[Apr 25th 2018] New classes have been added to the skill simulator!

PvE - Vampire Sorcerer (Rank 10 - Novo Patch)

Created by TKMagnus on Jul 13th 2016 (Last Updated: Nov 2nd 2018).
This is a public build.

Com a chegada do Rank 10, muita coisa foi alterada no Sorcerer, vários buffs de dano e regen de HP das summons foram inseridas nas skills. FF tem atributos muito bons e uma habilidade extremamente potente que irá dar um boost enorme no dano das suas skills e principalmente das summons!
As outras classes que foram colocadas são mais para um complemento ao Sorc, já que ele é o foco da build. Caso esteja se perguntando se as outras skills não ficariam fracas demais sem INT, tenha em mente que o dano que irá causar dependerá principalmente de quão boa é a sua arma. Se tiver com uma staff do seu nível bem investida, não precisará se preocupar com dano.

Obs: Tenha já em mente que esta build tem um foco maior em matar boss, mas continua sendo boa em outros aspectos.


Classificação da Build:
Alvos únicos: 10
Dano em Área: 7.5
Sobrevivência: 10
Solo: 10
Team: 7
PvP: 6~5

- Boa em Farm
- Alta sobrevivência;
- Extremamente versátil;
- Serve como um healer alternativo;
- Ótima contra boss

- Não muito boa em PvP;
- Combate muito corpo a corpo;
- Os atributos principais do FF são bem caros;
- Muitas skills, se confundirá várias vezes até se acostumar com a rotação.


Lethargy (1): Principal skill pra essa build. Com o atributo ativo, ela aumenta o dano de todas as skills do Pyro (exceto Hell breath e fireball). 1 ponto já basta, pois a utilidade maior aqui é apenas o atributo.

Sleep (10): Ganhou um atributo que faz os alvos dormindo receberem mais dano de skills mágicas sem propriedade elemental. Ou seja, qualquer skill tipo mágica das suas invocações serão beneficiadas!

Surespell (5): Muito útil pra impedir que suas skills sejam canceladas, principalmente Blood Sucking do FF. O efeito também pode ser passado pra seus aliados agora.

Earthquake (9): Recebeu alterações e ficou boa pra se usar agora.

Magic Missile (5): Skill filler

*Lethargy: Tile Speciality
*Sleep: Dream Eater
*Earthquake: Remove Knockdown

Com 2 ranks você terá o suficiente que a classe oferece de útil para essa build.


FireBall (1): Skill totalmente filler, mas ainda pode ser bastante usada pra aplicar burn e atrair aggro. Pode ser combada com Flare pra causar dano extra.

Enchant Fire (3): O adicional de ataque elemental fogo é calculado pelo atk mínimo de quem recebe o buff, quanto mais forte a arma mais dano elemental se ganha. O debuff que diminui a resistência de Fogo dos mobs é também um adicional bom e funciona pra aumentar o dano das summons com ataques de fogo como o Marnox.
*Compre o atributo de reduzir a resistência a fogo

Flare (10): Ganhou um bom buff no dano, e agora tem sinergia com Fireball. Elas explodem se usar Flare perto delas.

Flameground (1): 1 ponto aqui é o suficiente. Causa burn em quem estiver em cima independente do lv upado. Use flare após usar essa skill.

FirePillar (1): Ganhou uma área de efeito enorme. A skill causa hit stun nos mobs, impedindo eles de se moverem, permitindo você combar em cima deles a vontade.

FireWall (10): Agora não precisa delimitar a área antes de ser lançada. Ganhou boas utilidades e o dano é descente pra valer o investimento.

*Fireball: Burn Debuff
*Fireball: Residual Heat
*Flare: Additional Damage
*Enchant Fire: Decreased Fire Property Resistance
*Fire Wall: Increased Fire Property Buff

-Upe os atributos de dano até 50 se possível de todas elas.


Os chefes invocados com Summoning estão escalando a defesas com a SPR e o dano com SPR + o ataque mágico da sua arma, e agora, parte do seu HP Máximo é transferido para o HP das suas invocações, mesmo não mostrando diretamente na janela do grimório.
SPR está mais para um extra, pois a maior quantidade de dano que irá conseguir irá vir principalmente da arma que está usando.
O propósito da invocação se mantém o mesmo: atrair a atenção dos mobs e tankar seus ataques enquanto você descarrega suas skills neles sem problema, mas agora, se tornou uma ótima fonte de dano por segundo.
As skill dos boss é outra coisa excelente na build, te permitindo um leque enorme de possibilidades diferente pra diversas situações com um dano astronômico e CD reduzido. O Rank 3 da classe recebeu várias alterações, o tornando bem indispensável.


Summoning (15): Principal skill da classe. Atrair e tankar os mobs enquanto causa dano massivo contínuo, graças ao boost que sua arma vai dar. Até mesmo armas low level já fazem uma enorme diferença!
No Rank 10, o HP de todas as Invocações foi aumentado em relação ao HP máximo do seu personagem , e com o patch futuro, esse valor será ainda maior.
Mais abaixo terá a lista das melhores invocações.

Summon Familiar (1): A skill ganhou um grande boost de dano ao receber bônus da sua quantidade de SPR e futuramente receberá mais um patch de dano, fazendo cada morcego bater pesado e com chance de espalhar o dano nos alvos ao redor. Mas, mesmo com tudo isso, ela passou a se tornar dispensável visto os outros buffs que a classe recebeu.

Summon Servant (5): O buff de AoE do gatinho é extremamente útil e agora pode receber todos eles de uma única vez.

Summon Salamion (11): A grande surpresa do Rank 10!
Recebeu um atributo que recupera o HP de todas as suas summons de acordo com o nível do Salamion (vejam o vídeo no topo para mais detalhes.). Essa habilidade será útil pois as invocações passarão a perder HP enquanto estiverem invocadas. Possui também a vantagem do atributo que causa o debuff Burn ao atacar, que contribui para um dano extra, ativar a skill Flare do Pyro e bônus para skills do FF.

Evocation (5): Foi adicionado um buff para a invocação ao usar evocation. O Buff dura 15 segundos e o summon passa a ignorar a defesa física e mágica em 20%. Se você invocar um boss usando a skill summoning, ele passa a ganhar 1.5 mais dano deste buff.

Desmodus (5): Possui o debuff do blood sucking que aumenta o dano de qualquer summon nos alvos atingidos. Dura 15 segundos e o dano extra é 4% por level. O bônus é aumentado em 50% para a skill summoning!

Morph (1): Permite invocar a carta que está no segundo slot do grimório.
A maior função dessa skill é trocar para outro boss rapidamente para enfrentar diferentes situações, ou, caso use 2 boss iguais nos slots, resetar o cd das skills dele e usa-las novamente.
Morph + Riding Combo!

Riding (1): Permite montar no boss e usar suas skills. Habilidade indispensável! As skills do boss são muito boas e úteis em diversas situações, só fique atento ao fato que você recebe muito mais dano enquanto montado.

Hold (1): Permite mandar o boss ficar em um local determinado atacando tudo que estiver em seu alcance. Essa é a melhor skill de controle, e é a que mais usará pra fazer o chefe ir na frente tankando os mobs enquanto está seguro atrás. Lembre-se, o boss ficará naquela posição indefinidamente até que você o mande a outro local, monte nele ou ele perca todo o hp.

*Summoning: Overwork
*Summon Servant: Quick Order
*Summon Salamion: Ignite
*Summon Salamion: Heat
*Riding: Increase Stats
- Foco máximo nesta!


Featherfoot ganhou alguns atributos bem interessantes que melhoram ainda mais seu poder de fogo contra boss e monstros em área e uma skill que faz todas as outras skills da build ganharem um buff gigantesco, independente de quão fracas sejam, tornando a classe mais agressiva no seu estilo de jogo.
A classe foi a escolha pra essa build por oferecer mais variações de estratégia e sustain do que o Necromancer e Warlock. Kundela é uma skill extremamente potente pra alvos únicos, ótima para lutas contra boss.
A skill Levitate é muito mais útil agora combando com Riding do sorcerer.

