The Spatial Magic Gem of Promise (2)
Quest Database • The Spatial Magic Gem of Promise (2)
Spatial Magic Gem of Promise (0 / 1)
Spatial Magic Gem of Promise
Weight: 0
Not Tradeable
When you collect more space magic stones, you will reach the hidden place of the master.
Required Quests
The protective layer that was protecting the Barrier Stone has disappeared. Destroy the Barrier Stone and obtain the Sealed Spatial Magic Gem.
Objective: Destroy the Barrier Stone
Hones' Memo : Destroy the barrier stone at Siaura Mine with the Condensed Spite. The Black Chaser will start pursuing you from behind, avoid it and go to the end of the mine. You will be able to find the Spatial Magic Gem of Promise there.
Objective: Retrieve the Sealed Spatial Magic Gem by avoiding the Black Chaser
Hones' Memo : If you find the spatial magic gem, go back to the fusion device. When you insert all magic gems, the way to find the research of the master will be opened.
Objective: Insert the Spatial Magic Gem into the Magic Gem Fusion Device
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