[Apr 25th 2018] New classes have been added to the skill simulator!

Cleric Priest Chaplin Oracle Build

Created by AggronGoesChoo-Choo on Jun 21st 2016 (Last Updated: Jun 22nd 2016).
This is a public build.
Copy Build
Rank 1
circle 1
5 / 5
Cleric12 Cleric3 Cleric10 Cleric20 Cleric21
Heal: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage and heal factor of [Heal] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added bonus at maximum level

Cleric 1st Circle required
Heal: Creating Extra
Type: Active
* Adds a 2% chance per attribute level of being automatically healed when using [Heal]
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Cleric 1st Circle required
Heal: Remove Damage
Type: Active
* [Heal] will not inflict damage nor react to enemies
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cleric 1st Circle required
Heal: Open Sanctuary
Type: Active
* Extends the effects of [Heal] to neutral characters.

Cleric 1st Circle required
Heal: Exclude Summons
Type: Active
* Keeps [Heal] effects from applying to summons.

Cleric 1st Circle required
Heal: Linger
Type: Active
* Applies a buff that continuously restores the HP of allies healed with Heal or Mass Heal
* The buff lasts 10 sec and restores HP in a value equal to [attribute level x 5]% of your Healing stat
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Cleric 3rd Circle required

[Magic] - [Holy]
Creates a magic circle in front of you, healing allies or damaging enemies. Does not affect airborne enemies. Amount of HP recovered depends on the target's maximum HP. Recovery increases with the casting character's INT and SPR.

Level 5:
Attack 228%
Heal factor 228%
Magic circle duration 40 sec
No. of heal circles 5
SP: 38

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 22s
Element: Holy
4 / 5
Cure: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cure] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cleric 1st Circle required
Cure: Damage Interval
Type: Active
* Decreases the interval of [Cure]'s magic circle by 0.2 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Cleric 2nd Circle required

[Magic] - [Holy]
Creates a magic circle that removes a Lv1 status ailment from allies or inflicts damage to enemies. Does not affect airborne enemies.

Level 4:
0.4 second attack 103%
No. of Hits: 16
Magic Circle Duration: 9 seconds
SP: 35

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 27s
Element: Holy
5 / 5
Safety Zone
Safety Zone: Increased Range
Type: Active
* Increases range applied by [Safety Zone] to 15
* Increases SP consumption by 80%

Cleric 1st Circle required
Safety Zone: Block Count
Type: Active
* Increases block count of [Safety Zone] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cleric 2nd Circle required
Safety Zone

Creates a magic circle that blocks incoming attacks.

Level 5:
Blocks: 10 times
Magic Circle Duration: 20 seconds
SP: 47

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 48s
Element: Holy
1 / 5
Deprotected Zone
Cleric13 Cleric5 Cleric7
Deprotected Zone: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Adds to the defense decrease effect of [Deprotected Zone] by 1 per attribute level
* This attribute applies after the stack calculation

Lv3 Deprotected Zone required
Deprotected Zone: Retention Time
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Deprotected Zone]'s magic circle by 1 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cleric 1st Circle required
Deprotected Zone: Sword Attack
Type: Active
* Using basic sword attacks on enemies with [Deprotected Zone] will inflict [Weakened Defense]
* [Weakened Defense] can be stacked up to 10 times
Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cleric 1st Circle required
Deprotected Zone

Creates a magic circle that decreases the defense of enemies over time.

Level 1:
Reduces 0.3% per stack
Magic Circle Duration: 6 seconds
SP: 18

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 13s
Element: Holy
Rank 2
circle 2
10 / 10
Cleric12 Cleric3 Cleric10 Cleric20 Cleric21
Heal: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage and heal factor of [Heal] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added bonus at maximum level

Cleric 1st Circle required
Heal: Creating Extra
Type: Active
* Adds a 2% chance per attribute level of being automatically healed when using [Heal]
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Cleric 1st Circle required
Heal: Remove Damage
Type: Active
* [Heal] will not inflict damage nor react to enemies
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cleric 1st Circle required
Heal: Open Sanctuary
Type: Active
* Extends the effects of [Heal] to neutral characters.

