Valkoria's (W) Summoner Guide.
Created by Valkoria on Aug 3rd 2017 (Last Updated: Dec 11th 2018).
This is a public build.
Rank 10 Update: Summoners change a lot in the Rank 10 update. Now we can take Linker Circle 3 which allows us to get the Spirit Shock attribute Mental Pressure which allows us to deal some insanely high single target damage, while lowering the targets magic resist by 25%.
We also gain some added utility with Joint Penalty to quickly clear packs of enemies, also being able to share the groups highest attributes with everyone while gaining +30% magic damage.
I've come to the conclusion that Sorcerer Circle 3 is just not worth it, your summons do gain sustain with the new Summon Salamion attribute that heals your summons over time, but now that summons scale with your Con it's not as important as it sounds.
Also Evocations rework is still quite bad, and Desmodus sounds good on paper, but the debuff only lasts a few seconds making it not so great.
At Rank 10 you may choose to go Sorcerer C3 instead of Linker C3, but I would suggest going Wiz-(Pyro3 or Cryo3)-Sorc-Necro then.
Welcome, If you have any questions I will do my absolute best to answer them as soon as possible and please click the Like button if you enjoy the build. For more builds check out:
Sorcerer and Necromancer specializes in summoning minions to combat for them while you can control the battle from a safe distance or Ride your summoned Demon and get close and personal to high damage.
Sorcerer can summon a Fire Salamion and a powerful Demon that requires a Devil Boss Card in your Grimoir. The Demon is much more powerful in this build due to being able to ride it and use its special abilities.
Necromancer can summon a variety of minions to deal damage for you as well and requires corpse fragments to use their abilities which you can obtain from Corpse Potions, the Gather Corpse and Disinter skills, and Skeleton Warrior kills.
Rating of Class 1-10 (my opinion):
Single Target: 7
Area of Effect: 6.5
Durability: 6.5
Solo: 7
Team: 6
- Well rounded single target and aoe
- Great utility
- Versatile
- Unique game play
- Requires investment in Boss Cards
- Corpse mechanic can be annoying
Stat Distribution:
Full Spirit.
This build focuses on the summons of Sorcerer and Necromancer which all scale well with Spirit, you may invest in a small amount of Con if you wish but I would advise focusing on getting defenses through gear instead.
Skill Distribution:
You will notice that some circles don't have 15 points invested, that's because you can save points from the same class and invest them in the next circle.
Necromancer has some unspent points, below will explain what your options are.
1/10 Energy Bolt, Decent filler skill, not very powerful but not bad. Very fast cast animation and fairly low cooldown.
10/10 Earthquake, This skill is now instant cast and has a super quick animation, deals significant damage on its own, and will hit twice if the target is effected by Lethargy. Has an attribute that removes the knockdown too!
1/10 Lethargy, Lowers the targets Magic and Physical Attack by 1% per skill level, and causes it to take 35% more damage from magic circles (like Hail). Really powerful debuff even at level 1 for the damage boost.
1/5 Surespell, A 5 minute buff that causes your casts to not get interrupted. Can be extended to party members if you invest more points into it.
5/5 Magic Missile, This skill received a huge buff by having better scaling and a super quick animation similar to Earthquake. Useful against a single target and even better against a group of enemies. Deals bonus hits if you have Thaumaturge's swell arm buff.
Remaining points can be spent into any combination of Wizards other abilities: Energy Bolt for better scaling (for leveling), Surespell to apply to party members, Sleep for its Combo potential, Lethargy if you wish to lower hard hitting bosses damage further, and Magic Shield if you wish to mitigate 20% damage for several hits.
All are good abilities and mostly depend on what content you may be focusing on and who/what you will be playing with.
10/10 Joint Penalty, Causes any damage (up to a certain amount of hits) to be shared among linked targets, also has attributes that increase the damage of certain elements, Earth being the big one for the build.
5/10 Hangman's Knot, Using this after Joint Penalty will vacuum the linked targets together and lowers their aoe ratio to 1. Very good for comboing aoe spells with.
10/10 Spiritual Chain, Causes certain buffs in the party to be shared and has an attribute that increases allies magic damage dealt by 30%.
10/10 Spirit Shock, Links a tether between you and target enemy that deals damage over time to them. With the Mental Pressure attribute it causes it to reduce the targets magic resist by 25% and take additional damage based off the difference in spirit between you and the target, which can lead to some INSANELY high damage.
5/5 Lifeline, Very powerful buff that has a low cooldown and high up time. It only works when used during Spiritual Chain and causes all linked allies to share the groups highest stats with each other.
For example, if you have 600 Spirit and that's the highest Spirit stat in the group, and the cleric in your party has 600 Intelligence and that's the highest Intelligence stat in the group you now will both have 600 Spirit and Intelligence for the duration of Lifeline. With Divine Might and a Cyst Gem you can increase this skills duration to 50 seconds.
10/10 Summoning, Requires a Devil Boss Card in your Grimore and summons that boss as a minion. The number of stars on the Boss Card determines how much damage and defense it has.
Scales with spirit and your weapons magic attack like all summons.
- Marnox and Froster Lord are both amazing cards.
