 15k+ damage in a couple of seconds.
If you don't like pouncing or giant swing you can put the 5 leftover points into cleave for a whopping level 14 cleave skill.
Rank 6 =================== Doppelsoeldner
Deeds of Valor (DoV) 5/5
No question here. Max, it will be our staple to-go buff in bossfights and beyond.
Cyclone 5/5
MAX must. Cyclone is one of the ONLY reasons you'd want to go doppel for. It is very strong and at level 10 (doppel c2) we'll be dishing out tons of damage for a long spin.
Double Pay Earn 2/5
Decent ability.
NOTE: you do NOT have to be the one to last hit the mob or BOSS even to get double the exp. So in party play you activate this skill when the boss is like 5% and you got 12 seconds for your team to burn down the boss and..BOOM double xp just like that. Definitely broken.
You'd want at LEAST one point in double pay earn. I put two here just for some elbow room. Feel free to leave it at just one.
TIP: So apparently double pay earn also works with skills. However, each tick of hit on your skill counts as a "hit" for double pay earn. For example, the barb's SEISM ability hits 3 times per cast. So a double pay earn at level 1 would only net you the effect if the FIRST line of damage kills them. A double pay level 2 would work up towards the second line. And so forth. Keep this in mind as you level your doppel and if you wan't to invest heavily into DPE or not.
Rank 6 =================== Doppelsoeldner C2
Deeds of Valor (DoV) 7/10
Here's where doppel starts to shine. At these levels you should always have DoV on maximum upkeep. That means always keep refreshing the buff ASAP so you can dish out some major damage. At levels 7+ the buff is pretty much on maximum upkeep so strive to have at least eight points minimum. Any more is acceptable also if you want that sweet 100% attack damage (just siphon skill points from zucken or redel). Deeds excel heavily in group/dungeon/grinding/Earth Tower play. This buff is one of the reason we do the best damage output of all the swordsman classes and why we dominate earth tower.
Cyclone 10/10
Absolutely max here. No questions about it. Our best skill for a long time. At level 10 it provides 5.5 seconds of spin2win goodness.
Zornhau 5/5
You should at least get one point into Zornhau for the SHOCK you can apply to bosses and mobs. Very useful to follow up with Zucken for TONS of damage.
Zucken 5/5
Used as a follow up to Zornhau. Very strong.
Rank 6 =================== Doppelsoeldner C3
Our endgame goal here. If you do decide to go C3 I suggest getting zornhau and zucken to 6 skillpoints for the AMAZING attribute bonus that goes with them. Then max out cyclone because spin2win is OP and 7 seconds is ridiculous time to spin. Zwerch and Sturz are two additional abilities that add to the "slash" bonus you recieve when you cleave your target. Very strong. Here you are free to only choose one and put the rest into DoV but I strongly suggest you at LEAST max out Zwerch because it will ALSO apply a slash debuff on your targets making you even stronger.
This build is AMAZING for solo/questing play, I've never had trouble at all leveling to 280. It is even BETTER for group play since you have peltasta and EVERYONE wants you (literally cannot stop getting invites). And the best part, this build is the BEST at dungeon play due to deeds of valor being at max stacks almost ALL the time since you get hit and then heal up via cleric heal.
All in all, with this build you are amazing at every role (tank, dps, etc) and there are close to no downsides.
I normally don't like ratios. I put str and con where I see fit. Dex, however, is absolutely useless for doppel...unless you wan't to go pvp build.
If asked, I'd prob put the ratios somewhere along the line of
3:1 Str:Con
Add dex when you see fit for accuracy.
Aim for plate armor for survivability
So I've been getting a lot of questions about DEX BUILDS and I feel they are POINTLESS for doppelsoeldner solely because late game once you get deeds of valor dex becomes USELESS. Dex adds NO attack power whatsoever so your stats won't be buffed with deeds of valor as much compare to str builds. If you go DEX be prepared and go at your own risk. I have warned you.
