[Apr 25th 2018] New classes have been added to the skill simulator!

Booty-Making Lovable Pirate ~ iToS

Created by AzureReaper on Mar 31st 2016 (Last Updated: May 2nd 2016).
This is a public build.

So you wish to learn the ways of the Pirate? Glad to hear it, matey. Come along for a grand adventure as we save the Goddesses and pillage the demons for their riches. Ohoho.

Basic Stat Guideline
The general spread would go 3:2:1. So if for example I had 300 STR, I'd have 200 CON and 100 DEX. It's barebones
-This allows you to be extra beefy and survivable, even without a shield later on in the game.
-You'll still be dealing great damage due to Hop, and your friends will like that you can take hits and deal hits in spades.
-Because of Finestra, you can skimp out of Dex and even leave it around 70~90. You'll want Finestra for the Crit, and beyond that Dex really only gives Accuracy and Evasion, which Pelty also gives you.

Rank 1 - Swordsman I
Everyone's gotta start somewhere, right? Well, you've got a ways to go, but you'll get there matey..or lass.

- Bash has absolutely trash damage, but at Level 3 you can get it's knockdown attribute. Thrust is even worse, and you're going Hop so you'll get your Piercing skills soon enough.
- 5 Points in Gung Ho and Concentrate. Mind you concentrate applies to all skills as one hit.
- The remainder into Pain Barrier. Why not go full Pain Barrier? As a Hop/Corsair, your burst comes out fast enough to do it all while under the Pain Barrier. And it's more beneficial to a Cata.

Rank 2 - Peltasta I
Pretty standard Pelty based stuff. Highlander won't suit where we're going, and going further in Swordsman

-1 point in Guardian. The reason why people like it is because of the attribute. Beyond it, it sacrifices your damage and gives you pretty meh Physical Defense.
- 5 Points into Swash Buckling. Matey, this is the very beginning, as it works with what we're doing in the future. Everyone loves this skill because it's cheap aggro for teams to clean house. You'll grow to like it. Just don't aggro bosses accidentally.
- Remainder into the Umbos. The Umbows also have meh damage, but you won't go further in Pelty's tree, so you might as well spend them. Both of the skills have decent CC, in knockback, pushback, and stuns. Be sure to get pelty's utility attributes maxed, they do make differences.

Rank 3 - Hoplite I
This is when you begin to do your soviet damage. Low and behold the bountiful butt-kicker that is Finestra. You'll grow to love this buff, and the damage skills from Hoplite aren't too bad, but do know they have fairly high cooldowns so they aren't ridiculous.

- Ignore Synchro Thrusting. We're not using that, matey.
- 5 Points into Finestra. Yaaar, now we're talking. Copious amounts of Crit Rate, and Block%, for giving away Evasion. Mind you, you get free evasion for Guardian's Attribute. This basically cancels out any fault you had with using it.
- 10 points into both Stabbing and Pierce. Low and behold, Stabbing deals very strong damage provided you get all of the mashing moments out. Bread and butter, you'll use this skill with Pain Barrier to ignore mobs for the most part. Pierce does more hits against larger mob families. It's essentially burst against bosses.

Rank 4 - Hoplite II

-10 total points in Finestra. Now you'll be able to constantly keep it up. With even more Crit Chance and Block%. Getting closer to plundering fools.
-1 point into Spear Lunge. Vulnerability does let you deal more damage with Stabbing and Pierce, but the debuff doesn't increase with level. So it stays 1.
- Long Stride is pointless, honestly. High cooldown, and it doesn't work with us.
- Remainder into Stabbing and Pierce. By now you figured out what skill you like more, so make it 9/10 and 10/10.

Rank 5 - Corsair I
It's time for you to grow your sea legs, scalawag. This is when it gets fun, and you get a pretty sick outfit no matter your gender for going Pirate- err, I mean, Corsair. If you feel as though you'll need it, you can still use a shield on Swap, but you should have enough Con by now to not particularly need it and have a dagger. Stay away from using Arde into late game. It's okay when you first begin as Hoplite into Corsair, but honestly Venom and the Karacha Dagger will start dealing better DPS later on. Plus Arde with DWA kinda...sucks.