1-10/10 Summon Familiar, Summons 5 bats that follow you for up to a minute, they kamikaze dealing damage to those they hit. Higher level increases damage and lowers the skills cooldown. Now scales with spirit like your other summons.
1-10/10 Summon Salamion, A 5 minute duration summon that attacks for you, it's not incredibly strong but still deals significant damage even at level 1. Scales with spirit and your weapons magic attack like all summons.
5/5 Summon Servant, Summons a cat for a short period that meows several times, giving you different beneficial buffs for 5 minutes. Now costs a reagent to cast that costs 2000 silver, generally you'll only use it for when you are in a dungeon or raid.
1/1 Riding, The most important skill to the build which allows you to ride and use skills unique to each Demon.
1/1 Morph, This skill can be used to bypass cooldowns of Boss Card skills (For example summon a Templeshooter and use its attack while Riding then Morph into a different Templeshooter and do it again), and fully heals your current summon.
5/15 Gather Corpse, This skill got drastically changed for the better; when used it damages and debuffs enemies hit (10 seconds at level 5) and if the monster is killed while debuffed you gain corpse fragments which are used for your other Necromancer spells.
5/5 Create Shoggoth, Summons permanent minion (until killed or map change) that requires a Animal, Plant or Mutant Boss Card.
Gray Golem Card is considered the best card for this skill due to its massive amount of bonus health.
With the Create Shoggoth: Decay attribute it causes it to have an aura that causes enemies to be afflicted with decay.
5/15 Flesh Cannon, Deals several hits of damage to target location, only use if the target is standing still. The reason why we invest in this skill now is for a reliable way to apply the new Necromancers Bane debuff which will increase your Skeletons damage by up to 50%. The debuff and this skill is mostly only used on bosses, save your corpse parts otherwise.
1/15 Dirty Pole, Summons a Pillar of filth that applies Decay on nearby enemies (causes the target to take additional Missile (Bow) damage.
1/1 Disinter, Use this around recently killed monsters to collect corpse fragments.
10/10 Corpse Tower, Summons an immobile tower that attacks nearby monsters.
It scales with spirit (weapon matk too) and takes corpse fragments to summon.
You may only have one of these out at a time.
5/5 Raise Dead, Summons 5 Melee Skeletons that attack for you.
They scale with spirit (weapon matk too) and takes corpse fragments to summon.
5/5 Raise Skull Archer, Summons 5 Ranged Skeletons that attack for you.
They scale with spirit (weapon matk too) and takes corpse fragments to summon.
You may spend your remaining 8 skill points on any combination of Flesh Strike (hard hitting aoe nuke that costs 100 corpse parts to cast), Flesh Cannon (for more damage and higher chance to apply your Necromancers Bane debuff), or Dirty Pole for higher uptime.
Important Attributes to level asap:
Wizard - Earthquake: Remove Knockdown
Linker - Spiritual Chain: Duration
Linker - Spiritual Chain: Enhance
Linker - Hangman's Knot: Focused Attack
Linker - Spirit Shock: Mental Pressure
Linker - Lifeline: Increased Nullification
Sorcerer - Summon Servant: Quick Order
Sorcerer - Riding: Increase Stats
Necromancer - Create Shoggoth: Decay
Necromancer - Disinter: Increased Range
Necromancer - Dirty Pole: Fragments
Necromancer - Skeleton and Skeleton Archer Enhance
Equipment / Core Items / Cards:
Use a Staff. Cloth for more Mdef, Plate for more Pdef.
Red Card: Been debating this for a long time, Chapparition maybe, minor gains.
Blue Card: Nuaele Lv10 x3 (+30% Magic Defense)
Green Card: Linkroller Lv10 x3 (+30 Intelligence)
Purple Card: Gazing Golem Lv5-10 x3 (15-30% chance to gain Pain Barrier when hit)
- or Yeti Lv10 x3 (5400 Hp)
We also gain some added utility with Joint Penalty to quickly clear packs of enemies, also being able to share the groups highest attributes with everyone while gaining +30% magic damage.
I've come to the conclusion that Sorcerer Circle 3 is just not worth it, your summons do gain sustain with the new Summon Salamion attribute that heals your summons over time, but now that summons scale with your Con it's not as important as it sounds.
Also Evocations rework is still quite bad, and Desmodus sounds good on paper, but the debuff only lasts a few seconds making it not so great.
At Rank 10 you may choose to go Sorcerer C3 instead of Linker C3, but I would suggest going Wiz-(Pyro3 or Cryo3)-Sorc-Necro then.
Welcome, If you have any questions I will do my absolute best to answer them as soon as possible and please click the Like button if you enjoy the build. For more builds check out:
Sorcerer and Necromancer specializes in summoning minions to combat for them while you can control the battle from a safe distance or Ride your summoned Demon and get close and personal to high damage.
Sorcerer can summon a Fire Salamion and a powerful Demon that requires a Devil Boss Card in your Grimoir. The Demon is much more powerful in this build due to being able to ride it and use its special abilities.
Necromancer can summon a variety of minions to deal damage for you as well and requires corpse fragments to use their abilities which you can obtain from Corpse Potions, the Gather Corpse and Disinter skills, and Skeleton Warrior kills.