A habilidade de levitar do feather é muito útil para que possa lançar skills sem se preocupar em ser atingido por inimigos e ter seu cast interrompido. Mas ela também comba com a habilidade de montar a invocação do Boss. Se, enquanto estiver voando você montar no boss, o efeito do levitation ainda se mantém, permitindo ficar imune a golpes melee enquanto montado também! Blood Curse permite curar o boss, sendo útil para mante-lo vivo em certas ocasiões.


Blood Sucking (6): Habilidade que lhe manterá sempre de hp cheio durante as lutas. Sempre saiba de antemão os mobs do local pra onde irá, já que a absorção só funciona em Demônios, Feras e Insetos.
* Compre o atributo HP supply se sentir necessidade de recuperar vida mais rápido

Blood Bath (1): Permite, além de o curar, recuperar o Hp dos aliados próximos. O fator de cura depende do quanto de dano você causou no alvo, se tiver dano baixo não será muito eficiente. Skill útil caso goste de dar suporte, caso contrário, tire os pontos desta e invista em Blood Sucking

Ngadhundi (1): Útil para causar decay nos alvos, aumentando o dano dos boss que possuem golpes do tipo Pierce como o Templeshooter.

Kurdaitcha (1): Permite causar Curse nos inimigos que passarem em cima das pegadas de sangue. Neste novo patch, inimigos com Curse recebem mais dano de skills do tipo Dark, ou seja, você pode causar mais dano se usar os Familiars do Sorcerer nos alvos com o debuff. O atributo desta skill permiti causar dano dobrado em inimigos com curse vindos de qualquer fonte. 1 Ponto é o suficiente aqui.
*Compre o atributo Enhance pra causar dano dobrado. O atributo de velocidade de movimento e dano nas pegadas é opcional

Bone Pointing (1): Segunda fonte de Curse. Essa é ligeiramente mais útil que Kurdaitcha pois é um fragmento que fica no campo por um determinado tempo, atacando e causando curse automático em quem atingir. A única coisa que aumenta ao upar a skill é o dano, que não é tão bom assim, então apenas 1 ponto aqui.
*Compre o atributo Summon Time para aumentar sua duração e o atributo dos hits múltiplos

Kundela Slash (10): Ótima skill de dano single, perfeita para boss. Causa dano massivo em alvos com Curse, então sempre use quando o alvo estiver amaldiçoado. Seu novo atributo, Curse of Curses, permite a Kundela causar 2 hits se o alvo estiver com 2 ou mais debuffs, o q é fácil conseguir se juntar curse + burn do pyro + lethargy/sleep do wizard.
* Priorize a compra do atributo Curse of Curses e o de aumentar dano sempre que possível

Levitation (10): Skill obrigatória da classe. Enquanto estiver voando, ficará imune a golpes melee e círculos mágicos, sendo muito boa pra escapar quando em perigo quanto pra conjurar skills sem ser interrompido. E como passará um bom tempo montado no boss, ter esse buff pra evitar dano será de grande ajuda. Seu atributo novo aumenta as skills do FF enquanto voando, não é obrigatório ter mas útil mais pra frente.

Blood Curse (10): Com as futuras mudanças no Summoning, ter uma skill extra para curá-la será muito útil.
Essa skil consome uma grande parte do seu hp para causar dano em uma grande área em sua volta, mas só pode ser usada enquanto levitando. Causa um debuff que faz os inimigos atingidos não recuperarem SP e recupera o HP de quem os atacar. O atributo impede que você morra ao usar a skill, permitindo que possa permanecer em combate por muito tempo (principalmente contra boss e monstros com muito hp) já que irá recuperar praticamente todo seu HP quando atacar os alvos com o debuff.
Também é muito útil como semi-suporte para sua party caso não tenha um healer ou para complementar a cura.

Enervation (5): Excelente skill para buffar suas outras habilidades da build. Lança em uma área na sua frente uma maldição nos mobs que faz com que todas as suas skills (apenas suas), ganhem um massivo dano extra nos alvos afetados. Os valores são astronômicos! E o melhor ainda, funciona com as summons! Todos os alvos afetados pelo debuuf irão tomar dano extra das invocações, tanto do auto-ataque quanto das skills! Os valores de dano serão gigantes.
Vejam Aqui o Efeito

*Bone Pointing: Repeated Hits
*Bone Pointing: Summon Time
*Kundela Slash: Curse of Curses
*Kundela Slash: Enhance
*Kurdaitcha: Enhance
*Kurdaitcha: Increased Movement Speed
- Opcional, pegue apenas se tiver pontos sobrando.
*Levitation: Cursed Blood
*Blood Curse: Drop of Blood
- Apenas pegue esta se realmente estiver tendo problemas em sobreviver ao usar Blood Curse
*Blood Curse: Limit
*Witch Doctor


Para sorcerers, quanto mais SPR e CON melhor, você deve focar primariamente nestes 2 stats nos seus equips! Como agora possuem muitas variações, irei mostrar as possíveis combinação que podem fazer:

Uma combinação otimizada para o end game.
As peças Primus são dos mapas de nível alto 370+, e precisam ser identificadas para saber quais status irão ter.
Quando for adquirir essas peças ou dar re-roll nelas, sempre verifique primeiro se ela tem SPR e CON
Outros stats úteis para se ter é: INT e HP, mas, Ataque mágico, defesa física e dano contra alvos médios/devil também podem ser utilizados.

O set Laitas se consegue na Raid Dungeon 330.
A peça de baixo é mais pelo seu valor fixo 'bom' de SPR e alta quantidade de def mágica, mas se tiver paciência e disposição, tente encontrar uma peça Primus com status melhores.
A bota Laitas é muito útil, pois da Velocidade de Movimento além de SPR! Mas caso não tenha interesse no movimento extra, procure por uma Primus com altos status pra compensar.

Nos Acessórios vocês devem buscar o set Rangovas na Raid da Fantasy Library.
Além dos 120 de SPR, o conjunto completo tem o efeito de passar parte do seu HP e Defesa para suas invocações! É um item indispensável para qualquer Sorcerer.
Enquanto não tiver eles, utilize um Max Petamion ou até um Agny necklace no lugar do necklace, e qualquer outra coisa que desejar nos Braceletes.

Sua arma principal será Staff. Qualquer arma Unique 350 ou superior bem refinada e investida será o suficiente pra um máximo proveito de dano. Exemplos:

Regard Horn Staff
Masinios Staff
Primus Staff

Para fazer o combo da troca de SPR, utilze:
Mashinos Shield +67 SPR
Mashinos Rod +122 ~ 172 SPR

O que usar enquanto upando?

Com a mudança nos status dos equips, enquanto estiver upando seu char, use qualquer equipamento plate/cloth recomendado para o seu nível com status de HP, CON e SPR principalmente. Outros status úteis seriam os que dão mais defesas também.

Pra armas, pode ir direto sempre de Staff, ou, rod + shield no low level pra conseguir mais defesa.