NEW: I decided to make a highlander version of this build if you prefer that class instead. It is a bit harder to pull off but will be worth it in the long run!
Rank 1 =================== Swordsman
Staring off: Depending on what you want to do (PvE or PvP) you should decide now. If you are doing PvE mainly, keep bash at 0 and max out pain barrier instead. If you plan to do some GvG or PvP then I suggest putting 3 points into bash solely for the knockdown.
Thrust 1/5
SP sink skill. Useful due to it's pierce damage. Attribute required for it to be of any use. If you don't like thrust you can put this one skillpoint into pain barrier.
ALERT:Ever since IMC changed animation canceling this skill has been really slow. For every single cast of thrust you'd instead could be auto-ing 2-3 times. In some cases this may actually bring down your DPS. Still a decent skill, though, due to the attributes.
Bash 3/5
Keep at 3 and no more due to knockdown effect. Useful for CC on PvP/GvG.
Gung Ho 3/5
Get 3 points in here. Buy the attributes for maximum effect
Concentrate 5/5
Max, simple as that
Pain Barrier 3/5
Pop this and go to town on bosses. Synergizes well with frenzy + deeds of valor because you don't want to get cc-d while autoattacking.
Rank 2 =================== Peltista
Umbo Blow 5/5
Good aoe stun if you attribute into it. Good knockdown too. Decent overall
Swash Buckling 5/5
Max, no question here. 25% bonus to hp is great for offtanking. Most groups 150+ won't invite you for their grind farm unless you have this skill.
Guardian 5/5
Max. Dodge rate increase is great!
Rank 3 =================== Barbarian
Here is where it gets extremely hard and where most people quit. When you first get barb you'll want to spend all your points. DON'T
Max out cleave and put one point into helm chopper. Save the 9 points remaining. You'll need them for C3 barb.
Helm Chopper 1/5
Decent for dps. Mainly used for the stun
Cleave 5/5
Great ability. Is going to get buffed in the future also. Great for mobbing. Does extra damage if the enemy is stunned (which will be almost always due to helm and seism). Additionally adds +50 crit rating.
Rank 4 =================== Barbarian C2
Here is where we get some major push skills with barb. Everything from this point on should be shining. You'll be left over with about 10 points remaining too. This is NORMAL. Remember: you are going for the LATE game.
Warcry 5/5
Max, OP later on.
Frenzy 5/5
Definitely max, you will be doing a lot of aa-ing with deeds with this skill on bosses
Seism 5/5
Must max. Seism is barb's STRONGEST skill.
Rank 5 =================== Barbarian C3
Last circle of barb. Your patience finally pays off. Spend all your points here. Here we get max frenzy and warcry because of the huge bonuses they apply. Also the attributes make these two skills godlike for aoe farming and bossing. Warcry at level 10 increases your attack power for 30 per monster. Attributed with around 10 monsters warcry provides a whopping 330 attack power increase. At levels 125-150 this literally DOUBLES your damage for 30 seconds. Frenzy maxed out provides a +400 attack power increase against bosses.
Warcry 10/10
TIP: You can cast warcry on inanimate objects and gain the +30 attack power bonus ALSO. This includes but are not limited to: cryo's walls, bosses' summons, and many more. This allows warcry to be up on maximum potential almost all the time, given you know what you're doing.
Frenzy 10/10
Attribute turn on for aoe farming, off for boss fights
Seism 10/10
Helm Chopper 1/15
Used mainly for its stun potential to combo cleave
Cleave 9/15
Still strong. Most of your leftover skillpoints at barb c3 will go to cleave.
Giant Swing 1/5
A lot of discussion on this skill. Relatively useless for PvE but its a fun skill for PvP and I like to see things fly so I just put a point. DO NOT put more than one point in giant swing (if you decide to grab it at all).
Pouncing 4/5
Great skill; its only drawback is the 1min30s cooldown time. Make sure to use it when it's up whenever you can to help farm faster. Really good for boss fights early on. Turn it on and run around the boss and every single hit will connect dealing 15k+ damage in a couple of seconds.