Rating of Class 1-10 (my opinion):
Single Target: 7
Area of Effect: 6.5
Durability: 6.5
Solo: 7
Team: 6
- Well rounded single target and aoe
- Great utility
- Versatile
- Unique game play
- Requires investment in Boss Cards
- Corpse mechanic can be annoying
Stat Distribution:
Full Spirit.
This build focuses on the summons of Sorcerer and Necromancer which all scale well with Spirit, you may invest in a small amount of Con if you wish but I would advise focusing on getting defenses through gear instead.
Skill Distribution:
You will notice that some circles don't have 15 points invested, that's because you can save points from the same class and invest them in the next circle.
Necromancer has some unspent points, below will explain what your options are.
1/10 Energy Bolt, Decent filler skill, not very powerful but not bad. Very fast cast animation and fairly low cooldown.
10/10 Earthquake, This skill is now instant cast and has a super quick animation, deals significant damage on its own, and will hit twice if the target is effected by Lethargy. Has an attribute that removes the knockdown too!
1/10 Lethargy, Lowers the targets Magic and Physical Attack by 1% per skill level, and causes it to take 35% more damage from magic circles (like Hail). Really powerful debuff even at level 1 for the damage boost.
1/5 Surespell, A 5 minute buff that causes your casts to not get interrupted. Can be extended to party members if you invest more points into it.
5/5 Magic Missile, This skill received a huge buff by having better scaling and a super quick animation similar to Earthquake. Useful against a single target and even better against a group of enemies. Deals bonus hits if you have Thaumaturge's swell arm buff.
Remaining points can be spent into any combination of Wizards other abilities: Energy Bolt for better scaling (for leveling), Surespell to apply to party members, Sleep for its Combo potential, Lethargy if you wish to lower hard hitting bosses damage further, and Magic Shield if you wish to mitigate 20% damage for several hits.
All are good abilities and mostly depend on what content you may be focusing on and who/what you will be playing with.
10/10 Joint Penalty, Causes any damage (up to a certain amount of hits) to be shared among linked targets, also has attributes that increase the damage of certain elements, Earth being the big one for the build.
5/10 Hangman's Knot, Using this after Joint Penalty will vacuum the linked targets together and lowers their aoe ratio to 1. Very good for comboing aoe spells with.
10/10 Spiritual Chain, Causes certain buffs in the party to be shared and has an attribute that increases allies magic damage dealt by 30%.
10/10 Spirit Shock, Links a tether between you and target enemy that deals damage over time to them. With the Mental Pressure attribute it causes it to reduce the targets magic resist by 25% and take additional damage based off the difference in spirit between you and the target, which can lead to some INSANELY high damage.
5/5 Lifeline, Very powerful buff that has a low cooldown and high up time. It only works when used during Spiritual Chain and causes all linked allies to share the groups highest stats with each other.
For example, if you have 600 Spirit and that's the highest Spirit stat in the group, and the cleric in your party has 600 Intelligence and that's the highest Intelligence stat in the group you now will both have 600 Spirit and Intelligence for the duration of Lifeline. With Divine Might and a Cyst Gem you can increase this skills duration to 50 seconds.
10/10 Summoning, Requires a Devil Boss Card in your Grimore and summons that boss as a minion. The number of stars on the Boss Card determines how much damage and defense it has.
Scales with spirit and your weapons magic attack like all summons.
- Marnox and Froster Lord are both amazing cards.
1-10/10 Summon Familiar, Summons 5 bats that follow you for up to a minute, they kamikaze dealing damage to those they hit. Higher level increases damage and lowers the skills cooldown. Now scales with spirit like your other summons.
1-10/10 Summon Salamion, A 5 minute duration summon that attacks for you, it's not incredibly strong but still deals significant damage even at level 1. Scales with spirit and your weapons magic attack like all summons.
5/5 Summon Servant, Summons a cat for a short period that meows several times, giving you different beneficial buffs for 5 minutes. Now costs a reagent to cast that costs 2000 silver, generally you'll only use it for when you are in a dungeon or raid.
1/1 Riding, The most important skill to the build which allows you to ride and use skills unique to each Demon.
1/1 Morph, This skill can be used to bypass cooldowns of Boss Card skills (For example summon a Templeshooter and use its attack while Riding then Morph into a different Templeshooter and do it again), and fully heals your current summon.
5/15 Gather Corpse, This skill got drastically changed for the better; when used it damages and debuffs enemies hit (10 seconds at level 5) and if the monster is killed while debuffed you gain corpse fragments which are used for your other Necromancer spells.
5/5 Create Shoggoth, Summons permanent minion (until killed or map change) that requires a Animal, Plant or Mutant Boss Card.
Gray Golem Card is considered the best card for this skill due to its massive amount of bonus health.
With the Create Shoggoth: Decay attribute it causes it to have an aura that causes enemies to be afflicted with decay.
5/15 Flesh Cannon, Deals several hits of damage to target location, only use if the target is standing still. The reason why we invest in this skill now is for a reliable way to apply the new Necromancers Bane debuff which will increase your Skeletons damage by up to 50%. The debuff and this skill is mostly only used on bosses, save your corpse parts otherwise.
1/15 Dirty Pole, Summons a Pillar of filth that applies Decay on nearby enemies (causes the target to take additional Missile (Bow) damage.