-5 points into Dust Devil. While not the best damage dealer, it applies CC, which is good at this point.
-5 points into Jolly Roger. It actually gains ample duration as you skill it up, and it's attribute is extra helpful provided you're the head pirate. Yaaar.
-2 points into Iron Hook and 1 point in Keel Hauling. This isn't particularly a PvP build, but it doesn't have much place elsewhere tbh. Iron Hook actually is decent provided you land it on a monster, and Keel Hauling provides okay damage, a gap-closer, CC, and even a bleed, which you'll have in spades. Just know that Iron Hook doesn't work on bosses. Or else that'd be disgusting~
-0 points in Unlock Chest. Pretty meh, but I suppose if you don't want Iron Hook or Keelhauling you could dump the 3 points here instead.

Rank 6 - Corsair II

- 10 total points into Dust Devil. You'll be using it, so why not?
- 7 total points into Jolly Roger. Again, you actually don't need this much, but this is where I'm comfortable with.
- Leave Iron Hook, Keel Hauling, and Unlock Chest alone.
- 5 Points into Double Weapon Assault. Because your build is very cooldown extensive, this allows you to weave your (dagger) into auto attacks. The active lasts for awhile, and you'll be fine as your skills come back from cooldown.
- 5 points into Hexen Dropper. Oh yes, one of the highest burst skills in all of Swordy. Don't be afraid to let it all hang out. You're all about that burst anyway.

Rank 7 - Dragoon I
Why not Corsair III, you may ask? Because that's mainly for those who want to use Pistols, and even then it's not that good. Corsair II is fine enough. But now it's time for your next venture: Dragoons! Because they still work with 1HSpear/Dagger. 2H Spear should work with majority of your skills, but Pelty & Corsair will lose some of their skills as a result.

- 5 points into Dragoontooth. Damage.
- 5 Points into Serpentine. More Damage, and more Bleeds. Someone's bleeding tonight.
- 0 points into Gae Bulg. It's a pretty good skill, although more for PvP. Throwing your Spear may leave you at a disadvantage in PvE, whereas in PvP you might have just screwed your opponent over.
- 5 points into Dragon Soar. Another CC skill, having aerial knockup/back and is capable of dealing Shock. Deals okay damage, so do it up.

When Rank 8 comes, we'll look into Dragon II, or if something else comes along.
Credit to Autentist and Cathexis for being great inspirations to trying build archetypes and talking about all of them.
Copy Build
Rank 1
circle 1
0 / 5
Swordman2 Repeat
Thrust: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Thrust] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Swordsman 1st Circle required
Thrust: Continuous Attack
Type: Active
* Activates consecutive attacks when using [Thrust] by 1% chance per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Swordsman 1st Circle required
Thrust: Bleeding
Type: Active
* Inflicts [Bleeding] on stunned enemies for 5 seconds with [Thrust]
* Bleeding damage is proportional to character's STR
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Swordsman 2nd Circle required

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Push the point of your weapon into enemies, performing a strong piercing attack.

Level 1:
Attack: 139%
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
SP: 9

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 10s
3 / 5
Swordman1 Blow
Bash: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Bash] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Swordsman 1st Circle required
Bash: Splash
Type: Active
* Increases AoE attack ratio of [Bash] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Swordsman 2nd Circle required
Bash: Knockdown
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Bash] are knocked down
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Lv3 Bash required

[Physical] - [Slash]
Inflict damage on an enemy with a powerful attack.

Level 3:
Attack: 182%
AoE Attack Ratio: 0
SP: 15

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 6s
5 / 5
Gung Ho
Gung Ho: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Amplifies physical damage increase effect and decreased defense effect of [Gung Ho] by 1% per attribute level

Lv3 Gung Ho required
Gung Ho

Become determined by temporarily increasing your attack, while decreasing your defense.

Level 5:
Physical Damage: +18
Physical Defense: -9
Duration: 300 seconds
SP: 19

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 40s
5 / 5
Concentrate: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases additional damage of [Concentrate] by 1% per attribute level

Lv3 Concentrate required

Increases your attack damage.

Level 5:
Additional Damage: +11
Number of Hits: 10
Duration: 45 seconds
SP: 24

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 20s
2 / 5
Pain Barrier
Pain Barrier: Duration
Type: Active
* Increases [Pain Barrier] duration for 5 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Swordsman 3rd Circle required
Pain Barrier

Temporarily grants immunity to being affected by knockback, knockdown and stagger. Also increases the chance to resist status abnormalities.