If you don't like pouncing or giant swing you can put the 5 leftover points into cleave for a whopping level 14 cleave skill.
Rank 6 =================== Doppelsoeldner
Deeds of Valor (DoV) 5/5
No question here. Max, it will be our staple to-go buff in bossfights and beyond.
Cyclone 5/5
MAX must. Cyclone is one of the ONLY reasons you'd want to go doppel for. It is very strong and at level 10 (doppel c2) we'll be dishing out tons of damage for a long spin.
Double Pay Earn 2/5
Decent ability.
NOTE: you do NOT have to be the one to last hit the mob or BOSS even to get double the exp. So in party play you activate this skill when the boss is like 5% and you got 12 seconds for your team to burn down the boss and..BOOM double xp just like that. Definitely broken.
You'd want at LEAST one point in double pay earn. I put two here just for some elbow room. Feel free to leave it at just one.
TIP: So apparently double pay earn also works with skills. However, each tick of hit on your skill counts as a "hit" for double pay earn. For example, the barb's SEISM ability hits 3 times per cast. So a double pay earn at level 1 would only net you the effect if the FIRST line of damage kills them. A double pay level 2 would work up towards the second line. And so forth. Keep this in mind as you level your doppel and if you wan't to invest heavily into DPE or not.
Rank 6 =================== Doppelsoeldner C2
Deeds of Valor (DoV) 7/10
Here's where doppel starts to shine. At these levels you should always have DoV on maximum upkeep. That means always keep refreshing the buff ASAP so you can dish out some major damage. At levels 7+ the buff is pretty much on maximum upkeep so strive to have at least eight points minimum. Any more is acceptable also if you want that sweet 100% attack damage (just siphon skill points from zucken or redel). Deeds excel heavily in group/dungeon/grinding/Earth Tower play. This buff is one of the reason we do the best damage output of all the swordsman classes and why we dominate earth tower.
Cyclone 10/10
Absolutely max here. No questions about it. Our best skill for a long time. At level 10 it provides 5.5 seconds of spin2win goodness.
Zornhau 5/5
You should at least get one point into Zornhau for the SHOCK you can apply to bosses and mobs. Very useful to follow up with Zucken for TONS of damage.
Zucken 5/5
Used as a follow up to Zornhau. Very strong.
Rank 6 =================== Doppelsoeldner C3
Our endgame goal here. If you do decide to go C3 I suggest getting zornhau and zucken to 6 skillpoints for the AMAZING attribute bonus that goes with them. Then max out cyclone because spin2win is OP and 7 seconds is ridiculous time to spin. Zwerch and Sturz are two additional abilities that add to the "slash" bonus you recieve when you cleave your target. Very strong. Here you are free to only choose one and put the rest into DoV but I strongly suggest you at LEAST max out Zwerch because it will ALSO apply a slash debuff on your targets making you even stronger.