1/1 Disinter, Use this around recently killed monsters to collect corpse fragments.
10/10 Corpse Tower, Summons an immobile tower that attacks nearby monsters.
It scales with spirit (weapon matk too) and takes corpse fragments to summon.
You may only have one of these out at a time.
5/5 Raise Dead, Summons 5 Melee Skeletons that attack for you.
They scale with spirit (weapon matk too) and takes corpse fragments to summon.
5/5 Raise Skull Archer, Summons 5 Ranged Skeletons that attack for you.
They scale with spirit (weapon matk too) and takes corpse fragments to summon.
You may spend your remaining 8 skill points on any combination of Flesh Strike (hard hitting aoe nuke that costs 100 corpse parts to cast), Flesh Cannon (for more damage and higher chance to apply your Necromancers Bane debuff), or Dirty Pole for higher uptime.
Important Attributes to level asap:
Wizard - Earthquake: Remove Knockdown
Linker - Spiritual Chain: Duration
Linker - Spiritual Chain: Enhance
Linker - Hangman's Knot: Focused Attack
Linker - Spirit Shock: Mental Pressure
Linker - Lifeline: Increased Nullification
Sorcerer - Summon Servant: Quick Order
Sorcerer - Riding: Increase Stats
Necromancer - Create Shoggoth: Decay
Necromancer - Disinter: Increased Range
Necromancer - Dirty Pole: Fragments
Necromancer - Skeleton and Skeleton Archer Enhance
Equipment / Core Items / Cards:
Use a Staff. Cloth for more Mdef, Plate for more Pdef.
Red Card: Been debating this for a long time, Chapparition maybe, minor gains.
Blue Card: Nuaele Lv10 x3 (+30% Magic Defense)
Green Card: Linkroller Lv10 x3 (+30 Intelligence)
Purple Card: Gazing Golem Lv5-10 x3 (15-30% chance to gain Pain Barrier when hit)
- or Yeti Lv10 x3 (5400 Hp)
Rank 1
![]() ![]() Wizard |
![]() 1 / 5 3 Energy Bolt: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Energy Bolt] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Wizard 1st Circle required Energy Bolt: Additional Sleep Damage Type: Active * Deals additional damage equal to 40% of magic attack per attribute level when attacking an enemy under [Sleep] with [Energy Bolt] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Wizard 1st Circle required Energy Bolt [Magic] Gather powerful magical energy and launch it towards an enemy. Level 1: Attack: 109% x 2 AoE Attack Ratio: 1 SP: 12 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 9s ![]() 1 / 5 Lethargy: Strike Speciality Type: Active * Enemies affected by [Lethargy] receive 10% additional damage per attribute level with [Strike] attacks * Increases SP consumption by 10% Wizard 3rd Circle required Lethargy: Tile Speciality Type: Active * Magic circle damage on enemies afflicted with [Lethargy] increases by 3% per attribute level Wizard 2nd Circle required Lethargy Makes an enemy lethargic. Level 1: Physical attack -1% Magic attack -1% Evasion -5 Damage from magic circles +20% [Lethargy] Duration 20 sec SP: 13 Type: Magic / Buff Cooldown: 20s ![]() 5 / 5 3 Earthquake: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Earthquake] by 0.5% per attribute level *+10% added damage at maximum level Wizard 1st Circle required Earthquake: Remove Knockdown Type: Active * Removes knockdown of [Earthquake] Increases SP consumption by 10% Wizard 1st Circle required Earthquake [Magic] - [Earth] Inflicts damage on an enemy by creating a powerful earthquake in front of you. Level 5: Attack: 324% AoE Attack Ratio: 4 SP: 28 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 17s Element: ![]() |
Rank 2
![]() ![]() Wizard |
![]() 10 / 10 3 Earthquake: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Earthquake] by 0.5% per attribute level *+10% added damage at maximum level Wizard 1st Circle required Earthquake: Remove Knockdown Type: Active * Removes knockdown of [Earthquake] Increases SP consumption by 10% Wizard 1st Circle required Earthquake [Magic] - [Earth] Inflicts damage on an enemy by creating a powerful earthquake in front of you. Level 10: Attack: 397% AoE Attack Ratio: 4 SP: 44 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 17s Element: ![]() ![]() 1 / 5 Surespell Skills being cast cannot be interrupted by enemy attacks. Level 1: Targets (excluding caster) 0 Duration 300 sec SP: 24 Type: Magic / Buff Cooldown: 60s ![]() 5 / 5 3 Magic Missile: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Magic Missile] by 0.5% per attribute level *+10% added damage at maximum level Wizard 2nd Circle required Magic Missile [Magic] Attack continuously with magic bullets. New bullets are shot if it successfully targets an enemy. Level 5: Attack: 228% x 3 Bullet Count: 3 SP: 40 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 17s |
Rank 3
![]() ![]() Linker |
![]() 5 / 5 Joint Penalty: Lightning Type: Active * Lightning property skill attacks deal 10% additional damage per attribute level on enemies affected by [Joint Penalty] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 1st Circle required Joint Penalty: Poison Type: Active * Poison property skill attacks deal 10% additional damage per attribute level on enemies affected by [Joint Penalty] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 1st Circle required Joint Penalty: Earth Type: Active * Deals 10% additional damage per attribute level of the Earth property attack to enemies affected by [Joint Penalty] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 1st Circle required Joint Penalty Links enemies to attack all at once. Can be canceled by the Unbind skill. Level 5: Maximum Link Numbers: 5 Count Limit: 9 Duration: 35 seconds SP: 87 Type: Magic / Buff Cooldown: 22s ![]() 5 / 5 Hangman's Knot: Additional Damage Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Hangman's Knot] will receive additional damage equal to 20% magic attack per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Lv3 Hangman's Knot required Hangman's Knot: Focused Attack Type: Active * AoE defense ratio of enemies gathered by [Hangman's Knot] is fixed to 1 * Enemies gathered by [Hangman's Knot] takes additional 5% damage per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 1st Circle required Hangman's Knot Tighten the link to gather up the linked enemies in front of you. Level 5: [Bind] Duration: 2 seconds SP: 71 Type: Magic / Buff Cooldown: 15s |