Começando com as cartas que podem ser equipadas no seu personagem.
Aqui mostrarei as combinações para esta build:

X3 Chapparition: +30% de ataque mágico por 10s ao usar poções de sp. Esse boost não funciona para as summons. É recomendado para caso queira causar mais dano com as skills do pyro e eleme no geral.
X3 Unicorn: +30% de dano contra mobs da Porpriedade Dark. É um chapparition para mobs das trevas. Útil se você costuma farmar em locais com muitos mobs desse elemento, ou usa a build pra ir no Velcoffer.
X3 Moa: +30% de dano contra mobs do tipo Devil. Mesma coisa da Unicorn mas para mobs do tipo Demônio. Útil se você costuma farmar em locais com muitos mobs desse tipo, ou usa a build pra ir em World Boss.
X3 Reaverpede Card: +15% de dano permanente contra monstros de tamanho médio. Todas as skills da build (exceção as invocações) ganharão esse boost de 15%. Recomendado para farm e matar grandes quantidades de mobs em lugares como HG, ET, Challenge Mode e etc.

x3 Armaos Card: Gera 3000 de escudo ao ser atacado. Extra proteção pra todos os tipos de dano;
x3 Demon Lord Zaura Card: +30% de defesa física. Como o set principal será todo cloth que dá muita def. mágica, essa carta irá suprir a falta de def física que venha a ter. Se não tiver condições de tê-lo, Gray Golem é um bom substituto.

x3 Linkroller Card: +30 de SPR. Um bom complemento para o dano das invocações.

x1 Gazing Golem Card: +10% de chance de usar Pain Barrier nv1. Essa barrier é uma skill de Swordsman que o torna resistente a ser empurrado, derrubado ou atordoado. Extremamente útil para evitar ser travado pelos mobs.
x2 Canceril Card: +20% de chance de recuperar 2% de HP ao ser atingido por monstros tamanho médio. Boa parte das zonas de farma e praticamente toda a ET são compostas por mobs desse tamanho, e como você recebe dano mesmo estando montado, essa será uma boa opção pra se manter ainda mais vivo além das skills de recuperação do FF.
x2 Stone Whale: 10% de chance de reduzir o dano tomado em 10% ao atacar por 5segundos. Pode ser útil para aumentar ainda mais sua baixa resistência

Legendary Froster Lord Card: Diminui em 10% a variação de dano e todas as suas summons, ou seja, com 10 Estrelas, todas as suas summons irão sempre causar o máx de dano possível sem variar.
Você consegue essa carta na raid da Fantasy Library.

Caso queira escolher e fazer um set diferente, eis aqui a lista com todas as cartas e seus efeitos: NCARD LIST EFFECTS

CARTAS PARA INVOCAR-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Abaixo tem uma lista mais atual com as cartas mais usadas pelos jogadores para se invocar em cada modo do jogo: PvE Farm, Matar Boss e PvP TBL

Melhores para PvE Farm:
1° Froster Lord
2° Marnox
3° Gorkas
4° Netherbovine
5° Pyroego

Melhores para Matar Boss:
1° Marnox
2° Froster Lord
3° Necroventer

Melhores para PvP TBL:
1° Tomb Lord:
2° Froster lord:
3° Marnox

Caso esteja em dúvida de qual usar, esse rank irá te guiar pra quais usar atualmente. Claro que existem outras opções úteis mas menos usadas que é totalmente possível utilizar também.

Gemas azuis na arma. Gemas vermelhas na parte de cima e de baixo e Amarelas na bota pra dar mais HP por causa da carta Canceril equipada, dar mais HP pras summons e para aumentar o dano da skill Blood Curse.
O recomendado é colocar apenas quando elas tiverem nv7 ou maior

Gemas de monstro não são necessárias nessa build.


Copy Build
Rank 1
circle 1
0 / 5
Energy Bolt
Wizard11 Wizard4
Energy Bolt: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Energy Bolt] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wizard 1st Circle required
Energy Bolt: Additional Sleep Damage
Type: Active
* Deals additional damage equal to 40% of magic attack per attribute level when attacking an enemy under [Sleep] with [Energy Bolt]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wizard 1st Circle required
Energy Bolt

Gather powerful magical energy and launch it
towards an enemy.

Level 1:
Attack: 109% x 2
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
SP: 12

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 9s
1 / 5
Lethargy: Strike Speciality
Type: Active
* Enemies affected by [Lethargy] receive 10% additional damage per attribute level with [Strike] attacks
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wizard 3rd Circle required
Lethargy: Tile Speciality
Type: Active
* Magic circle damage on enemies afflicted with [Lethargy] increases by 3% per attribute level

Wizard 2nd Circle required

Makes an enemy lethargic.

Level 1:
Physical attack -1%
Magic attack -1%
Evasion -5
Damage from magic circles +20%
[Lethargy] Duration 20 sec
SP: 13

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 20s
5 / 5
Sleep: Dream Eater
Type: Active
* Limit of attacks of [Sleep] decreases by 80% (min. 1 time)
* Enemies affected by [Sleep] will receive 200% damage from Non-Property and Psychokinesis magic attacks

Sleep Lv6, Wizard C2 required

Makes an enemy fall asleep. The enemy awakens once you've reached your limit of attacks.

Level 5:
[Sleep] Duration: 7 seconds
Attack Threshold: 5
SP: 30

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 25s
0 / 5
Magic Shield
Magic Shield: SPR Efficiency
Type: Active
* SP consumption of [Magic Shield] per hit decreases by [attribute level]% of your SPR

Wizard 2nd Circle required
Magic Shield

Create a protective shield that absorbs enemy's attack. 1% of your maximum SP is consumed every time the damage absorbed.

Level 1:
Damage reduction 20%
Duration: 300 seconds
Applies 1 times
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 45s
0 / 5
Wizard13 Wizard23
Earthquake: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Earthquake] by 0.5% per attribute level
*+10% added damage at maximum level

Wizard 1st Circle required
Earthquake: Remove Knockdown
Type: Active
* Removes knockdown of [Earthquake]
Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wizard 1st Circle required

[Magic] - [Earth]
Inflicts damage on an enemy by creating a powerful earthquake in front of you.

Level 1:
Attack: 266%
AoE Attack Ratio: 4
SP: 16

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 17s
Element: Earth
Rank 2
circle 2
0 / 10
Energy Bolt
Wizard11 Wizard4
Energy Bolt: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Energy Bolt] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Wizard 1st Circle required
Energy Bolt: Additional Sleep Damage
Type: Active
* Deals additional damage equal to 40% of magic attack per attribute level when attacking an enemy under [Sleep] with [Energy Bolt]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wizard 1st Circle required
Energy Bolt

Gather powerful magical energy and launch it
towards an enemy.

Level 1:
Attack: 109% x 2
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
SP: 12

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 9s
1 / 10
Lethargy: Strike Speciality
Type: Active
* Enemies affected by [Lethargy] receive 10% additional damage per attribute level with [Strike] attacks
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wizard 3rd Circle required
Lethargy: Tile Speciality
Type: Active
* Magic circle damage on enemies afflicted with [Lethargy] increases by 3% per attribute level

Wizard 2nd Circle required

Makes an enemy lethargic.

Level 1:
Physical attack -1%
Magic attack -1%
Evasion -5
Damage from magic circles +20%
[Lethargy] Duration 20 sec
SP: 13

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 20s
10 / 10
Sleep: Dream Eater
Type: Active
* Limit of attacks of [Sleep] decreases by 80% (min. 1 time)
* Enemies affected by [Sleep] will receive 200% damage from Non-Property and Psychokinesis magic attacks

Sleep Lv6, Wizard C2 required

Makes an enemy fall asleep. The enemy awakens once you've reached your limit of attacks.

Level 10:
[Sleep] Duration: 12 seconds
Attack Threshold: 10
SP: 44

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 25s
0 / 10
Magic Shield
Magic Shield: SPR Efficiency
Type: Active
* SP consumption of [Magic Shield] per hit decreases by [attribute level]% of your SPR

Wizard 2nd Circle required
Magic Shield

Create a protective shield that absorbs enemy's attack. 1% of your maximum SP is consumed every time the damage absorbed.

Level 1:
Damage reduction 20%
Duration: 300 seconds
Applies 1 times
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 45s
9 / 10
Wizard13 Wizard23
Earthquake: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Earthquake] by 0.5% per attribute level
*+10% added damage at maximum level

Wizard 1st Circle required
Earthquake: Remove Knockdown
Type: Active
* Removes knockdown of [Earthquake]
Increases SP consumption by 10%

Wizard 1st Circle required

[Magic] - [Earth]
Inflicts damage on an enemy by creating a powerful earthquake in front of you.

Level 9:
Attack: 382%
AoE Attack Ratio: 4
SP: 40

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 17s
Element: Earth
5 / 5

Skills being cast cannot be interrupted by enemy attacks.

Level 5:
Targets (excluding caster) 4
Duration 300 sec
SP: 36

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 60s
5 / 5
Magic Missile
Magic Missile: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Magic Missile] by 0.5% per attribute level
*+10% added damage at maximum level

Wizard 2nd Circle required
Magic Missile

Attack continuously with magic bullets. New bullets are shot if it successfully targets an enemy.