Cleric 1st Circle required
Heal: Exclude Summons
Type: Active
* Keeps [Heal] effects from applying to summons.

Cleric 1st Circle required
Heal: Linger
Type: Active
* Applies a buff that continuously restores the HP of allies healed with Heal or Mass Heal
* The buff lasts 10 sec and restores HP in a value equal to [attribute level x 5]% of your Healing stat
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Cleric 3rd Circle required

[Magic] - [Holy]
Creates a magic circle in front of you, healing allies or damaging enemies. Does not affect airborne enemies. Amount of HP recovered depends on the target's maximum HP. Recovery increases with the casting character's INT and SPR.

Level 10:
Attack 228%
Heal factor 228%
Magic circle duration 40 sec
No. of heal circles 10
SP: 68

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 22s
Element: Holy
9 / 10
Cleric11 Cleric1
Cure: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Cure] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Cleric 1st Circle required
Cure: Damage Interval
Type: Active
* Decreases the interval of [Cure]'s magic circle by 0.2 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Cleric 2nd Circle required

[Magic] - [Holy]
Creates a magic circle that removes a Lv1 status ailment from allies or inflicts damage to enemies. Does not affect airborne enemies.

Level 9:
0.4 second attack 103%
No. of Hits: 26
Magic Circle Duration: 14 seconds
SP: 68

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 27s
Element: Holy
5 / 10
Safety Zone
Cleric8 Cleric18
Safety Zone: Increased Range
Type: Active
* Increases range applied by [Safety Zone] to 15
* Increases SP consumption by 80%

Cleric 1st Circle required
Safety Zone: Block Count
Type: Active
* Increases block count of [Safety Zone] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cleric 2nd Circle required
Safety Zone

Creates a magic circle that blocks incoming attacks.

Level 5:
Blocks: 10 times
Magic Circle Duration: 20 seconds
SP: 47

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 48s
Element: Holy
1 / 10
Deprotected Zone
Cleric13 Cleric5 Cleric7
Deprotected Zone: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Adds to the defense decrease effect of [Deprotected Zone] by 1 per attribute level
* This attribute applies after the stack calculation

Lv3 Deprotected Zone required
Deprotected Zone: Retention Time
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Deprotected Zone]'s magic circle by 1 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cleric 1st Circle required
Deprotected Zone: Sword Attack
Type: Active
* Using basic sword attacks on enemies with [Deprotected Zone] will inflict [Weakened Defense]
* [Weakened Defense] can be stacked up to 10 times
Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cleric 1st Circle required
Deprotected Zone

Creates a magic circle that decreases the defense of enemies over time.

Level 1:
Reduces 0.3% per stack
Magic Circle Duration: 6 seconds
SP: 18

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 13s
Element: Holy
5 / 5
Divine Might
Divine Might: Devil-type Damage
Type: Active
* Deals damage equal to 100% of magic attack to nearby Devil-type monsters when using [Divine Might]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Cleric 2nd Circle required
Divine Might

Temporarily increases the skill levels of you and your party members by 1.

Level 5:
Applies 5 times
Duration: 60 seconds
SP: 45

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 27s
0 / 5

Erases the threat of monsters making them stop any attacks on you.

Level 1:
Duration: 12 seconds
SP: 24

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 40s
Element: Holy
Rank 3
circle 1
5 / 5
Aspersion: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Aspersion] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Priest 1st Circle required

[Magic] - [Holy]
Sprinkle holy water to help increase the physical defense of you and your allies and to inflict damage to enemies.

Level 5:
Attack: 222%
Physical Defense: +175
Targets: 10
Duration: 300 seconds
Consumes 1 Holy Water
SP: 58

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Element: Holy
1 / 5
Monstrance: Buff Duration
Type: Active
* Increases duration of the [Monstrance] buff by 60 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Priest 1st Circle required

Creates a magic circle in front to reduce enemy evasion and physical defenses within range. The effect is maintained for a certain amount of time even if it is out of the scope of the magic circle. When casting, nearby party members receive increased DEX.