Rank 1
![]() ![]() Swordsman |
![]() 1 / 5 5 Video Thrust: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Thrust] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Swordsman 1st Circle required Thrust: Continuous Attack Type: Active * Activates consecutive attacks when using [Thrust] by 1% chance per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Swordsman 1st Circle required Thrust: Bleeding Type: Active * Inflicts [Bleeding] on stunned enemies for 5 seconds with [Thrust] * Bleeding damage is proportional to character's STR * Increases SP consumption by 10% Swordsman 2nd Circle required Thrust [Physical] - [Pierce] Push the point of your weapon into enemies, performing a strong piercing attack. Level 1: Attack: 139% AoE Attack Ratio: 1 SP: 9 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 10s ![]() 3 / 5 3 Bash: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Bash] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Swordsman 1st Circle required Bash: Splash Type: Active * Increases AoE attack ratio of [Bash] by 1 per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Swordsman 2nd Circle required Bash: Knockdown Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Bash] are knocked down * Increases SP consumption by 30% Lv3 Bash required Bash [Physical] - [Slash] Inflict damage on an enemy with a powerful attack. Level 3: Attack: 182% AoE Attack Ratio: 0 SP: 15 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 6s ![]() 3 / 5 Gung Ho: Enhance Type: Passive * Amplifies physical damage increase effect and decreased defense effect of [Gung Ho] by 1% per attribute level Lv3 Gung Ho required Gung Ho Become determined by temporarily increasing your attack, while decreasing your defense. Level 3: Physical Damage: +14 Physical Defense: -7 Duration: 300 seconds SP: 14 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 40s ![]() 5 / 5 Concentrate: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases additional damage of [Concentrate] by 1% per attribute level Lv3 Concentrate required Concentrate Increases your attack damage. Level 5: Additional Damage: +11 Number of Hits: 10 Duration: 45 seconds SP: 24 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 20s ![]() 3 / 5 Pain Barrier: Duration Type: Active * Increases [Pain Barrier] duration for 5 seconds * Increases SP consumption by 10% Swordsman 3rd Circle required Pain Barrier Temporarily grants immunity to being affected by knockback, knockdown and stagger. Also increases the chance to resist status abnormalities. Level 3: Duration: 17 seconds SP: 46 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 39s |
Rank 2
![]() ![]() Peltasta |
![]() 5 / 5 2 Umbo Blow: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Umbo Blow] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Peltasta 1st Circle required Umbo Blow: Stun Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Umbo Blow] have a 5% chance per attribute level to become afflicted with [Stun] for 3 seconds * Increases SP consumption by 10% Peltasta 1st Circle required Umbo Blow: Add Knockdown Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Umbo Blow] will be knocked down * Increases knockdown power by 40 per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Peltasta 1st Circle required Umbo Blow [Physical] - [Strike] Use the bump of your shield to attack enemies. Deals additional damage to enemies staggered by a block. If the attack is accurate, 30% of your shield's physical defense is added as extra physical attack and provocation applies 50 times higher. Level 5: Attack: 297% AoE Attack Ratio: 2 SP: 33 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 12s Required Stance: OneHandSwordShield, OneHandSpearShield, RapierAndShield ![]() 5 / 5 Swash Buckling: Focused Defense Type: Active * Decreases the damage taken by 5% per attribute level for 10 seconds when using [Swash Buckling] Peltasta 1st Circle required Swash Buckling: Provoque Specialty Type: Active * Increases [Provoke] effects by 10% per attribute level when [Swash Buckling] effect is applied Peltasta 2nd Circle required Swash Buckling: Maintain Provocation Type: Active * Increases duration of [Swash Buckling] by 1 second per attribute level Peltasta 2nd Circle required Swash Buckling Hit your shield to provoke nearby enemies making them pursue you. Provoked enemies' movement speed increases, and become immune to provoking skill for 30 seconds. Level 5: Targets 11 Provoke duration 5 sec Increases max. no. of targets by 11 for 35 sec SP: 34 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 20s Required Stance: OneHandSwordShield, OneHandSpearShield, OneHandSwordDagger, OneHandSpearDagger, RapierAndShield, RapierAn ![]() 5 / 5 Guardian: Evasion Type: Active * Increases character's evasion by 50 per attribute level when [Guardian] is active * Increases SP consumption by 10% Peltasta 1st Circle required Guardian: Reduce Damage Type: Active * Reduces damage received by 20% while [Guardian] is active * Increases SP consumption by 30% Requires Peltasta Circle 2, Guardian Lv 6 Guardian Increases your physical and magic defense. Cannot be used with Gung Ho. Level 5: Physical and magic defense +100% Duration 32 sec SP: 28 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 50s |