Rank 4
![]() ![]() Linker |
![]() 10 / 10 Joint Penalty: Lightning Type: Active * Lightning property skill attacks deal 10% additional damage per attribute level on enemies affected by [Joint Penalty] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 1st Circle required Joint Penalty: Poison Type: Active * Poison property skill attacks deal 10% additional damage per attribute level on enemies affected by [Joint Penalty] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 1st Circle required Joint Penalty: Earth Type: Active * Deals 10% additional damage per attribute level of the Earth property attack to enemies affected by [Joint Penalty] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 1st Circle required Joint Penalty Links enemies to attack all at once. Can be canceled by the Unbind skill. Level 10: Maximum Link Numbers: 8 Count Limit: 11 Duration: 60 seconds SP: 120 Type: Magic / Buff Cooldown: 22s ![]() 5 / 5 Spiritual Chain: Duration Type: Active * Increases the duration of [Spiritual Chain] by 1 second per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 2nd Circle required Spiritual Chain: Enhance Type: Active * Magic damage dealt by characters linked with [Spiritual Chain] increases by 3% per skill level * Increases SP consumption by 30% Linker 2nd Circle required Spiritual Chain Links party members and shares buff effects. Can be canceled by the Unbind skill. Level 5: Duration: 55 seconds SP: 91 Type: Magic / Buff Cooldown: 55s ![]() 5 / 5 Spirit Shock: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Spirit Shock] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Linker 2nd Circle required Spirit Shock: Confusion Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Spirit Shock] have a 5% chance per attribute level of being afflicted with [Confusion] * Increases SP consumption by 20% Linker 2nd Circle required Spirit Shock: Mental Pressure Type: Active * Magic defense of enemies hit by [Spirit Shock] decreases by 25% * Additional damage increases by the difference of SPR between the attacker's and target's * Additional damage does not exceed max. 300% * Increases SP consumption by 50% Linker 3rd Circle required Spirit Shock [Magic] - [Psychokinesis] Link yourself to the soul of a single target to inflict mental damage. Can only be used on a single target at a time. Can be canceled by the Unbind skill. Level 5: 0.5 second attack 243% Duration: 5.5 seconds SP: 101 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 15s Element: ![]() |
Rank 5
![]() ![]() Sorcerer |
![]() 5 / 5 Summoning Summon the devil of the card inserted in your grimoire. The attack and defense of the summoned devil will be set according to your character's level, and will increase by 5% for each star on the corresponding card. The grimoire can only equip Devil-type monster cards. Level 5: Summons a Devil-type boss monster Devil's Additional Attack: 15% Devil's Additional Defense: 15% Duration: 900 seconds SP: 116 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 60s Element: ![]() ![]() 1 / 5 Summon Familar: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Summon Familiar] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Sorcerer 1st Circle required Summon Familar: Splash Type: Active * Deals damage to nearby enemies with a 1% chance per attribute level when the summoned familiar of [Summon Familiar] explodes itself * Increases SP consumption by 10% Lv3 Summon Familiar required Summon Familiar [Magic] - [Dark] Summon a familiar. The familiar rushes to an enemy that you attack or that attacks you, and then explodes itself. Level 1: Attack: 365% Summon 1 Familiar Spirits SP: 88 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 35s Element: ![]() ![]() 1 / 5 Summon Salamion: Ignite Type: Active * Chance to inflict [Burn] for 10 seconds on an enemy when attacked by Salamion * Chance increases by 2% per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Sorcerer 2nd Circle required Summon Salamion: Blind Type: Active * Chance to inflict [Burn] for 10 sec on enemies attacked by Salamion * Chance increases by 2% per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Sorcerer 2nd Circle required Summon Salamion Summon the fire devil Salamion. It follows its master and attacks enemies. Level 1: Salamion's Level: 0 Salamion's Additional Attack: 8% Salamion's Additional Defense 8% Duration: 300 seconds SP: 84 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 60s Element: ![]() ![]() 5 / 5 Summon Servant: Quick Order Type: Active * Summoned servant grants beneficial effects at a higher rate * Increases SP consumption by 10% Lv3 Summon Servant required Summon Servant Summon a servant. The servant will grant beneficial effects while following its master. The number of buffs increases proportionally to the level of [Summon Servant]. Level 5: Applies up to 5 times 1st effect [+ AoE attack ratio] 2nd effect [+ SP recovery speed] 3rd effect [STA recovery] 4th effect [+ Magic Defense] 5th effect [+ Dark property attack] Consumes Empty Spellbook x#{SpendItemCount}# SP: 126 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 60s Element: ![]() |
