True Nature of the Research (2)
Quest Database • True Nature of the Research (2)
Retrieve Lost Research Note, Chapter 1 by defeating the monsters (0 / 1)
Retrieve Lost Research Note, Chapter 2 by defeating the monsters (0 / 1)
Retrieve Lost Research Note, Chapter 3 by searching around (0 / 1)
Retrieve Lost Research Note, Chapter 2 by defeating the monsters (0 / 1)
Retrieve Lost Research Note, Chapter 3 by searching around (0 / 1)
Lost Research Note, Chapter 1
Weight: 0
Not Tradeable
A research note written by Boldas before becoming unconscious during Sarma's experiment.
Lost Research Note, Chapter 2
Weight: 0
Not Tradeable
A research note written by Boldas before becoming unconscious during Sarma's experiment.
Lost Research Note, Chapter 3
Weight: 0
Not Tradeable
A research note written by Boldas before becoming unconscious during Sarma's experiment.
Required Quests
Sarma asked you to prepare after receiving the list of materials from Gatre that is needed for the final experiment. While Sarma was away, talk with Gatre about the research of Sarma.
Objective: Talk with Gatre
While Sarma was away, Gatre asked you to look for the research papers of Boldas who has been unconscious. Before you do what Sarma asked you to do, look for the lost research papers. The monsters may have the research papers or they may be hidden somewhere.
Objective: Search the lost research paper
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