Level 2:
Duration: 16 seconds
SP: 39

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 39s
Rank 2
circle 1
5 / 5
Umbo Blow
Peltasta12 Impact Peltasta8
Umbo Blow: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Umbo Blow] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Peltasta 1st Circle required
Umbo Blow: Stun
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Umbo Blow] have a 5% chance per attribute level to become afflicted with [Stun] for 3 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Peltasta 1st Circle required
Umbo Blow: Add Knockdown
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Umbo Blow] will be knocked down
* Increases knockdown power by 40 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Peltasta 1st Circle required
Umbo Blow

[Physical] - [Strike]
Use the bump of your shield to attack enemies. Deals additional damage to enemies staggered by a block. If the attack is accurate, 30% of your shield's physical defense is added as extra physical attack and provocation applies 50 times higher.

Level 5:
Attack: 297%
AoE Attack Ratio: 2
SP: 33

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 12s
Required Stance: OneHandSwordShield, OneHandSpearShield, RapierAndShield
4 / 5
Rim Blow
Rim Blow: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Rim Blow] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Peltasta 1st Circle required
Rim Blow

[Physical] - [Strike]
Use the edge of your shield to attack enemies. Inflicts additional damage on both petrified and frozen enemies. If the attack is accurate, 30% of your shield's physical defense is added as extra physical attack and provocation applies 50 times higher.

Level 4:
Attack: 284%
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
SP: 27

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 12s
Required Stance: OneHandSwordShield, OneHandSpearShield, RapierAndShield
5 / 5
Swash Buckling
Swash Buckling: Focused Defense
Type: Active
* Decreases the damage taken by 5% per attribute level for 10 seconds when using [Swash Buckling]

Peltasta 1st Circle required
Swash Buckling: Provoque Specialty
Type: Active
* Increases [Provoke] effects by 10% per attribute level when [Swash Buckling] effect is applied

Peltasta 2nd Circle required
Swash Buckling: Maintain Provocation
Type: Active
* Increases duration of [Swash Buckling] by 1 second per attribute level

Peltasta 2nd Circle required
Swash Buckling

Hit your shield to provoke nearby enemies making them pursue you. Provoked enemies' movement speed increases, and become immune to provoking skill for 30 seconds.

Level 5:
Targets 11
Provoke duration 5 sec
Increases max. no. of targets by 11 for 35 sec
SP: 34

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Required Stance: OneHandSwordShield, OneHandSpearShield, OneHandSwordDagger, OneHandSpearDagger, RapierAndShield, RapierAn
1 / 5
Peltasta23 Peltasta33
Guardian: Evasion
Type: Active
* Increases character's evasion by 50 per attribute level when [Guardian] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Peltasta 1st Circle required
Guardian: Reduce Damage
Type: Active
* Reduces damage received by 20% while [Guardian] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Requires Peltasta Circle 2, Guardian Lv 6

Increases your physical and magic defense. Cannot be used with Gung Ho.

Level 1:
Physical and magic defense +100%
Duration 20 sec
SP: 14

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 50s
Rank 3
circle 1
5 / 5
Hoplite11 Hoplite1
Stabbing: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Stabbing] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Stabbing: Evasion
Type: Active
* Increases evasion by 50 per attribute level while using [Stabbing]
Increases magic defense by 5% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Stabbing: Sure Victory
Type: Active
* Increases continuous count of [Stabbing] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 100%

Hoplite 3rd Circle required

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Repeatedly stab enemies with your spear. Repeated stabs inflicts more damage to enemies.

Level 5:
Attack: 117% x 15
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
Damage increase up to 100%
SP: 44

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
5 / 5
Hoplite14 Hoplite3
Pierce: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Pierce] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Pierce: Continuous Attack
Type: Active
* Deals 4 consecutive hits on boss monsters with [Pierce]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Hoplite 2nd Circle required
Pierce: Bleeding
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Pierce] have a 2% chance per attribute level of being afflicted with [Bleeding] for 6 seconds
* Bleeding damage is proportional to character's physical attack
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Pierce: Repeated Shock
Type: Active
* Number of hits of [Pierce] to enemies afflicted with [Shock] increases by 2
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Hoplite 2nd Circle required

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Attack by piercing enemies with your spear. The larger an enemy is, the more consecutive hits you deal.

Level 5:
Attack: 277%
Medium Target 2 Hits
Large Target 3 Hits
SP: 40

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
5 / 5
Hoplite4 Hoplite9
Finestra: Physical Damage
Type: Active
* Adds 10% of your INT to physical damage while [Finestra] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Finestra: Splash
Type: Active
* Increases AoE attack ratio by 3, but reduces evasion rate by x2 more of the existing value when [Finestra] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 3
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv3 Finestra required

Switch into the Window stance to attack. Increases your critical rate and block, while decreasing evasion.