Rank 6
![]() ![]() Sorcerer |
![]() 10 / 10 Summoning Summon the devil of the card inserted in your grimoire. The attack and defense of the summoned devil will be set according to your character's level, and will increase by 5% for each star on the corresponding card. The grimoire can only equip Devil-type monster cards. Level 10: Summons a Devil-type boss monster Devil's Additional Attack: 25% Devil's Additional Defense: 25% Duration: 900 seconds SP: 161 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 60s Element: ![]() ![]() 1 / 1 Attack Ground Order the summoned devil from the Grimoire to move and attack in a targeted area. Level 1: Requires Summoned Devil Maximum Level: 1 SP: 60 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 3s Element: ![]() ![]() 1 / 1 Riding: Increase Stats Type: Passive * Increases damage dealt with Mounted demon by 0.5% per attribute level Sorcerer 2nd Circle required Riding Ride the summoned devil from the Grimoire and take control of it. While mounted on the devil, your damage taken decreases. Level 1: Enables use of the devil's skills SP: 64 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 20s Element: ![]() ![]() 1 / 1 Morph Mutates the summoned devil from the Grimoire to the devil that is equipped as a secondary card in the Grimoire while maintaining its previous stats. Level 1: Transform to another Devil-type boss that is added to the Grimoire SP: 80 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 30s Element: ![]() ![]() 1 / 1 Hold Order the summoned devil to wait and guard a targeted area. Level 1: Requires Summoned Devil Maximum Level: 1 SP: 60 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 3s Element: ![]() |
Rank 7
![]() ![]() Necromancer |
![]() 5 / 5 3 Gather Corpse: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Gather Corpse] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Necromancer 1st Circle required Gather Corpse [Magic] Releases evil energy into your opponent. The corpses of monsters affected by the evil energy can be collected once defeated. Level 5: Attack 408% Duration: 10seconds AoE Attack Ratio: 3 SP: 82 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 10s ![]() 5 / 5 Create Shoggoth: Corruption Type: Active * Enemies near the Shoggoth are afflicted with [Corruption] for 15 seconds * Lasts for 1 minute per attribute level after Shoggoth is summoned * Increases SP consumption by 10% Necromancer 1st Circle required Create Shoggoth: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the attack of summoned Shoggoth by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Necromancer 1st Circle required Create Shoggoth: Enlargement Type: Active * Increases chance of enlarging size and maximum HP of summoned Shoggoth by 1% per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 20% Lv. 2 Create Shoggoth required Create Shoggoth Create a Shoggoth with stats based on the cards that are placed in the Necronomicon. The attack and defense of the Shoggoth are affected by the skill level. The Shoggoth's attack and defense increase by 5% for each star on the card. Only Beast, Plant and Mutant-type cards can be placed in the Necronomicon. Level 5: Shoggoth's Additional Damage: 35% Shoggoth's Additional Defense: 35% Consumes 30 Corpse(s) Duration: 900 seconds SP: 199 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 240s ![]() 1 / 5 Dirty Pole: Fragments Type: Active * When Dirty Pole receives a melee attack, its fragments spread to attack enemies and the targets gain [Corruption] status ailment for 10 seconds * Increases SP consumption by 10% Need the 3rd circle of Necromancer Dirty Pole [Magic] Raises a wall of corpses in front of the caster. Enemies near the wall will be afflicted with [Decay]. Enemies affected by [Decay] receive additional damage from Missile attacks. Level 1: Attack: 185% Dirty Pole Duration: 22 seconds [Corruption] Duration: 15 seconds Consumes 5 Corpses SP: 120 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 30s |
Rank 8
![]() ![]() Necromancer |
![]() 5 / 10 2 Flesh Cannon: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Flesh Cannon] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Necromancer 1st Circle required Flesh Cannon: Corruption Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Flesh Cannon] have a chance to be afflicted with [Corruption] for 15 seconds * Increases chance by 10% per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Necromancer 1st Circle required Flesh Cannon [Magic] Throw corpse parts on a targeted area to attack nearby enemies. Level 5: Attack: 136% x 16 AoE Attack Ratio: 5 Consumes 15 Corpse(s) SP: 156 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 20s ![]() 1 / 1 3 Disinter: Increased Range Type: Active * Increases range of [Disinter] by 10 per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Need the 2nd circle of Necromancer Disinter: Collect Corpse Type: Active * Collects more corpses when [Disinter] is used * Increases SP consumption by 10% Need the 3rd circle of Necromancer Disinter Collect the corpse left over from where an enemy died. Level 1: Target Range: 40 SP: 96 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 24s ![]() 5 / 5 Corpse Tower: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the attack of summoned Corpse Tower by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Need the 2nd circle of Necromancer Corpse Tower: Skull Soldier Type: Active * When Corpse Tower defeats a monster, a Skull Soldier is summoned * Activates when Raise Dead is learned * Increases SP consumption by 10% Need the 3rd circle of Necromancer Corpse Tower [Magic] Build a cursed tower made with corpses at a targeted area. Level 5: Add. Corpse Tower attack 30% Corpse Tower 55 second duration No. of defenses: 80 Consumes 7 corpses SP: 110 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 50s ![]() 5 / 5 Raise Dead: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the attack of summoned skeleton soldier by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Need the 2nd circle of Necromancer Raise Dead: Collect Corpse Type: Active * When a Skull Soldier defeats a monster, the Necronomicon gains 1 corpse per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Need the 3rd circle of Necromancer Raise Dead: Enhanced HP Type: Passive * Increases HP of Skull Soldiers by 0.5% per attribute level Need the 3rd circle of Necromancer Raise Dead Summon a skeleton soldier made with a corpse. The skeleton soldier will engage in combat and follow its master. Level 5: Summons 5 Skeleton Soldiers Add. Skeleton Soldier attack 35% Consumes 10 Corpse(s) Duration 300 seconds Maximum Level: 5 SP: 163 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 60s |
Rank 9
![]() ![]() Necromancer |
![]() 10 / 10 Corpse Tower: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the attack of summoned Corpse Tower by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Need the 2nd circle of Necromancer Corpse Tower: Skull Soldier Type: Active * When Corpse Tower defeats a monster, a Skull Soldier is summoned * Activates when Raise Dead is learned * Increases SP consumption by 10% Need the 3rd circle of Necromancer Corpse Tower [Magic] Build a cursed tower made with corpses at a targeted area. Level 10: Add. Corpse Tower attack 50% Corpse Tower 80 second duration No. of defenses: 130 Consumes 7 corpses SP: 152 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 50s ![]() 5 / 5 Raise Skull Archer: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the attack of summoned skeleton archer by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Need the 3rd circle of Necromancer Raise Skull Archer Summon a skeleton archer made with a corpse. The skeleton soldier will engage in combat and follow its master. Level 5: Summons 5 Skeleton Archers Add. Skeleton Archer attack 35% Consumes 10 Corpse(s) Duration 300 seconds Maximum Level: 5 SP: 201 Type: Melee / Attack Cooldown: 60s |
Rank 10
![]() ![]() Linker |
![]() 15 / 15 Joint Penalty: Lightning Type: Active * Lightning property skill attacks deal 10% additional damage per attribute level on enemies affected by [Joint Penalty] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 1st Circle required Joint Penalty: Poison Type: Active * Poison property skill attacks deal 10% additional damage per attribute level on enemies affected by [Joint Penalty] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 1st Circle required Joint Penalty: Earth Type: Active * Deals 10% additional damage per attribute level of the Earth property attack to enemies affected by [Joint Penalty] * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 1st Circle required Joint Penalty Links enemies to attack all at once. Can be canceled by the Unbind skill. Level 15: Maximum Link Numbers: 10 Count Limit: 14 Duration: 85 seconds SP: 153 Type: Magic / Buff Cooldown: 22s ![]() 10 / 10 Spiritual Chain: Duration Type: Active * Increases the duration of [Spiritual Chain] by 1 second per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 2nd Circle required Spiritual Chain: Enhance Type: Active * Magic damage dealt by characters linked with [Spiritual Chain] increases by 3% per skill level * Increases SP consumption by 30% Linker 2nd Circle required Spiritual Chain Links party members and shares buff effects. Can be canceled by the Unbind skill. Level 10: Duration: 80 seconds SP: 125 Type: Magic / Buff Cooldown: 55s ![]() 10 / 10 Spirit Shock: Enhance Type: Passive * Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Spirit Shock] by 0.5% per attribute level * +10% added damage at maximum level Linker 2nd Circle required Spirit Shock: Confusion Type: Active * Enemies hit by [Spirit Shock] have a 5% chance per attribute level of being afflicted with [Confusion] * Increases SP consumption by 20% Linker 2nd Circle required Spirit Shock: Mental Pressure Type: Active * Magic defense of enemies hit by [Spirit Shock] decreases by 25% * Additional damage increases by the difference of SPR between the attacker's and target's * Additional damage does not exceed max. 300% * Increases SP consumption by 50% Linker 3rd Circle required Spirit Shock [Magic] - [Psychokinesis] Link yourself to the soul of a single target to inflict mental damage. Can only be used on a single target at a time. Can be canceled by the Unbind skill. Level 10: 0.5 second attack 243% Duration: 8 seconds SP: 138 Type: Magic / Attack Cooldown: 15s Element: ![]() ![]() 5 / 5 Lifeline: Increased Nullification Type: Active * Increases the chance to nullify an enemy's attack while using [Lifeline] by 2% per attribute level * Increases SP consumption by 10% Linker 3rd Circle required Lifeline Uses the highest abilities between you and allies linked by [Spiritual Chain]. Level 5: Duration: 40 seconds SP: 101 Type: Magic / Buff Cooldown: 60s |
Comments (136)
Though I'd probably recommend Pyro3 or something instead of wiz3/thaum, Thaum doesn't really add much, the 10% atk is kind of meh tbh, and if you have a pretty good transcended weapon Pyromancer can deal some pretty good filler damage while your summons attack things. I've seen some people solo high lvl cm's on pyro-sorc-necro. But anyways, we'll see when we get that patch though! pretty sure all sorcs get a rank reset then.