Level 1:
Increases ally's DEX stat
Enemy's Evasion: -6
Decreases enemy's defense by 10%
Duration for allies: 20 seconds
Duration for enemies 30 seconds
SP: 27

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 20s
Element: Holy
4 / 5
Priest13 Priest6
Blessing: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases additional damage of [Blessing] by 1% per attribute level

Lv3 Blessing required
Blessing: Additional Buff
Type: Active
* Increases number of targets for [Blessing] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Priest 1st Circle required

Gives a blessing granting additional damage to the attacks of your party members and allies.

Level 4:
Additional Damage: +130
Allies Affected: 2
Duration: 300 seconds
Consumes 1 Holy Powder
SP: 58

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Holy
5 / 5
Resurrection: Revive Count
Type: Active
* Increases number of targets that can be revived with [Resurrection] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Priest 1st Circle required

Resurrects a target that has been defeated in combat.
In Team Battle League, allows for 1 resurrection per round.

Level 5:
Attack: 352%
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Restores 25% of target's HP after resurrection
No. of Targets: 1
SP: 76

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Holy
Rank 4
circle 2
10 / 10
Aspersion: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Aspersion] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Priest 1st Circle required

[Magic] - [Holy]
Sprinkle holy water to help increase the physical defense of you and your allies and to inflict damage to enemies.

Level 10:
Attack: 272%
Physical Defense: +300
Targets: 10
Duration: 300 seconds
Consumes 1 Holy Water
SP: 98

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Element: Holy
1 / 10
Monstrance: Buff Duration
Type: Active
* Increases duration of the [Monstrance] buff by 60 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Priest 1st Circle required

Creates a magic circle in front to reduce enemy evasion and physical defenses within range. The effect is maintained for a certain amount of time even if it is out of the scope of the magic circle. When casting, nearby party members receive increased DEX.

Level 1:
Increases ally's DEX stat
Enemy's Evasion: -6
Decreases enemy's defense by 10%
Duration for allies: 20 seconds
Duration for enemies 30 seconds
SP: 27

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 20s
Element: Holy
4 / 10
Priest13 Priest6
Blessing: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases additional damage of [Blessing] by 1% per attribute level

Lv3 Blessing required
Blessing: Additional Buff
Type: Active
* Increases number of targets for [Blessing] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Priest 1st Circle required

Gives a blessing granting additional damage to the attacks of your party members and allies.

Level 4:
Additional Damage: +130
Allies Affected: 2
Duration: 300 seconds
Consumes 1 Holy Powder
SP: 58

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Holy
5 / 5
Resurrection: Revive Count
Type: Active
* Increases number of targets that can be revived with [Resurrection] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Priest 1st Circle required

Resurrects a target that has been defeated in combat.
In Team Battle League, allows for 1 resurrection per round.

Level 5:
Attack: 352%
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Restores 25% of target's HP after resurrection
No. of Targets: 1
SP: 76

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Holy
5 / 5
Sacrament: Dark Property Resistance
Type: Active
* Increases dark property resistance by 5 per attribute level when [Sacrament] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Priest 2nd Circle required

Temporarily grants an additional Holy property attack to you and your party member's attacks.

Level 5:
Holy Property Attack: +420
Duration: 300 seconds
Consumes 1 Gyslotis
SP: 80

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 90s
Element: Holy
4 / 5
Revive: Duration
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Revive] by 7 seconds per attribute level
* Not applicable in TBL or GvG
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Priest 2nd Circle & Lv2 Resurrection required

Prevents one from becoming Incapable of Combat once.

Level 4:
HP Recovery: 20%
Invincibility: 4 seconds
Duration: 90 seconds
SP: 70

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 120s
Element: Holy
1 / 5
Mass Heal
Mass Heal: Enhance
Type: Active
* Increases the heal factor of [Mass Heal] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added bonus at maximum level

Priest 2nd Circle required
Mass Heal

Restores the HP of nearby allies.

