Request for the Secret Rescue (2)
Quest Database • Request for the Secret Rescue (2)
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Materials for Research
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Research documents mistakenly thrown away by Gatre.
Required Quests
It seems that Gatre understood the fact that there was request for the rescue that was written on the manual. Talk with Gatre again.
Objective: Talk with Gatre
Gatre asked you to look for the research materials that were thrown away by mistakes while reading Sarma's face. If you look at the abandoned document at Menka Knoll, you would understand whether what Gatre told you is true.
Objective: Check the abandoned document at Menka Knoll
As you were looking at the abandoned documents, you can see there are many things that are suspicious as Gatre told you. Since you can't be confident yet, hand over the documents to Gatre and listen to his story again.
Objective: Hand over the research materials to Gatre
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