[Apr 25th 2018] New classes have been added to the skill simulator!

Attaque au Fer

Skill Database • Attaque au Fer
skill icon
Circle 3
NameElementMax LevelCDSP
Attaque au FerMelee535s83
ClassTypeReq Stance
FencerMelee Attack RapierAndShield RapierAndDagger RapierAndArtefact RapierAndPistol
[Physical] - [Pierce] [{img tooltip_speedofatk}Attack Speed]
Strikes the enemy hands to drop their weapons with a rapier. The enemy cannot get the effect of the weapon until they pick it up. (The enemy picks up the weapon automatically after duration.)


Target On Enemy On Friend On Neutral Companion
Front, Square YES NO NO Not Required

Skill Levels

  Level Description CD SP
C 31Attack: 1486%
Length of Time Enemy Is Disarmed: 15 seconds
2Attack: 1664%
Length of Time Enemy Is Disarmed: 15 seconds
3Attack: 1842%
Length of Time Enemy Is Disarmed: 15 seconds
4Attack: 2020%
Length of Time Enemy Is Disarmed: 15 seconds
5Attack: 2199%
Length of Time Enemy Is Disarmed: 15 seconds

Comments (3)

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May 31st 2017 08:22:28
Is there any aplication to this skill besides PVP?
Sep 11th 2016 01:16:44
It should also disarm the shield. Or "dis-shield".
Aug 22nd 2016 05:28:29
Google translation of the description:
"The rapier strike the enemy's hands offsetting weapons. The other party does not receive the effects of the weapon before picking up a weapon. (Weapons recovered automatically after a certain period of time.)"

This sounds like the disarm IMC announced which allows fencers to literally disarm the enemy's weapon.
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