| Name | KR Name | Group | Description |
| Essence imbued with Divine Energy | 신성력이 담긴 정수 | Quest | Essence imbued with Divine Energy |
| Essence of Harugal | 하루갈의 정수 | Quest | Essence of Harugal |
| Essence of Hohen | 호헨의 정수 | Quest | Hohen's water can be used as a substitute for defensive energy |
| Etenium Lv1 | 에테나늄 Lv1 | Material | Legends say Etenium was created when humanity lived underground, under the protection of the goddess. That would mean that the Etenium obtained today was created in prehistoric times. |
| Etenium Lv2 | 에테나늄 Lv2 | Material | Legends say Etenium was created when humanity lived underground, under the protection of the goddess. That would mean that the Etenium obtained today was created in prehistoric times. |
| Etenium Lv3 | 에테나늄 Lv3 | Material | Legends say Etenium was created when humanity lived underground, under the protection of the goddess. That would mean that the Etenium obtained today was created in prehistoric times. |
| Eternal Ember | 꺼지지 않는 불씨 | Quest | A material needed to open the sealed manual. Doesn't go out no matter how much you try. |
| Even Eye | 이븐 아이 | Weapon | The performance of this bow is said to have been increased by the Devil's Ore stones that adorn it. From the reviews of those who have used it, however, it seems that was only a rumor. |
| Evening Star Key | 저녁별 열쇠 | Quest | A crystal blessed with spatial powers by Goddess Vakarine. It has been modified by Zydrone, so that humans can use it. |
| Evening Star Rune | 저녁별 룬 | Quest | A rune containing the power of Goddess Vakarine.
It absorbs the souls of demons. |
| Event Armor Box (Lv.270) | 이벤트용 방어구 상자 (Lv. 270) | Event | Use to select one level 270 equipment. |
| Event Balloon | 행사 풍선 | Armor | This headgear will change its pose when viewed from a different angle. Right-click to equip. |
| Event Hat 2 | 이벤트모자2 | Armor | A costume for the hair slot.{nl}Right-click to equip. |
| Event Quest Documents | 이벤트 퀘스트 문서 | Drug | Right-click to check contents. |
| Event Weapon Box (Lv. 315) | 이벤트용 무기 상자 (Lv. 315) | Event | Use to select one level 315 weapon. |
| Event Wedding Costume Box | 이벤트용 웨딩 코스튬 상자 | Event | A box containing an Event Wedding costume fit to your character. Right-click to use. |
| Eviction Order | 퇴거 명령서 | Book | An order that was written and attached here a long time ago. Readable. |
| Evil Demon Essence | 마족의 사악한 정수 | Quest | Essence obtained after defeating a demon. You feel an evil magic. |
| Evil Energy Dagger | 사악한 기운을 내뿜는 단검 | Quest | A rudimentary dagger. It's sharper than it looks and continuously exudes evil energy. |
| Evil Energy Suppressing Seal | 마기를 억제하는 인장 | Quest | A seal that has the power to supress all the magical power that Valius created in his lifetime. |
| Evil Magic Trace | 사악한 마법의 흔적 | Quest | A black crystal that was obtained from the resurrected dead. It's a trace of the evil magic that resurrected the dead. |
| Evil Necroventer Cube | 사악한 네크로벤터의 큐브 | Cube | It seems to contain something unknown.
Right-click to use. |
| Evil Soul Stone | 사악한 영혼석 | Quest | The third soul stone containing a strong grudge of a corrupt individual. |
| Evil Spirit Awakening Scroll | 악령을 깨우는 주문서 | Quest | A scroll infused with magic, of which reveals hidden evil spirits. |
| Evil Spirit Detector | 악령 탐지 구슬 | Quest | A device needed to find the evil spirit hidden in the Mokusul Chamber. |