| Name | KR Name | Group | Description |
| (Faded) Alpra Gloves | (바랜)알프라 글로브 | Armor | Once used as an alliance uniform in days of economic prosperity, today it is worn for slightly different purposes. |
| (Faded) Alpra Pants | (바랜)알프라 팬츠 | Armor | Once used as an alliance uniform in days of economic prosperity, today it is worn for slightly different purposes. |
| (Faded) Alpra Robe | (바랜)알프라 로브 | Armor | Once used as an alliance uniform in days of economic prosperity, today it is worn for slightly different purposes. |
| (Faded) Barghar Plate Armor | (바랜)바르그아르 플레이트 아머 | Armor | Barghar equipment was born of an attempt to reproduce Ruklys' legendary magic resistance equipment. It may not be as effective as Ruklys', but it is fairly useful nonetheless. |
| (Faded) Barghar Plate Boots | (바랜)바르그아르 플레이트 부츠 | Armor | Barghar equipment was born of an attempt to reproduce Ruklys' legendary magic resistance equipment. It may not be as effective as Ruklys', but it is fairly useful nonetheless. |
| (Faded) Barghar Plate Gauntlets | (바랜)바르그아르 플레이트 건틀릿 | Armor | Barghar equipment was born of an attempt to reproduce Ruklys' legendary magic resistance equipment. It may not be as effective as Ruklys', but it is fairly useful nonetheless. |
| (Faded) Barghar Plate Pants | (바랜)바르그아르 플레이트 팬츠 | Armor | Barghar equipment was born of an attempt to reproduce Ruklys' legendary magic resistance equipment. It may not be as effective as Ruklys', but it is fairly useful nonetheless. |
| (Faded) Baule Sphere | (바랜)보울 스피아 | Weapon | Some magicians create Baule Spheres by combining a crystal ball with a well-crafted short rod that allows it to display its full magic potential. |
| (Faded) Benesda | (바랜)베네스다 | Weapon | A variation of the Halberd, this spear's blade is mostly decorative, being better suited for piercing attacks rather than slashing ones. |
| (Faded) Chrisius Shooter | (바랜)크리지우스 슈터 | Weapon | With a body of consecrated wood and adorned with blessed gems, this crossbow was created to magnify its the weapon's potential to the fullest. |
| (Faded) Crystaras | (바랜)크리스타라스 | Weapon | Production of this two-handed sword, of which the bright blue material of the blade has always been unknown, is now said to be possible. |
| (Faded) Devini Bow | (바랜)데비니 보우 | Weapon | The polished wood of the grip and limbs, combined with the magic properties of the two crystal spheres, give this bow enough of a boost to stand out from similarly-ranked bows. |
| (Faded) Eaglestar Leather Armor | (바랜)이글스타 레더 아머 | Armor | A uniform worn by the kingdom's rangers. In those days, rangers were treated with the same reverence as knights. |
| (Faded) Eaglestar Leather Boots | (바랜)이글스타 레더 부츠 | Armor | A uniform worn by the kingdom's rangers. In those days, rangers were treated with the same reverence as knights. |
| (Faded) Eaglestar Leather Gloves | (바랜)이글스타 레더 글로브 | Armor | A uniform worn by the kingdom's rangers. In those days, rangers were treated with the same reverence as knights. |
| (Faded) Eaglestar Leather Pants | (바랜)이글스타 레더 팬츠 | Armor | A uniform worn by the kingdom's rangers. In those days, rangers were treated with the same reverence as knights. |
| (Faded) Eastern Leather Armor | (바랜)이스턴 레더 아머 | Armor | A garment said to have originated from the East. Despite being made of leather, it is still a fairly breathable piece. |
| (Faded) Eastern Leather Boots | (바랜)이스턴 레더 부츠 | Armor | A garment said to have originated from the East. Despite being made of leather, it is still a fairly breathable piece. |
| (Faded) Eastern Leather Gloves | (바랜)이스턴 레더 글로브 | Armor | A garment said to have originated from the East. Despite being made of leather, it is still a fairly breathable piece. |
| (Faded) Eastern Leather Pants | (바랜)이스턴 레더 팬츠 | Armor | A garment said to have originated from the East. Despite being made of leather, it is still a fairly breathable piece. |
| (Faded) Ellinis | (바랜)엘리니스 | Weapon | The making of this staff is rather simple, consisting of a plain wooden body and a magic amplifying crystal. Its power, however, is out of the ordinary. |
| (Faded) Even Eye | (바랜)이븐 아이 | Weapon | The performance of this bow is said to have been increased by the Devil's Ore stones that adorn it. From the reviews of those who have used it, however, it seems that was only a rumor. |
| (Faded) Fluke Spear | (바랜)플루크 스피어 | Weapon | The thin blade of this spear is designed like an asymetric spatula to deliver sharp blows to the enemy. |
| (Faded) Fyringy | (바랜)피린기 | Weapon | This weapon mimics the aesthetics of a sword said to have been used by a well-known figure. The blade is made to wound the enemy, while the back protects against the attacks from the opponent's sword. |
| (Faded) Golden Spear | (바랜)골든 스피어 | Weapon | It may be called Golden due to its color, but the base material it is made of is far more resistant than gold. Any good blacksmith will be able to tell the difference. |