Rank 3
![]() ![]() Barbarian |
![]() 5 / 5 3 Cleave: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cleave] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Barbarian 1st Circle required Cleave [Physical] - [Slash] Release a strong attack on enemies by spinning your body. Increases your critical rate when the attack lands and deals additional damage to a stunned enemy. Also, the target takes additional slash damage for a certain period of time. Level 5: Attack: 266% Critical Rate: +50 AoE Attack Ratio: 3 SP: 42 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 16s ![]() 1 / 5 2 Helm Chopper: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Helm Chopper] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Barbarian 1st Circle required Helm Chopper [Physical] - [Strike] Strike the enemy's head, causing it to become afflicted with [Stun]. Level 1: Attack: 169% x 2 AoE Attack Ratio: 3 SP: 21 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 20s |
Rank 4
![]() ![]() Barbarian |
![]() 5 / 5 Warcry: Enhance Type: Passive * Enhances physical attack increase effect of [Warcry] by 1% per attribute level * Attribute applies after an enemy's defense is reduced Lv3 Warcry required Warcry: Add Target Type: Active * Increases the amount of enemies [Warcry] can affect by 1 per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 20 * Increases SP consumption by 30% Barbarian 3rd Circle required Warcry: Duration Type: Active Increases the duration of [Warcry] by 2 seconds per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 20% Barbarian 2nd Circle required Warcry: Debuff Duration Type: Active * Increases duration of all Barbarian debuffs by 1 second per attribute level when affected by the [Warcry] debuff * Duration increase reduced to 1/3 in PvP * Increases SP consumption by 10% Barbarian 3rd Circle required Warcry Temporarily decreases the defense of nearby enemies and increases attack proportionally to the number of targets nearby. Level 5: Targets: 5 Maximum Physical Defense: -10% Attack increase per target: 20 Duration: 30 seconds SP: 50 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 42s ![]() 5 / 5 Frenzy: Maintain Stacks Type: Active * Maintains the stacks from [Frenzy] when switching to another target, but the maximum amount of stacks is reduced by half * Increases SP consumption by 10% Barbarian 3rd Circle required Frenzy Increases your attack when you keep repeatedly attacking one particular enemy. Level 5: Attack per Stack: +1.5% Maximum Stacks: 10 Attack Speed: +200 Duration: 40 seconds SP: 52 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 70s ![]() 5 / 5 2 Seism: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Seism] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Barbarian 2nd Circle required Seism [Physical] - [Slash] Create an earthshake to stop enemies from attacking. The enemy has a chance to become afflicted with [Stun]. Level 5: Attack: 201% x 3 AoE Attack Ratio: 5 SP: 54 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 18s |
Rank 5
![]() ![]() Barbarian |
![]() 9 / 15 3 Cleave: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cleave] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Barbarian 1st Circle required Cleave [Physical] - [Slash] Release a strong attack on enemies by spinning your body. Increases your critical rate when the attack lands and deals additional damage to a stunned enemy. Also, the target takes additional slash damage for a certain period of time. Level 9: Attack: 314% Critical Rate: +50 AoE Attack Ratio: 3 SP: 62 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 16s ![]() 10 / 10 Warcry: Enhance Type: Passive * Enhances physical attack increase effect of [Warcry] by 1% per attribute level * Attribute applies after an enemy's defense is reduced Lv3 Warcry required Warcry: Add Target Type: Active * Increases the amount of enemies [Warcry] can affect by 1 per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 20 * Increases SP consumption by 30% Barbarian 3rd Circle required Warcry: Duration Type: Active Increases the duration of [Warcry] by 2 seconds per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 20% Barbarian 2nd Circle required Warcry: Debuff Duration Type: Active * Increases duration of all Barbarian