Level 1:
Heal factor 406%
SP: 36

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Holy
Rank 5
circle 3
15 / 15
Aspersion: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Aspersion] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Priest 1st Circle required

[Magic] - [Holy]
Sprinkle holy water to help increase the physical defense of you and your allies and to inflict damage to enemies.

Level 15:
Attack: 322%
Physical Defense: +425
Targets: 10
Duration: 300 seconds
Consumes 1 Holy Water
SP: 138

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Element: Holy
1 / 15
Monstrance: Buff Duration
Type: Active
* Increases duration of the [Monstrance] buff by 60 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Priest 1st Circle required

Creates a magic circle in front to reduce enemy evasion and physical defenses within range. The effect is maintained for a certain amount of time even if it is out of the scope of the magic circle. When casting, nearby party members receive increased DEX.

Level 1:
Increases ally's DEX stat
Enemy's Evasion: -6
Decreases enemy's defense by 10%
Duration for allies: 20 seconds
Duration for enemies 30 seconds
SP: 27

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 20s
Element: Holy
4 / 15
Priest13 Priest6
Blessing: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases additional damage of [Blessing] by 1% per attribute level

Lv3 Blessing required
Blessing: Additional Buff
Type: Active
* Increases number of targets for [Blessing] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Priest 1st Circle required

Gives a blessing granting additional damage to the attacks of your party members and allies.

Level 4:
Additional Damage: +130
Allies Affected: 2
Duration: 300 seconds
Consumes 1 Holy Powder
SP: 58

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Holy
5 / 5
Resurrection: Revive Count
Type: Active
* Increases number of targets that can be revived with [Resurrection] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Priest 1st Circle required

Resurrects a target that has been defeated in combat.
In Team Battle League, allows for 1 resurrection per round.

Level 5:
Attack: 352%
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Restores 25% of target's HP after resurrection
No. of Targets: 1
SP: 76

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Holy
10 / 10
Sacrament: Dark Property Resistance
Type: Active
* Increases dark property resistance by 5 per attribute level when [Sacrament] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Priest 2nd Circle required

Temporarily grants an additional Holy property attack to you and your party member's attacks.

Level 10:
Holy Property Attack: +720
Duration: 400 seconds
Consumes 1 Gyslotis
SP: 132

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 90s
Element: Holy
4 / 10
Revive: Duration
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Revive] by 7 seconds per attribute level
* Not applicable in TBL or GvG
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Priest 2nd Circle & Lv2 Resurrection required

Prevents one from becoming Incapable of Combat once.

Level 4:
HP Recovery: 20%
Invincibility: 4 seconds
Duration: 90 seconds
SP: 70

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 120s
Element: Holy
1 / 10
Mass Heal
Mass Heal: Enhance
Type: Active
* Increases the heal factor of [Mass Heal] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added bonus at maximum level

Priest 2nd Circle required
Mass Heal

Restores the HP of nearby allies.

Level 1:
Heal factor 406%
SP: 36

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Holy
0 / 5
Priest20 Priest23
Exorcise: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Exorcise] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Priest 3rd Circle required
Exorcise: Duration
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Exorcise]'s magic circle by 1 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Priest 3rd Circle required

[Magic] - [Holy]
Creates an exorcism circle that damages enemies inside, then deals continuous damage.

Level 1:
0.4 second attack 126%
Duration: 10 seconds
SP: 36

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 36s
Element: Holy
5 / 5
Stone Skin
Stone Skin

Reduce damage taken from Slash, Pierce, Bow, Gun and Magic attacks for you and your party members.

Level 5:
Decreases damage received by 20%
Duration: 35 seconds
SP: 81

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 60s
Element: Holy
Rank 6
circle 1
5 / 5
Last Rites
Last Rites: Promoting Spirits
Type: Active
* Increases the lower limit HP of [Last Rites] by 2% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Chaplain 1st Circle required
Last Rites

Grant the attacks of party members the Holy property. Increases Holy property additional damage in proportion to the caster's [Sacrament] level which becomes more powerful when HP is below 40%.