Level 5:
Critical Chance: +100 Increase
Block 100 Increase
Evasion: -75
Duration: 45 seconds
SP: 48

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 50s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol
0 / 5
Synchro Thrusting
Hoplite13 Hoplite7
Synchro Thrusting: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Synchro Thrusting] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Synchro Thrusting: Pierce
Type: Active
* Decreases [Synchro Thrusting] strike damage by 10% per attribute level
* Increases pierce damage by 10% per attribute level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Synchro Thrusting

[Physical] - [Pierce] - [Strike]
Use your spear and shield to attack enemies. Deals additional damage when an attack is countered.

Level 1:
Attack: 330%
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
SP: 24

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 15s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearShield, OneHandSwordShield
Rank 4
circle 2
10 / 10
Hoplite11 Hoplite1
Stabbing: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Stabbing] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Stabbing: Evasion
Type: Active
* Increases evasion by 50 per attribute level while using [Stabbing]
Increases magic defense by 5% per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 10

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Stabbing: Sure Victory
Type: Active
* Increases continuous count of [Stabbing] by 1 per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 100%

Hoplite 3rd Circle required

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Repeatedly stab enemies with your spear. Repeated stabs inflicts more damage to enemies.

Level 10:
Attack: 143% x 15
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
Damage increase up to 100%
SP: 71

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
9 / 10
Hoplite14 Hoplite2 Hoplite3 Hoplite29
Pierce: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Pierce] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Pierce: Continuous Attack
Type: Active
* Deals 4 consecutive hits on boss monsters with [Pierce]
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Hoplite 2nd Circle required
Pierce: Bleeding
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Pierce] have a 2% chance per attribute level of being afflicted with [Bleeding] for 6 seconds
* Bleeding damage is proportional to character's physical attack
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Pierce: Repeated Shock
Type: Active
* Number of hits of [Pierce] to enemies afflicted with [Shock] increases by 2
* Increases SP consumption by 30%

Hoplite 2nd Circle required

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Attack by piercing enemies with your spear. The larger an enemy is, the more consecutive hits you deal.

Level 9:
Attack: 327%
Medium Target 2 Hits
Large Target 3 Hits
SP: 58

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
10 / 10
Hoplite4 Hoplite9
Finestra: Physical Damage
Type: Active
* Adds 10% of your INT to physical damage while [Finestra] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Finestra: Splash
Type: Active
* Increases AoE attack ratio by 3, but reduces evasion rate by x2 more of the existing value when [Finestra] is active
* Increases SP consumption by 3
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv3 Finestra required

Switch into the Window stance to attack. Increases your critical rate and block, while decreasing evasion.

Level 10:
Critical Chance: +150 Increase
Block 175 Increase
Evasion: -150
Duration: 60 seconds
SP: 77

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 50s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol
0 / 10
Synchro Thrusting
Hoplite13 Hoplite7
Synchro Thrusting: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Synchro Thrusting] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Synchro Thrusting: Pierce
Type: Active
* Decreases [Synchro Thrusting] strike damage by 10% per attribute level
* Increases pierce damage by 10% per attribute level

Hoplite 1st Circle required
Synchro Thrusting

[Physical] - [Pierce] - [Strike]
Use your spear and shield to attack enemies. Deals additional damage when an attack is countered.

Level 1:
Attack: 330%
AoE Attack Ratio: 1
SP: 24

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 15s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearShield, OneHandSwordShield
0 / 5
Long Stride
Hoplite12 Hoplite30
Long Stride: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Long Stride] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 2nd Circle required
Long Stride: Stun
Type: Active
* [Long Stride] stuns enemies for 0.5 sec per attribute level
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Hoplite 2nd Circle required
Long Stride

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Inflicts damage to enemies by jumping to your designated location. Damage increases in proportion to inventory weight. Additional damage does not exceed a maximum of 100%.

Level 1:
Attack: 415%
Targets 10
SP: 28

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearPistol
1 / 5
Spear Lunge
Spear Lunge: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Spear Lunge] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Hoplite 2nd Circle required
Spear Lunge

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Stab an enemy in front of you to make it more vulnerable to [Pierce]-type attacks.