debuffs by 1 second per attribute level when affected by the [Warcry] debuff * Duration increase reduced to 1/3 in PvP * Increases SP consumption by 10% Barbarian 3rd Circle required Warcry Temporarily decreases the defense of nearby enemies and increases attack proportionally to the number of targets nearby. Level 10: Targets: 5 Maximum Physical Defense: -10% Attack increase per target: 40 Duration: 30 seconds SP: 80 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 42s ![]() 10 / 10 Frenzy: Maintain Stacks Type: Active * Maintains the stacks from [Frenzy] when switching to another target, but the maximum amount of stacks is reduced by half * Increases SP consumption by 10% Barbarian 3rd Circle required Frenzy Increases your attack when you keep repeatedly attacking one particular enemy. Level 10: Attack per Stack: +1.5% Maximum Stacks: 20 Attack Speed: +250 Duration: 50 seconds SP: 82 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 70s ![]() 10 / 10 2 Seism: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Seism] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Barbarian 2nd Circle required Seism [Physical] - [Slash] Create an earthshake to stop enemies from attacking. The enemy has a chance to become afflicted with [Stun]. Level 10: Attack: 256% x 3 AoE Attack Ratio: 5 SP: 84 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 18s ![]() 5 / 5 Pouncing: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Pouncing] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Barbarian 3rd Circle required Pouncing: Knockdown Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Pouncing] have a 8% chance per attribute level of being knocked down * Increases SP consumption by 5 * Increases SP consumption by 30% Barbarian 3rd Circle required Pouncing [Physical] - [Slash] Charge forward while slashing, attacking any enemies that block your way. Has a chance to deal additional damage to a stunned enemy. Level 5: 144% Attack per 0.5 seconds Maximum Duration 10 seconds Consume STA SP: 54 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 81s |
Rank 6
![]() ![]() Doppelsoeldner |
![]() 5 / 5 Deeds of Valor Increases the damage you deal to enemies, but also increases the damage you receive. Level 5: Additional Damage: +13% Damage Received: +9% Duration: 35 seconds SP: 77 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 43s ![]() 1 / 5 Double Pay Earn: Damage Taken Type: Active * Decreases damage taken from x3 to x2 while [Double Pay Earn] is active * Increases SP consumption by 10% Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Double Pay Earn Doubles your EXP and loot dropped when you defeat an enemy within a certain number of attacks. You take 3x damage while the effect is active, and lose more durability when you become incapable of combat. Level 1: Attack Limit: 1 Doubled EXP & loot dropped SP: 42 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 57s ![]() 5 / 5 2 Cyclone: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cyclone] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Cyclone: Movement Type: Active * Allows movement when using [Cyclone] * Increases SP consumption by 30% Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Cyclone: Resistance Type: Active * Increases chance to block harmful effects by 15% per attribute level during [Cyclone] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Lv. 3 Cyclone required Cyclone [Physical] - [Slash] Use centrifugal force to continuously attack enemies. Level 5: 180% Attack per 0.2 seconds Duration: 5.5seconds AoE Attack Ratio: 8 SP: 92 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 45s |
Rank 7
![]() ![]() Doppelsoeldner |
![]() 7 / 10 Deeds of Valor Increases the damage you deal to enemies, but also increases the damage you receive. Level 7: Additional Damage: +17% Damage Received: +11% Duration: 41 seconds SP: 94 Type: Melee / Buff Cooldown: 43s ![]() 10 / 10 2 Cyclone: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cyclone] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Cyclone: Movement Type: Active * Allows movement when using [Cyclone] * Increases SP consumption by 30% Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Cyclone: Resistance Type: Active * Increases chance to block harmful effects by 15% per attribute level during [Cyclone] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Lv. 3 Cyclone required Cyclone [Physical] - [Slash] Use centrifugal force to continuously attack enemies. Level 10: 219% Attack per 0.2 seconds Duration: 5.5seconds AoE Attack Ratio: 8 SP: 144 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 45s ![]() 5 / 5 Zornhau: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Zornhau] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Doppelsoeldner 2nd