Level 5:
Attack: 228% x 3
Bullet Count: 3
SP: 40

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 17s
Rank 3
circle 1
1 / 5
Pyromancer11 Pyromancer1
Fireball: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Fireball] by 0.5% per attribute level
*+10% added damage at maximum level

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Fireball: Burn Debuff
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Fireball] have a 10% chance per attribute level to receive flame damage for 5 seconds
*[Burn] damage is based on character's INT
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Fireball: Residual Heat
Type: Active
* Increases duration time of [Fireball] by 1 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Pyromancer 2nd Circle required

[Magic] - [Fire]
Summons a fireball at the targeted area. Enemies that touch the fireball will receive Fire damage. [Fireball] will not hit the same enemies twice. Up to 5 fireballs can be summoned.

Level 1:
Attack: 382%
Duration: 10 seconds
SP: 26

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 8s
Element: Fire
5 / 5
Fire Wall
Pyromancer12 Pyromancer2
Fire Wall: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Fire Wall] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Fire Wall: Increased Fire Property Buff
Type: Active
* Increases Fire property attack of allies per attribute level in proportion to INT for 5 sec when they step on [Fire Wall]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Fire Wall: Knockback
Type: Active
* Knocks back enemies hit by [Fire Wall]

Pyromancer 3rd Circle required
Fire Wall

[Magic] - [Fire]
Creates a wall of flames that continuously damages approaching enemies.

Level 5:
Attack 192% x 5
8 Fire Walls
Duration 15 sec
SP: 64

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Element: Fire
3 / 5
Enchant Fire
Enchant Fire: Decreased Fire Property Resistance
Type: Active
* Decreases Fire property resistance of nearby enemies by 10 per attribute level for 5 seconds when [Enchant Fire] is used
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Enchant Fire

Temporarily grants Fire property to your attacks.

Level 3:
Additional Fire Property Damage: +40
Property Additional Attack: +0
Duration: 300 seconds
SP: 42

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 110s
Element: Fire
5 / 5
Pyromancer13 Pyromancer9
Flare: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Flare] by 0.5% per attribute level
*+10% added damage at maximum level

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Flare: Additional Damage
Type: Active
* Increases property damage of [Flare] by 10 per attribute level to Cloth armor-type enemies
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Pyromancer 1st Circle required

[Magic] - [Fire]
Inflicts damage by exploding a burning enemy.

Level 5:
Attack: 664%
SP: 45

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Element: Fire
1 / 5
Flame Ground
Flame Ground: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Flame Ground] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Flame Ground: Diffusion
Type: Active
* Enemies in range of [Flame Ground] become afflicted with [Heat]
* Fire property resistance of enemies afflicted with [Heat] decreases by 50
* Enemies afflicted with [Heat] can be attacked with [Flare]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Pyromancer 2nd Circle required
Flame Ground

[Magic] - [Fire]
Creates a magic circle of flames around you. Deals continuous flame damage to enemies within the magic circle.

Level 1:
111% attack per 0.5 sec
Duration 8 sec
SP: 42

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
Element: Fire
Rank 4
circle 2
5 / 10
Pyromancer11 Pyromancer1 Pyromancer29
Fireball: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Fireball] by 0.5% per attribute level
*+10% added damage at maximum level

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Fireball: Burn Debuff
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Fireball] have a 10% chance per attribute level to receive flame damage for 5 seconds
*[Burn] damage is based on character's INT
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Fireball: Residual Heat
Type: Active
* Increases duration time of [Fireball] by 1 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Pyromancer 2nd Circle required

[Magic] - [Fire]
Summons a fireball at the targeted area. Enemies that touch the fireball will receive Fire damage. [Fireball] will not hit the same enemies twice. Up to 5 fireballs can be summoned.

Level 5:
Attack: 466%
Duration: 10 seconds
SP: 45

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 8s
Element: Fire
10 / 10
Fire Wall
Pyromancer12 Pyromancer2
Fire Wall: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Fire Wall] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Fire Wall: Increased Fire Property Buff
Type: Active
* Increases Fire property attack of allies per attribute level in proportion to INT for 5 sec when they step on [Fire Wall]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Fire Wall: Knockback
Type: Active
* Knocks back enemies hit by [Fire Wall]

Pyromancer 3rd Circle required
Fire Wall

[Magic] - [Fire]
Creates a wall of flames that continuously damages approaching enemies.

Level 10:
Attack 236% x 5
8 Fire Walls
Duration 15 sec
SP: 100

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Element: Fire
3 / 10
Enchant Fire
Enchant Fire: Decreased Fire Property Resistance
Type: Active
* Decreases Fire property resistance of nearby enemies by 10 per attribute level for 5 seconds when [Enchant Fire] is used
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Enchant Fire

Temporarily grants Fire property to your attacks.

Level 3:
Additional Fire Property Damage: +40
Property Additional Attack: +0
Duration: 300 seconds
SP: 42

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 110s
Element: Fire
10 / 10
Pyromancer13 Pyromancer9
Flare: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Flare] by 0.5% per attribute level
*+10% added damage at maximum level

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Flare: Additional Damage
Type: Active
* Increases property damage of [Flare] by 10 per attribute level to Cloth armor-type enemies
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Pyromancer 1st Circle required

[Magic] - [Fire]
Inflicts damage by exploding a burning enemy.

Level 10:
Attack: 814%
SP: 67

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Element: Fire
1 / 10
Flame Ground
Pyromancer26 Pyromancer27
Flame Ground: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Flame Ground] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Pyromancer 1st Circle required
Flame Ground: Diffusion
Type: Active
* Enemies in range of [Flame Ground] become afflicted with [Heat]
* Fire property resistance of enemies afflicted with [Heat] decreases by 50
* Enemies afflicted with [Heat] can be attacked with [Flare]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Pyromancer 2nd Circle required
Flame Ground

[Magic] - [Fire]
Creates a magic circle of flames around you. Deals continuous flame damage to enemies within the magic circle.

Level 1:
111% attack per 0.5 sec
Duration 8 sec
SP: 42

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
Element: Fire
1 / 5
Fire Pillar
Fire Pillar: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Fire Pillar] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Pyromancer 2nd Circle required
Fire Pillar

[Magic] - [Fire]
Summons a pillar of fire to inflict damage on enemies.

Level 1:
123% Attack per 0.5 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds
SP: 36

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Fire
Rank 5
circle 1
0 / 1
Summon: Force Attack
Summon: Force Attack

Your summon will attack the targeted enemy.

Level 1:
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 1s
0 / 1
Summon: Cancel Attack
Summon: Cancel Attack

Cancels Force Attack and attacks enemies randomly.

Level 1:
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 1s
0 / 1
Summon: Release
Summon: Release

Release your summon.

Level 1:
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 1s
5 / 5

Summon the devil of the card inserted in your grimoire. The attack and defense of the summoned devil will be set according to your character's level, and will increase by 5% for each star on the corresponding card. The grimoire can only equip Devil-type monster cards.

Level 5:
Summons a Devil-type boss monster
Devil's Additional Attack: 15%
Devil's Additional Defense: 15%
Duration: 900 seconds
SP: 116

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
Element: Dark
0 / 5
Summon Familiar
Sorcerer11 Sorcerer1
Summon Familar: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Summon Familiar] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Sorcerer 1st Circle required
Summon Familar: Splash
Type: Active
* Deals damage to nearby enemies with a 1% chance per attribute level when the summoned familiar of [Summon Familiar] explodes itself
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv3 Summon Familiar required
Summon Familiar

[Magic] - [Dark]
Summon a familiar. The familiar rushes to an enemy that you attack or that attacks you, and then explodes itself.

Level 1:
Attack: 365%
Summon 1 Familiar Spirits
SP: 88

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Dark
5 / 5
Summon Salamion
Summon Salamion: Ignite
Type: Active
* Chance to inflict [Burn] for 10 seconds on an enemy when attacked by Salamion
* Chance increases by 2% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Sorcerer 2nd Circle required
Summon Salamion: Blind
Type: Active
* Chance to inflict [Burn] for 10 sec on enemies attacked by Salamion
* Chance increases by 2% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Sorcerer 2nd Circle required
Summon Salamion

Summon the fire devil Salamion. It follows its master and attacks enemies.