But anyways, Surespell is pretty helpful for getting off Flesh cannon which is the best way for stacking the necromancers bane debuff, and its helpful for Flesh Strike too should you take it. You can still get by without Surespell though, it just makes it foolproof, so you could go cryo at rank 2 if you really wanted.
Hello, I have a question about how to accommodate the statistics, if it is complete str or combine it with int
If you have any questions that aren't already answered in the guide, feel free to ask anytime.
-Which card I should use on second grimoire slot? Or in case there goes the actual used summon for mount, which one I should use on first slot for stats when using Morph?
-Necronomicon has 4 slots. Which cards should I use there apart from Gray Golem on first? Or does HP bonus stack if you use all 4 cards as Gray Golem?
-Which cards would be useful on Equip Monster Cards slots? I may know about green ones (Linkroller/Lavenzar) for more SPR, but dunno about the rest.
To be honest, I kind of forget how they changed Morph since it ended up being bugged for the longest time, I think they fixed or changed it a few patches ago? I used to use two of the same card for the longest time to be able to use their long cooldown again, and before that I used to morph my Netherbovine card into my main use card since Netherbovine had/has the best stats, now I'm not so sure since they changed summons a while ago too. Sorry I can't be too much help with this atm, havent kept up with the more recent patches.
- Necronomicon extra slots do nothing, old mechanic that was never finished since CBT.
- Card slots are pretty flexible, I like Nuaele for magic resist and Gazing Golem for Pain Barrier on pretty much any of my characters. Since Froster Lord card got nerfed I haven't really bothered looking into replacing my red cards since there aren't really any that have much of an impact, Centaur card is okay I suppose for aoe ratio if u wanna spend the silver.
Just an idea I had. I am rather new though so it might be a bad idea hahaha
As for rank 10, a lot is going to change, we're getting scaling on summons, sorcerer c3 is actually getting more attractive/buffed and linker3 is a possibility. We'll have to see how things turn out when the patch comes a little closer, I'm sure we'll be getting some rank resets like the many patches before that introduced new ranks and classes.
As for damage, just check each builds rating I gave it for each role for comparison.
to use the Shoggoth skill?
I am waiting.
now you can have sorcerer 3 and necro 3.
I understood, thanks for the explanation.
Just focus on getting armor and a staff with lots of spirit, Int and Con are both good secondary focused stats.
I can't really tell you what to go instead of sorc 2, but I really wouldnt suggest going sm1, its just not a very good single circle class.
Not saying you should or shouldn't play this build, but I don't recommend Sorc3 since it doesn't really offer anything (If you go Sorc, go circle 1 or 2, 2 if you want to use riding), and SM2 is kind of meh without linker for aoe damage, and/or thaumaturge for bonus damage since you will most likely need to go spirit since spell costs are so extremely high.
As for this build, its really fun and fairly good, but don't go it to clear high end content like the new velcoffer raid since summons die to its extremely hard hitting aoe damage too easily, but its a fun build for pretty much anything else if you like summoning builds.
If you're looking to make a serious end game character for velcoffer, you'd have to roll something that does a specific role extremely well, like Ele-Warlock for damage/aoe, Thaum-Linker for support, etc.
If you are looking to do everything else like Saalus/Challenge Mode/Farming then a necromancer is absolutely fine.
and soz for asking too many questions
what do You think about Ledas Neck vs Max Peta?
i testing both and i think i do better job with Ledas, but i know for character sustain and summons power i should use max peta.
Since there is no more "gust" - my favorite cryo spell, i have to learn using "ice blast" (skipped bcs gust in my opinion was just better), i have blue "skill reset potion" and gonna try blast and pike 1 and than decide
shield, rolling, ice tree are alvays maxed for me
ice bolt for me is 0 points - i m playing with gamepad and saving space for skills i like to use
in necro skills:
i like having dirty pole 5 (i used necro as boss killer with 8x tomblord) and pole 5 allowed me to keep dulla, ella, cerber, mineloader flying - need some practice but its rl fun
Gather corpse and desinister for me are alvays 0 points - i m using urns from necro-master and skeletons atri yes its not best solution but for me its hard to imagine 900 corpses used without any monsters killed by skelets
but i rl like flesh cannon and 15 is my choice :D
flesh strike still load that slow? - maybe i should update my playstyle a little bit more
in Sorcerer there is nothing new to discover, i just dont like attack ground 0 for me and save points for rank 10
I tryed literaly all the cards for necro and sorc (all non-legendary cards)
for me Sorcerer - Marnox 10* and Necro Molish 10* (this guy from dungeon who gives 20x* block)
i dont negate Golem for Sho just when You have 30k hp and Your summons have 100k+ i decided to go for attack power
There is one missstep in Your build:
last section
"Wizard - Lethargy: Additional Damage"
Your build dont adds points in lethargy so i believe You dont rl need this atribute
i think Your build is very good, its alvays nice to meet another Necro-sorc player who is not bot :D