Circle required Zornhau: Deep Cut Type: Active * [Zornhau] attack strikes the enemy multiple times * Number of hits increases by 1 per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 150% Lv6 Zornhau required Zornhau [Physical] - [Slash] Inflict damage and put the enemy into a state of shock by making a big slash with all your might. Level 5: Attack: 975% x 1 [Shock] Duration: 5 seconds SP: 98 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 15s Required Stance: TwoHandSword ![]() 5 / 5 Zucken: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Zucken] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Doppelsoeldner 2nd Circle required Zucken: Multi Cuts Type: Active * Increases [Zucken] attack count, raising total amount of damage by +100% * Increases SP consumption by 150% Lv6 Zucken required Zucken [Physical] - [Slash] Inflict damage on a frontal enemy through a series of lateral slashes. Deals additional damage to enemies afflicted with [Shock]. Level 5: Attack: 274% x 4 SP: 115 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 15s Required Stance: TwoHandSword |
Rank 8
![]() ![]() Doppelsoeldner |
![]() 15 / 15 2 Cyclone: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cyclone] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Cyclone: Movement Type: Active * Allows movement when using [Cyclone] * Increases SP consumption by 30% Doppelsoeldner 1st Circle required Cyclone: Resistance Type: Active * Increases chance to block harmful effects by 15% per attribute level during [Cyclone] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Lv. 3 Cyclone required Cyclone [Physical] - [Slash] Use centrifugal force to continuously attack enemies. Level 15: 257% Attack per 0.2 seconds Duration: 5.5seconds AoE Attack Ratio: 8 SP: 196 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 45s ![]() 6 / 10 Zornhau: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Zornhau] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Doppelsoeldner 2nd Circle required Zornhau: Deep Cut Type: Active * [Zornhau] attack strikes the enemy multiple times * Number of hits increases by 1 per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 150% Lv6 Zornhau required Zornhau [Physical] - [Slash] Inflict damage and put the enemy into a state of shock by making a big slash with all your might. Level 6: Attack: 1029% x 1 [Shock] Duration: 5 seconds SP: 110 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 15s Required Stance: TwoHandSword ![]() 6 / 10 Zucken: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Zucken] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Doppelsoeldner 2nd Circle required Zucken: Multi Cuts Type: Active * Increases [Zucken] attack count, raising total amount of damage by +100% * Increases SP consumption by 150% Lv6 Zucken required Zucken [Physical] - [Slash] Inflict damage on a frontal enemy through a series of lateral slashes. Deals additional damage to enemies afflicted with [Shock]. Level 6: Attack: 289% x 4 SP: 131 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 15s Required Stance: TwoHandSword ![]() 5 / 5 Zwerchhau: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Zwerchhau] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Doppelsoeldner 3rd Circle Required Zwerchhau [Physical] - [Slash] Swings the sword in one hand to attack a wide range of enemies. The targets that do not have plate defense type become more vulnerable to slash type attacks. Level 5: Attack: 476% x 3 AoE Attack Ratio: 3 Duration: 6.5 seconds SP: 181 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 30s Required Stance: TwoHandSword ![]() 5 / 5 2 Sturtzhau: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Sturtzhau] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Doppelsoeldner 3rd Circle Required Sturtzhau [Physical] - [Slash] Strike with your weapon in a diagonal. The attack ignores a portion of enemy defense. Level 5: Attack: 271% x 6 AoE Attack Ratio: 3 Ignores 20% of enemies' defense SP: 166 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 25s Required Stance: TwoHandSword |
Comments (58)
Thanks for this build buddy :D!
why not swordman c3?
i ll build like sword c3 hl/pasta c1 barb c1 dopple c3 if i even find time for 4th alt.. (i hope not)
thanks for BIG tip with DPE i must renember it...rl
thanks :D
Are you still active? I saw you updated/edited this yesterday but is this build still working though?
Cleave: Situational 2.5x dmg modifier(not work vs bosses) + slah damage which is 90% of skills in build.
lvls 15 / 40 / 75 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 or atleast for lvls 75/120/170
Something like that? http://www.tosbase.com/tools/stat-calculator/build/3daja2w2mn/
Try and get every single attribute unless you're strepping for cash.