Level 5:
Salamion's Level: 0
Salamion's Additional Attack: 20%
Salamion's Additional Defense 20%
Duration: 300 seconds
SP: 120

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
Element: Dark
5 / 5
Summon Servant
Summon Servant: Quick Order
Type: Active
* Summoned servant grants beneficial effects at a higher rate
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv3 Summon Servant required
Summon Servant

Summon a servant. The servant will grant beneficial effects while following its master. The number of buffs increases proportionally to the level of [Summon Servant].

Level 5:
Applies up to 5 times
1st effect [+ AoE attack ratio]
2nd effect [+ SP recovery speed]
3rd effect [STA recovery]
4th effect [+ Magic Defense]
5th effect [+ Dark property attack]
Consumes Empty Spellbook x#{SpendItemCount}#
SP: 126

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
Element: Dark
Rank 6
circle 2
0 / 1
Summon: Force Attack
Summon: Force Attack

Your summon will attack the targeted enemy.

Level 1:
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 1s
0 / 1
Summon: Cancel Attack
Summon: Cancel Attack

Cancels Force Attack and attacks enemies randomly.

Level 1:
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 1s
0 / 1
Summon: Release
Summon: Release

Release your summon.

Level 1:
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 1s
10 / 10

Summon the devil of the card inserted in your grimoire. The attack and defense of the summoned devil will be set according to your character's level, and will increase by 5% for each star on the corresponding card. The grimoire can only equip Devil-type monster cards.

Level 10:
Summons a Devil-type boss monster
Devil's Additional Attack: 25%
Devil's Additional Defense: 25%
Duration: 900 seconds
SP: 161

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
Element: Dark
0 / 10
Summon Familiar
Sorcerer11 Sorcerer1
Summon Familar: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Summon Familiar] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Sorcerer 1st Circle required
Summon Familar: Splash
Type: Active
* Deals damage to nearby enemies with a 1% chance per attribute level when the summoned familiar of [Summon Familiar] explodes itself
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv3 Summon Familiar required
Summon Familiar

[Magic] - [Dark]
Summon a familiar. The familiar rushes to an enemy that you attack or that attacks you, and then explodes itself.

Level 1:
Attack: 365%
Summon 1 Familiar Spirits
SP: 88

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Dark
10 / 10
Summon Salamion
Sorcerer5 Sorcerer6
Summon Salamion: Ignite
Type: Active
* Chance to inflict [Burn] for 10 seconds on an enemy when attacked by Salamion
* Chance increases by 2% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Sorcerer 2nd Circle required
Summon Salamion: Blind
Type: Active
* Chance to inflict [Burn] for 10 sec on enemies attacked by Salamion
* Chance increases by 2% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Sorcerer 2nd Circle required
Summon Salamion

Summon the fire devil Salamion. It follows its master and attacks enemies.

Level 10:
Salamion's Level: 0
Salamion's Additional Attack: 35%
Salamion's Additional Defense 35%
Duration: 300 seconds
SP: 165

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
Element: Dark
5 / 5
Summon Servant
Summon Servant: Quick Order
Type: Active
* Summoned servant grants beneficial effects at a higher rate
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv3 Summon Servant required
Summon Servant

Summon a servant. The servant will grant beneficial effects while following its master. The number of buffs increases proportionally to the level of [Summon Servant].

Level 5:
Applies up to 5 times
1st effect [+ AoE attack ratio]
2nd effect [+ SP recovery speed]
3rd effect [STA recovery]
4th effect [+ Magic Defense]
5th effect [+ Dark property attack]
Consumes Empty Spellbook x#{SpendItemCount}#
SP: 126

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
Element: Dark
0 / 1
Attack Ground
Attack Ground

Order the summoned devil from the Grimoire to move and attack in a targeted area.

Level 1:
Requires Summoned Devil
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 60

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 3s
Element: Dark
1 / 1
Riding: Increase Stats
Type: Passive
* Increases damage dealt with Mounted demon by 0.5% per attribute level

Sorcerer 2nd Circle required

Ride the summoned devil from the Grimoire and take control of it. While mounted on the devil, your damage taken decreases.

Level 1:
Enables use of the devil's skills
SP: 64

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Element: Dark
1 / 1

Mutates the summoned devil from the Grimoire to the devil that is equipped as a secondary card in the Grimoire while maintaining its previous stats.

Level 1:
Transform to another Devil-type boss that is added to the Grimoire
SP: 80

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Dark
1 / 1

Order the summoned devil to wait and guard a targeted area.

Level 1:
Requires Summoned Devil
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 60

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 3s
Element: Dark
Rank 7
circle 1
1 / 5
Blood Bath
Blood Bath: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Blood Bath] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Blood Bath

[Magic] - [Poison]
Stab the enemy with a bone knife. If the enemy is a Beast, Devil or Insect-type, or affected by the debuff, blood will spew out that recovers some of your HP.

Level 1:
Attack: 208%
[Bleeding] Duration: 5 seconds
Recovers 1% of damage
SP: 120

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Poison
5 / 5
Blood Sucking
Featherfoot1 Featherfoot4
Blood Sucking: HP Supply Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases HP absorbed by 1% per attribute level

Lv. 3 Blood Sucking required
Blood Sucking: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Blood Sucking] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Blood Sucking

[Magic] - [Poison]
Attack and absorb the life force from a Beast, Devil or Insect-type enemy, or an enemy affected by the debuff, while recovering your HP at the same time.

Level 5:
Attack: 479%
Blood Sucking: 30%
Consumes 50 SP per 0.4 second
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 40s
Element: Poison
1 / 5
Bone Pointing
Featherfoot5 Featherfoot6
Bone Pointing: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Bone Pointing] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Bone Pointing: Summon Time
Type: Active
* Increases summon time of [Bone Pointing] by 1 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Bone Pointing: Repeated Hits
Type: Active
* [Bone Pointing] attack applies as repeated hits
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Featherfoot 2nd Circle Required
Bone Pointing

[Magic] - [Poison]
Summon a carved, pointed bone called a 'Kundela'. The Kundela points towards enemies in range, attacking them with bone shards and cursing them.

Level 1:
Attack: 208%
Bone Pointing Duration: 35 seconds
[Curse]Duration: 7 seconds
SP: 102

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 50s
Element: Poison
1 / 5
Ngadhundi: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Ngadhundi] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 1st Circle required

[Magic] - [Poison]
Stabs an enemy with a cursed knife carved from a bone. An enemy stabbed by this bone fragment will be afflicted with [Corruption]. Enemies affected by [Corruption] receive additional damage from Missile attacks.

Level 1:
Attack: 974%
Duration 12 sec
AoE ratio 3
SP: 72

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 12s
Element: Poison
1 / 5
Kurdaitcha: Enhance
Type: Active
* Increases chance to hit with twice the normal damage to enemies hexed by [Kurdaitcha] (or any other methods) by 1% chance per attribute level
*Applies to characters other than the caster
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Kurdaitcha: Increased Movement Speed
Type: Active
* Movement speed during [Kurdaitcha] increases to match normal walking speed
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Featherfoot 2nd Circle Required
Kurdaitcha: Blood's Footprint
Type: Active
* Causes enemies who touch [Kurdaitcha] footprints to take magic damage
* Increases SP consumption by 100%

Featherfoot 3rd Circle Required

[Magic] - [Dark]
Put on shoes made of mixed hair and blood. Walk while leaving bloody footprints on the ground, temporarily cursing any enemies who come into contact with it.

Level 1:
Kurdaitcha Maximum Duration: 6
Movement Speed Reduction: 15
[Curse] Duration: 7 seconds
SP: 113

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 32s
Element: Dark
Rank 8
circle 2
1 / 10
Blood Bath
Blood Bath: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Blood Bath] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Blood Bath

[Magic] - [Poison]
Stab the enemy with a bone knife. If the enemy is a Beast, Devil or Insect-type, or affected by the debuff, blood will spew out that recovers some of your HP.