Level 1:
Attack: 478%
Duration 6 seconds
SP: 16

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol
Rank 5
circle 1
5 / 5
Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger: Unity
Type: Active
* Nullifies an enemy's attack by a certain chance when [Jolly Roger] is active
* Applies the chance by 0.5% per attribute level and increases chances depending on number of pirate members
* Does not apply if nobody other than you is a pirate member
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv2 Jolly Roger required
Jolly Roger

Place a flag that raises the combat abilities of the pirate crew. A combo is activated if multiple enemies are defeated near the Jolly Roger. Achieving a combo of 300 activates a fever buff that grants additional damage to missile attacks.

Level 5:
Flag Duration: 35 seconds
Missile Attack Damage: +27%
Fever Duration: 10 seconds
SP: 64

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
2 / 5
Iron Hook
Iron Hook: Chain
Type: Active
* Sequentially fling up to 3 enemies with [Iron Hook]
* Cannot use [Keel Hauling] while capturing multiple enemies
* Unable to turn ON/OFF during [Guard]

Corsair 1st Circle required
Iron Hook

Capture enemies with a hook.

Level 2:
Capture Time: 6 seconds
SP: 39

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
1 / 5
Keel Hauling
Corsair11 Corsair4
Keel Hauling: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Keel Hauling] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Corsair 1st Circle required
Keel Hauling: Bleeding
Type: Active
* Inflicts [Bleeding] on enemies attacked with [Keel Hauling] for 5 seconds
* Increases the duration of [Bleeding] by 1 second per attribute level
* Bleeding damage is proportional to character's STR
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Corsair 1st Circle required
Keel Hauling

[Physical] - [Strike]
Drag and pull enemies captured with Iron Hook. The enemy will receive damage each time it is pulled.

Level 1:
Attack: 806% x 2
SP: 31

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
5 / 5
Dust Devil
Dust Devil: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dust Devil] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Corsair 1st Circle required
Dust Devil

[Physical] - [Slash] [{img tooltip_speedofatk}Attack Speed]
As you spin, attack an enemy repeatedly using a weapon in each hand. The enemy will be immobilized temporarily. If the attack is accurate, applies 80% physical attack + 60% subweapon physical attack.

Level 5:
Attack: 236% x 3
SP: 54

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Required Stance: OneHandSwordDagger, OneHandSpearDagger, RapierAndDagger, OneHandSwordPistol, RapierAndPistol, OneHandSpea
Rank 6
circle 2
7 / 10
Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger: Unity
Type: Active
* Nullifies an enemy's attack by a certain chance when [Jolly Roger] is active
* Applies the chance by 0.5% per attribute level and increases chances depending on number of pirate members
* Does not apply if nobody other than you is a pirate member
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv2 Jolly Roger required
Jolly Roger

Place a flag that raises the combat abilities of the pirate crew. A combo is activated if multiple enemies are defeated near the Jolly Roger. Achieving a combo of 300 activates a fever buff that grants additional damage to missile attacks.

Level 7:
Flag Duration: 35 seconds
Missile Attack Damage: +33%
Fever Duration: 10 seconds
SP: 78

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 35s
2 / 10
Iron Hook
Iron Hook: Chain
Type: Active
* Sequentially fling up to 3 enemies with [Iron Hook]
* Cannot use [Keel Hauling] while capturing multiple enemies
* Unable to turn ON/OFF during [Guard]

Corsair 1st Circle required
Iron Hook

Capture enemies with a hook.

Level 2:
Capture Time: 6 seconds
SP: 39

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
1 / 10
Keel Hauling
Corsair11 Corsair4
Keel Hauling: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Keel Hauling] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Corsair 1st Circle required
Keel Hauling: Bleeding
Type: Active
* Inflicts [Bleeding] on enemies attacked with [Keel Hauling] for 5 seconds
* Increases the duration of [Bleeding] by 1 second per attribute level
* Bleeding damage is proportional to character's STR
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Corsair 1st Circle required
Keel Hauling

[Physical] - [Strike]
Drag and pull enemies captured with Iron Hook. The enemy will receive damage each time it is pulled.

Level 1:
Attack: 806% x 2
SP: 31

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 25s
10 / 10
Dust Devil
Dust Devil: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dust Devil] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Corsair 1st Circle required
Dust Devil

[Physical] - [Slash] [{img tooltip_speedofatk}Attack Speed]
As you spin, attack an enemy repeatedly using a weapon in each hand. The enemy will be immobilized temporarily. If the attack is accurate, applies 80% physical attack + 60% subweapon physical attack.

