Instantly restores 180 SP.
Additionally restores SP every 2 seconds.
180 SP is restored over 15 seconds.
Right-click to use. Cooldown of 45 seconds.
Lv4 EXP Card
Weight: 0
Not Tradeable
Adds 22860 Character EXP and 17602 Class EXP. Can be used from Lv. 30.
Gem Abrasive: 3000
Weight: 1
Not Tradeable
Used to enhance gems. Amplifies the EXP of gems.
- Gem EXP Gain: 3000
Varkis' Complete Research Materials
Weight: 0
Not Tradeable
Varkis' completed research reports.
Contains information related to the Royal Mausoleum. Readable.
Weight: 0
Not Tradeable
Royal Kingdom Common Currency
Symbol of the Great King's 2nd Ordeal
Weight: 0
Not Tradeable
A symbol which represents that someone passed the ordeal that was prepared by the Great King Zachariel. It seems to be related to the seal of the Royal Mausoleum.