Level 1:
Attack: 208%
[Bleeding] Duration: 5 seconds
Recovers 1% of damage
SP: 120

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Poison
5 / 10
Blood Sucking
Featherfoot1 Featherfoot4
Blood Sucking: HP Supply Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases HP absorbed by 1% per attribute level

Lv. 3 Blood Sucking required
Blood Sucking: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Blood Sucking] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Blood Sucking

[Magic] - [Poison]
Attack and absorb the life force from a Beast, Devil or Insect-type enemy, or an enemy affected by the debuff, while recovering your HP at the same time.

Level 5:
Attack: 479%
Blood Sucking: 30%
Consumes 50 SP per 0.4 second
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 40s
Element: Poison
1 / 10
Bone Pointing
Featherfoot5 Featherfoot6 Featherfoot13
Bone Pointing: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Bone Pointing] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Bone Pointing: Summon Time
Type: Active
* Increases summon time of [Bone Pointing] by 1 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Bone Pointing: Repeated Hits
Type: Active
* [Bone Pointing] attack applies as repeated hits
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Featherfoot 2nd Circle Required
Bone Pointing

[Magic] - [Poison]
Summon a carved, pointed bone called a 'Kundela'. The Kundela points towards enemies in range, attacking them with bone shards and cursing them.

Level 1:
Attack: 208%
Bone Pointing Duration: 35 seconds
[Curse]Duration: 7 seconds
SP: 102

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 50s
Element: Poison
1 / 10
Ngadhundi: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Ngadhundi] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 1st Circle required

[Magic] - [Poison]
Stabs an enemy with a cursed knife carved from a bone. An enemy stabbed by this bone fragment will be afflicted with [Corruption]. Enemies affected by [Corruption] receive additional damage from Missile attacks.

Level 1:
Attack: 974%
Duration 12 sec
AoE ratio 3
SP: 72

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 12s
Element: Poison
1 / 10
Featherfoot8 Featherfoot14
Kurdaitcha: Enhance
Type: Active
* Increases chance to hit with twice the normal damage to enemies hexed by [Kurdaitcha] (or any other methods) by 1% chance per attribute level
*Applies to characters other than the caster
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Kurdaitcha: Increased Movement Speed
Type: Active
* Movement speed during [Kurdaitcha] increases to match normal walking speed
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Featherfoot 2nd Circle Required
Kurdaitcha: Blood's Footprint
Type: Active
* Causes enemies who touch [Kurdaitcha] footprints to take magic damage
* Increases SP consumption by 100%

Featherfoot 3rd Circle Required

[Magic] - [Dark]
Put on shoes made of mixed hair and blood. Walk while leaving bloody footprints on the ground, temporarily cursing any enemies who come into contact with it.

Level 1:
Kurdaitcha Maximum Duration: 6
Movement Speed Reduction: 15
[Curse] Duration: 7 seconds
SP: 113

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 32s
Element: Dark
0 / 5
Kundela Slash
Kundela Slash: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Kundela Slash] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 2nd Circle Required
Kundela Slash: Curse of Curses
Type: Active
* Kundela Slash hits twice if enemy is affected by 2 or more debuffs
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Featherfoot 3rd Circle Required
Kundela Slash

[Magic] - [Poison]
Use Kundela to attack enemies. The cursed enemies receive additional damage.

Level 1:
Attack: 2001%
AoE Ratio 3
Increased damage to enemies under [Curse]
SP: 124

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 14s
Element: Poison
5 / 5
Levitation: Cursed Blood
Type: Active
* Increases Featherfoot skill damage by 10% while using [Levitation]
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Featherfoot 3rd Circle Required

For a brief period of time, your character levitates. While levitating, you are immune to melee attacks but receives additional damage from missile attacks.

Level 5:
Duration: 40 seconds
Receives additional damage from missile attacks
SP: 194

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 65s
Element: Poison
5 / 5
Blood Curse
Blood Curse: Limit
Type: Active
* When using [Blood Curse], HP consumption rises to 80% but duration for [Blood Curse] increases by 7 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Featherfoot 2nd Circle Required
Blood Curse: Drop of Blood
Type: Active
* When losing HP from skill Blood Curse, you will always remain with at least 1 HP
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Featherfoot 3rd Circle Required
Blood Curse

[Magic] - [Poison]
Comsumes one's own HP and deals proportional damage to nearby enemies and grants [Blood Curse] ailment status. Enemies under the [Blood Curse] state will not recover its SP and when attacked heals the attacker's HP. Using this skill without sufficient HP will incapacitate you.

Level 5:
Attack: 1509%
Consumes 60% HP when activated
Duration: 9.5 seconds
SP: 183

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 36s
Element: Poison
Rank 9
circle 3
1 / 15
Blood Bath
Blood Bath: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Blood Bath] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Blood Bath

[Magic] - [Poison]
Stab the enemy with a bone knife. If the enemy is a Beast, Devil or Insect-type, or affected by the debuff, blood will spew out that recovers some of your HP.

Level 1:
Attack: 208%
[Bleeding] Duration: 5 seconds
Recovers 1% of damage
SP: 120

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Poison
6 / 15
Blood Sucking
Featherfoot1 Featherfoot4
Blood Sucking: HP Supply Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases HP absorbed by 1% per attribute level

Lv. 3 Blood Sucking required
Blood Sucking: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Blood Sucking] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Blood Sucking

[Magic] - [Poison]
Attack and absorb the life force from a Beast, Devil or Insect-type enemy, or an enemy affected by the debuff, while recovering your HP at the same time.

Level 6:
Attack: 501%
Blood Sucking: 35%
Consumes 52 SP per 0.4 second
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 40s
Element: Poison
1 / 15
Bone Pointing
Featherfoot5 Featherfoot6 Featherfoot13
Bone Pointing: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Bone Pointing] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Bone Pointing: Summon Time
Type: Active
* Increases summon time of [Bone Pointing] by 1 second per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Bone Pointing: Repeated Hits
Type: Active
* [Bone Pointing] attack applies as repeated hits
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Featherfoot 2nd Circle Required
Bone Pointing

[Magic] - [Poison]
Summon a carved, pointed bone called a 'Kundela'. The Kundela points towards enemies in range, attacking them with bone shards and cursing them.

Level 1:
Attack: 208%
Bone Pointing Duration: 35 seconds
[Curse]Duration: 7 seconds
SP: 102

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 50s
Element: Poison
1 / 15
Ngadhundi: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Ngadhundi] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 1st Circle required

[Magic] - [Poison]
Stabs an enemy with a cursed knife carved from a bone. An enemy stabbed by this bone fragment will be afflicted with [Corruption]. Enemies affected by [Corruption] receive additional damage from Missile attacks.

Level 1:
Attack: 974%
Duration 12 sec
AoE ratio 3
SP: 72

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 12s
Element: Poison
1 / 15
Featherfoot8 Featherfoot14 Featherfoot15
Kurdaitcha: Enhance
Type: Active
* Increases chance to hit with twice the normal damage to enemies hexed by [Kurdaitcha] (or any other methods) by 1% chance per attribute level
*Applies to characters other than the caster
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Featherfoot 1st Circle required
Kurdaitcha: Increased Movement Speed
Type: Active
* Movement speed during [Kurdaitcha] increases to match normal walking speed
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Featherfoot 2nd Circle Required
Kurdaitcha: Blood's Footprint
Type: Active
* Causes enemies who touch [Kurdaitcha] footprints to take magic damage
* Increases SP consumption by 100%

Featherfoot 3rd Circle Required

[Magic] - [Dark]
Put on shoes made of mixed hair and blood. Walk while leaving bloody footprints on the ground, temporarily cursing any enemies who come into contact with it.

Level 1:
Kurdaitcha Maximum Duration: 6
Movement Speed Reduction: 15
[Curse] Duration: 7 seconds
SP: 113

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 32s
Element: Dark
10 / 10
Kundela Slash
Featherfoot11 Featherfoot17
Kundela Slash: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Kundela Slash] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Featherfoot 2nd Circle Required
Kundela Slash: Curse of Curses
Type: Active
* Kundela Slash hits twice if enemy is affected by 2 or more debuffs
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Featherfoot 3rd Circle Required
Kundela Slash

[Magic] - [Poison]
Use Kundela to attack enemies. The cursed enemies receive additional damage.