Level 10:
Attack: 289% x 3
SP: 86

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Required Stance: OneHandSwordDagger, OneHandSpearDagger, RapierAndDagger, OneHandSwordPistol, RapierAndPistol, OneHandSpea
5 / 5
Double Weapon Assault
Double Weapon Assault

Temporarily connects your basic attacks and dagger attacks.

Level 5:
Able to use your dagger
without delay after normal attacks
Duration: 5 minutes
Additional damage 55%
SP: 70

Type: Melee / Buff
Cooldown: 60s
5 / 5
Hexen Dropper
Hexen Dropper: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Hexen Dropper] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Corsair 2nd Circle required
Hexen Dropper

[Physical] - [Pierce] [{img tooltip_speedofatk}Attack Speed]
Use a weapon in each hand to deal successive strikes on an enemy. If the attack is accurate, applies 80% physical attack + 60% subweapon physical attack.

Level 5:
Attack: 185% x 7
SP: 63

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 28s
Required Stance: OneHandSwordDagger, OneHandSpearDagger, RapierAndDagger, OneHandSwordPistol, RapierAndPistol, OneHandSpea
Rank 7
circle 1
5 / 5
Dragontooth: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dragontooth] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Dragoon 1st Circle required

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Rotate your spear using centrifugal force to attack an enemy. Critical attack rate is doubled, and the skill gives additional effects based on the type of equipped spear.

Level 5:
Attack: 181% x 6
Ignores 50% of enemy defense when using a Two-handed Spear
Critical damage +10% when using a One-handed Spear
SP: 115

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 15s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol
5 / 5
Dragoon3 Dragoon4
Serpentine: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Serpentine] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Dragoon 1st Circle required
Serpentine: Bleeding
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Serpentine] have a 2% chance per attribute level of being afflicted with [Bleeding] for 8 seconds
* Bleeding damage is proportional to character's physical attack
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Dragoon 1st Circle required
Serpentine: Additional Damage
Type: Active
* Enemies affected by [Serpentine] become vulnerable to physical melee attacks for 10 seconds and attacks gain 50% additional damage
* Increases SP consumption by 50%

Dragoon 2nd Circle Required

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Use your spear to deal continuous damage to enemies in front of you.

Level 5:
Attack: 136% x 7
SP: 128

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 20s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol
0 / 5
Gae Bulg
Dragoon5 Dragoon6 Dragoon7
Gae Bulg: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Gae Bulg] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Dragoon 1st Circle required
Gae Bulg: Defense Zone
Type: Active
* Creates a defense zone for 15 seconds where the spear is thrown
* Increases physical defense and magic defense by 8% for party members within the zone
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv. 5 Gae Bulg required
Gae Bulg: Attack Zone
Type: Active
* Creates attack zone for 15 seconds where the spear is thrown. Increases physical attack and magic attack by 8% for party members within the zone
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Lv. 5 Gae Bulg required
Gae Bulg: Retrieve
Type: Active
* Spear thrown by skill [Gae Bulg] is automatically retrieved
* Increase SP consumption by 50%

Dragoon 3rd Circle Required
Gae Bulg

[Physical] - [Pierce]
Attack several enemies within a radius by throwing a spear. Damaged enemies will temporarily become weaker to physical property attacks. The thrown spear must be picked up to use it again.

Level 1:
Attack: 1008%
Status Ailment Duration: 5.5 seconds
SP: 58

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 30s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol
5 / 5
Dragon Soar
Dragoon8 Dragoon9 Dragoon16
Dragon Soar: Enhance
Type: Passive
* Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dragon Soar] by 0.5% per attribute level
* +10% added damage at maximum level

Dragoon 1st Circle required
Dragon Soar: Shock
Type: Active
* Enemies hit by [Dragon Soar] have a 5% chance per attribute level to be afflicted with [Shock] for 10 seconds
* Increases SP consumption by 10%

Dragoon 1st Circle required
Dragon Soar: Ascension
Type: Active
Applies double the hits with [Dragon Soar]
* Increases SP consumption by 200%

Requires Dragon Soar Lv 11
Dragon Soar

[Physical] - [Slash]
Vault into the air while swinging your spear upwards. Deals additional damage to flying enemies.

Level 5:
Attack: 196% x 5
+30% increased damage to flying type enemies
SP: 92

Type: Melee / Attack
Cooldown: 15s
Required Stance: OneHandSpearArtefact, OneHandSpearShield, TwoHandSpear, OneHandSpearDagger, OneHandSpearPistol

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