Level 5:
Duration: 300 seconds
Consumes 1 Gyslotis
SP: 98

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 40s
Element: Holy
5 / 5
Deploy Capella
Deploy Cappella: Duration
Type: Active
* Increases duration of the deployed capella of [Deploy Cappella] by 3 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Chaplain 1st Circle required
Deploy Capella

Deploys a temporary sacellum with a wrapped cloak. The caster and party members are able to simultaneously receive the effects of the caster's Aspersion, Monstrance, Blessing, Sacrament, Stone Skin.

Level 5:
Cappella Duration: 60 seconds
Effect Duration: 35 seconds
Consumes 1 Cape
SP: 133

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 65s
Element: Holy
0 / 5
Magnus Exorcismus
Magnus Exorcismus: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Magnus Exorcismus] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Chaplain 1st Circle required
Magnus Exorcismus

Transforms the Exorcise Magic Circle in front of the caster into an enormous pillar of exorcism. This divine pillar of light continues to damage nearby enemies.

Level 1:
0.5 second attack 125%
Duration: 9 seconds
SP: 54

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 60s
Element: Holy
5 / 5

Fills the equipped weapon with holy water and makes it splash with every attack. The level of holy water being used is the same level as the caster's [Aspersion].

Level 5:
Duration: 300 seconds
Consumes 1 Holy Water
SP: 112

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Holy
Rank 7
circle 1
5 / 5
Arcane Energy
Oracle1 Oracle7
Arcane Energy: Additional Damage
Type: Active
* Enemies receive Holy damage equal to the attribute level within the range of [Arcane Energy]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Oracle 1st Circle required
Arcane Energy: Duration
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Arcane Energy] by 1 min per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Oracle 1st Circle required
Arcane Energy

Increases the maximum SP and STA of you and your party members.

Level 5:
Maximum SP: +15%
Maximum STA: +25
Duration: 30 minutes
SP: 129

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 49s
4 / 5
Change: Winning
Type: Active
* A monster that is transformed by [Change] will have the Item Jackpot Effect with a 0.05% chance per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Oracle 1st Circle required

Changes the monster in front of you to a different monster with a similar level.

Level 4:
Target Level: -4 ~ +4
SP: 118

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
1 / 1

Predict and show which item the monster will drop in advance.

Level 1:
Applied instantly
after using Resetting
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 66

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 20s
1 / 5
Counter Spell
Counter Spell: Enemy Target
Type: Active
* [Counter Spell] removes only enemy magic circles
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Oracle 1st Circle required
Counter Spell

When casting, removes the magic circle around and summons the magic circle for blocking the magic attack. Cooldown reduces with skill level.

Level 1:
Removes nearby magic circles
Maximum Duration: 10
Cooldown -1 second(s)
SP: 78

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 59s
1 / 1
Oracle3 Oracle6
Forecast: Duration
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Forecast] by 1 minute per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Oracle 1st Circle required
Forecast: Increased Nullification
Type: Active
* Increases chances to nullify an enemy's attack while activating [Forecast] by 1% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Oracle 1st Circle required

Show in advance where the enemy will attack you and your party members.

Level 1:
Evasion: +100
Duration: 300 seconds
Level 1 master
SP: 63

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 30s
1 / 1

Change the item dropped from an enemy to a different item. You will be notified when an item is changed.

Level 1:
Changes a dropped item
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 69

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 150s
2 / 5
Prophecy: Additional Damage
Type: Active
* Enemies within the range of [Prophecy] receive damage proportional to that of magic attack
* Damage rate increases with attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Oracle 3rd Circle Required

Grants a temporary effect preventing Lv. 1 status ailments to nearby party members.

Level 2:
Duration 25 seconds
Applies 2 times
SP: 78

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 30s

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