Level 10:
Attack: 3261%
AoE Ratio 3
Increased damage to enemies under [Curse]
SP: 210

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 14s
Element: Poison
10 / 10
Levitation: Cursed Blood
Type: Active
* Increases Featherfoot skill damage by 10% while using [Levitation]
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Featherfoot 3rd Circle Required

For a brief period of time, your character levitates. While levitating, you are immune to melee attacks but receives additional damage from missile attacks.

Level 10:
Duration: 50 seconds
Receives additional damage from missile attacks
SP: 260

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 65s
Element: Poison
10 / 10
Blood Curse
Featherfoot12 Featherfoot16
Blood Curse: Limit
Type: Active
* When using [Blood Curse], HP consumption rises to 80% but duration for [Blood Curse] increases by 7 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Featherfoot 2nd Circle Required
Blood Curse: Drop of Blood
Type: Active
* When losing HP from skill Blood Curse, you will always remain with at least 1 HP
* Increases SP consumption by 20%

Featherfoot 3rd Circle Required
Blood Curse

[Magic] - [Poison]
Comsumes one's own HP and deals proportional damage to nearby enemies and grants [Blood Curse] ailment status. Enemies under the [Blood Curse] state will not recover its SP and when attacked heals the attacker's HP. Using this skill without sufficient HP will incapacitate you.

Level 10:
Attack: 1921%
Consumes 60% HP when activated
Duration: 12 seconds
SP: 236

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 36s
Element: Poison
5 / 5

[Magic] - [Poison]
Temporarily inflicts a curse spell on enemies within range to cause additional damage when hit. Additional damage is based on the Featherfoot's Magic Attack.

Level 5:
Additional Attack: 831%
Applies 10 times
Duration: 50 seconds
SP: 384

Type: Magic / Buff
Cooldown: 50s
Element: Poison
Rank 10
circle 3
0 / 1
Summon: Force Attack
Summon: Force Attack

Your summon will attack the targeted enemy.

Level 1:
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 1s
0 / 1
Summon: Cancel Attack
Summon: Cancel Attack

Cancels Force Attack and attacks enemies randomly.

Level 1:
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 1s
0 / 1
Summon: Release
Summon: Release

Release your summon.

Level 1:
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 0

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 1s
15 / 15

Summon the devil of the card inserted in your grimoire. The attack and defense of the summoned devil will be set according to your character's level, and will increase by 5% for each star on the corresponding card. The grimoire can only equip Devil-type monster cards.

Level 15:
Summons a Devil-type boss monster
Devil's Additional Attack: 35%
Devil's Additional Defense: 35%
Duration: 900 seconds
SP: 206

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
Element: Dark
1 / 15
Summon Familiar
Sorcerer11 Sorcerer1
Summon Familar: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Summon Familiar] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Sorcerer 1st Circle required
Summon Familar: Splash
Type: Active
* Deals damage to nearby enemies with a 1% chance per attribute level when the summoned familiar of [Summon Familiar] explodes itself
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv3 Summon Familiar required
Summon Familiar

[Magic] - [Dark]
Summon a familiar. The familiar rushes to an enemy that you attack or that attacks you, and then explodes itself.

Level 1:
Attack: 365%
Summon 1 Familiar Spirits
SP: 88

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
Element: Dark
11 / 15
Summon Salamion
Sorcerer5 Sorcerer6
Summon Salamion: Ignite
Type: Active
* Chance to inflict [Burn] for 10 seconds on an enemy when attacked by Salamion
* Chance increases by 2% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Sorcerer 2nd Circle required
Summon Salamion: Blind
Type: Active
* Chance to inflict [Burn] for 10 sec on enemies attacked by Salamion
* Chance increases by 2% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Sorcerer 2nd Circle required
Summon Salamion

Summon the fire devil Salamion. It follows its master and attacks enemies.

Level 11:
Salamion's Level: 0
Salamion's Additional Attack: 38%
Salamion's Additional Defense 38%
Duration: 300 seconds
SP: 174

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
Element: Dark
5 / 5
Summon Servant
Summon Servant: Quick Order
Type: Active
* Summoned servant grants beneficial effects at a higher rate
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv3 Summon Servant required
Summon Servant

Summon a servant. The servant will grant beneficial effects while following its master. The number of buffs increases proportionally to the level of [Summon Servant].

Level 5:
Applies up to 5 times
1st effect [+ AoE attack ratio]
2nd effect [+ SP recovery speed]
3rd effect [STA recovery]
4th effect [+ Magic Defense]
5th effect [+ Dark property attack]
Consumes Empty Spellbook x#{SpendItemCount}#
SP: 126

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 60s
Element: Dark
0 / 1
Attack Ground
Attack Ground

Order the summoned devil from the Grimoire to move and attack in a targeted area.

Level 1:
Requires Summoned Devil
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 60

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 3s
Element: Dark
1 / 1
Riding: Increase Stats
Type: Passive
* Increases damage dealt with Mounted demon by 0.5% per attribute level

Sorcerer 2nd Circle required

Ride the summoned devil from the Grimoire and take control of it. While mounted on the devil, your damage taken decreases.

Level 1:
Enables use of the devil's skills
SP: 64

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Element: Dark
1 / 1

Mutates the summoned devil from the Grimoire to the devil that is equipped as a secondary card in the Grimoire while maintaining its previous stats.

Level 1:
Transform to another Devil-type boss that is added to the Grimoire
SP: 80

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
Element: Dark
1 / 1

Order the summoned devil to wait and guard a targeted area.

Level 1:
Requires Summoned Devil
Maximum Level: 1
SP: 60

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 3s
Element: Dark
5 / 5
Evocation: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Evocation] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Sorcerer 3rd Circle required

[Magic] - [Dark]
Attack enemies with a summoned devil based on the secondary card equipped in the Grimoire.

Level 5:
Attack: 2056%
SP: 192

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 55s
Element: Dark
5 / 5
Desmodus: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Desmodus] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Sorcerer 3rd Circle required

Summon and release blood sucking bats against enemies to inflict damage.

Level 5:
Attack: 814% x 2
SP: 130

Type: Magic / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
Element: Earth

Comments (571)

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Jan 20th 2019 02:37:33
Vish, tava tentando fazer essa build, atualização nova acabou com os planos :/
Jan 19th 2019 13:10:08
Removeram Sleep?
Jan 14th 2019 16:51:57
otimo guia , por favor vc vai fazer mais videos da builds com Re:Build
Jan 8th 2019 18:04:52
Obrigado, bem legal toda explicação.
Dec 4th 2018 12:02:35
can I have eng version please T T
This build seems cool!
Nov 16th 2018 19:54:19
Opa @TKMagnus,

Comecei a jogar recentemente e achei a build interessante. Para um Wizz que esta começando vc recomendaria ela?

Ou seria melhor outras combinações?

Nov 17th 2018 15:35:12
Olha, em breve vai ter uma atualização nova que vai mudar o jogo completamente. Essa build é uma boa pra começar sim, mas muito em breve vai mudar, então no fim não vai fazer diferença qual build fizer.
Nov 15th 2018 11:01:48
Uma dúvida aqui sobre a rebuild que vai acontecer.. comprei os equipamentos descritos no tutorial focando em SPR e CON.. acha que vão ficar inúteis depois do rebuild ou vamos conseguir seguir +/- essa build novamente ?
Nov 15th 2018 16:14:24
A build em si, pode sofrer alterações em tudo. Ainda n tem como saber de fato.
Nov 8th 2018 13:51:28
Bom dia TK, estou seguindo a sua build mas estou com dificuldades nos acessórios, esse tal de set Rangovas (encontrei em alguns tutoriais como "rengofas") mas não consigo encontrar ele no market e nem em pesquisar.. sabe me dizer como encontrar ? valeu e abraço!
Nov 8th 2018 23:35:08
Como dito no tutu, tu consegue ele na Fantasy Library Raid
Nov 9th 2018 11:47:09
@TKMagnus Valeu pelo tutorial, vou lá tentar dropar!
Nov 3rd 2018 09:38:52
Olá. Por que essa build é full SPR? Qual a vantagem? Por que não colocar algum stat que aumente o dano? Vlw
Nov 4th 2018 16:38:48
O dano das summons vem da SPR
Nov 5th 2018 03:40:41
Achei que fosse só a defesa deles. Quando eu coloco ponto em SPR não muda o valor do ataque dele. Seria algum específico que fica mais forte com SPR? To usando o Gorkas. Valeu :D
Nov 5th 2018 15:11:04
Não é mostrado naquele menu nenhuma mudança.
mas como eu expliquei no guia na parte do sorc, o dano das summons é todo baseado em spr de atk mag da arma.
Nov 2nd 2018 01:56:23
Hello @TKMagnus, thanks for this build!
I'm curious how important is pyro in this build? I like the idea of sorc+FF but I don't like pyro for some reason and would like to replace it with something as more or less acceptable for solo and party games. Can you give me any suggestions? Thought about ice 2+psycho, but there will be difficulties without sureshell I guess.
Nov 2nd 2018 06:16:11
@Koteii Hi
Pyro is important to maintain the mobs with debuffs constantly so we can activate the effect of kundela more easily, and, is the main source of damage to restore all your HP after using Blood Curse. But all of this is more for solo play, in party all this conditions can be achieved by ur teammates if u play most of the times in party.

FF alone is acceptable for any team because its suportive abilities, and in the end game, the big deal is boss killing, and this build has a lot to offer
Wiz2 is a must have for Sorc and FF, u cant replace it on this build, so u can choose either psy2 or pyro1- thauma1, if u really dont wanna pyro.
If u wanna a hardcore game, u can remove wiz2, but then, i cant help in any option because its inviable to play. xD
Nov 2nd 2018 18:34:58
@TKMagnus yeah, your build is so solid that any rank changes here cause more losses than I would like. :-)
Thanks again!
Oct 24th 2018 11:26:25
Fala TK,
Você poderia me dizer qual é o Summon, cartas de monstros, e equips que você mais utiliza?
Valeu TK.
Oct 27th 2018 16:00:52
No meu canal tu vê meus gameplays e as cartas q mais uso.
os equips uso o que ta no guia, set primus focado em SPR. ^^
Oct 27th 2018 19:40:58
Você acha que vale mais a pega o Earthquake do que o Magic Shield?
Oct 27th 2018 20:16:54
No final n vai fazer diferença pq tu n irá usar nenhum dos dois. É questão de gosto mesmo xD
Oct 19th 2018 05:15:06
Só passando pra avisar que o link pras builds alternativas no fim do tópico está errado! ^^
Adorei a ideia do Socr+FF btw ♥
Vou tentar futuramente com algum evento de rank reset
Oct 16th 2018 01:12:40
eu no momento estou com wiz 1, pyro 3 , linker 2, FF 1, pretendo deixar FF3. É uma build boa? devo mudar? se sim eu queria manter tanto FF como Pyro, são classes q gosto bastante, se n vale muito a pena, qual eu devo mudar? quero poder dar um dano legal e me manter solo sem morrer facil.
Oct 17th 2018 16:11:30
Essa build q tu fez é completamente pra farm. é muito boa, mas pra farmar
Oct 20th 2018 19:40:33
@TKMagnus quais as melhores skills do pyro e FF para se usar?
Oct 22nd 2018 20:47:02
Do pyro é firepillar e flameground
do FF são todas exceto blood bath
Oct 14th 2018 21:22:08
Olá estou com uma duvida mt de noob (kkkkk) nos status é pra colocar todos em spr? ou coloca nos outros tbm?
Oct 15th 2018 05:26:30
Oct 7th 2018 01:23:39
Olá, tenho umas dúvidas :D (algumas não relacionadas a build, porque o link de builds alternativas não esta funcionando pra mim)

1 - Qual vantagem o FF traz pra uma build focada no sorcerer exatamente? eu entendi que é forte e que comba com o Pyro, mas não entendi o porque dessa classe especificamente na build (apesar que gostei bastante do desempenho)

2 - O que você acha da build: Wiz 3 - Thau 1 - Sorc 3 - Necro 3? com as mudanças futuras no Sorc uma build full summon vai ser viavel? (eu curto muito jogar de summoner geralmente)

3 - Vi que você falou de tomar mais dano enquanto estiver na skill Ride, mas no jogo fala que você toma dano reduzido, mudaram algo? E qual vai ser esse update dos summons perdendo HP? (se possivel queria saber de algum forum ou site com infos sobre futuros patchs tbm)

Obrigado por tudo o/
Oct 7th 2018 05:12:04

1 - Tem explicado no guia do FF. O q não conseguiu entender exatamente? No geral, é a sobrevivência e o buff no dano das summons com enervation, além de imunidade usando levitate enquanto monta e etc...

2 - Não curto necro, mas é uma build bem mais viável agora ^^

3 - https://pastebin.com/u/Crevox tu consegue achar a lista das mudanças em no patch Sep 6th, 18
Oct 7th 2018 05:45:49

Obrigado pelas respostas! e entendi, não tinha lido que as skills curavam os summons tambem :D acho que vou testar o necro e se não gostar vou voltar pra essa build, muito bem construido o seu guia ^^

e entendi agora, vai ser um atributo que da 30% de dano mas consome o HP do Demonio e o SP do caster... acho que junto com o atributo do salamion vai valer a pena mesmo
Oct 4th 2018 15:19:11
Bom dia, gostaria de saber se a skill Fire pillar não seria mais interessante que flare ?
Tava pesando em trocar o flare por ela...

Sou novo no tos essa build é uma boa ? to gostando bastante da classe wizzard/pyro
Oct 5th 2018 16:58:11
sim, é uma build boa ^^
Fire pillar serve apenas pelo stun q dá, e n pelo dano.
Oct 9th 2018 04:47:57
ah entendeu... dei uma resetada na build e deixei quase igual só tirei o earthquake pra colocar magic shield, achei mais útil sei lá...
Agora que to no nível 220 to meio que entendendo com a build funciona e cara sorcerer é bem legal kkk logo mais viro FF, só acho meio estranho a mecânica de status no tos, foca tudo(spr) em um e já era kkk

Você me indica a jogar o ToS em qual modo ? atualmente estou usando o modo mouse, o modo teclado achei bem confuso

Obrigado ! alias seguindo seu canal no yt! ajuda bastante também os conteúdos em vídeo
Oct 9th 2018 16:08:41
Leva um tempo pra se acostumar, mas depois q entende fica mais fácil de lidar com os status xD

ToS foi exclusivamente feito pra se jogar com joystick, é o q uso e recomendo.
Sep 26th 2018 06:07:53
ou por wiz 2 pyro 2 sorc 1 necro 3 ff 2, acha que eu perderia mtu?
Sep 26th 2018 05:53:01
TK, to jogando com essa build e tava pensando aqui cmg, como ela e full spr tu acha que compensa por necro 1 no lugar de sorc 3? vlw pela atenção o/
Sep 26th 2018 20:49:36
Com o futuro patch, sorc3 será melhor
Sep 27th 2018 15:34:28
@TKMagnus o q vai mudar com o patch? to meio por fora das atualizações :p
Sep 27th 2018 19:09:21
Expliquei no guia na parte do Sorcerer ^^
Sep 25th 2018 15:52:47
Opa Blz ?

Entao estava falando com um amigo ele disse que seria interessante trocar wizz 2 por piro 3 oque tu acha disso
Sep 25th 2018 21:10:56
Vc perderia o buff q o lethargy da pras skills de pyro e o buff do sleep pras skills de alguns summons. Além de perder o surespell pra utilizar blood sucking do FF. Pyro3 n acrescenta nada q possa justificar perder tudo isso em troca xD
Sep 24th 2018 01:00:19
Adoro suas builds, são sempre muito bem explicadas. Obrigada <3
Sep 24th 2018 01:31:40
thanks <3
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